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 <h1>Published reports and logbook accounts</h1>
-<p>The website is now CUCC's primary method of publishing information 
+<p>The website is now CUCC's primary method of publishing information
 about its Austrian expeditions. The paper journal "Cambridge
-Underground" was last published in 1999. The articles referenced below
-are classified according to the expedition which preceded the
-publication. Hardly any references deal with more than one year's
-expo. The reference numbers given below, such as "80.1739", are from 
-"<b>Current Titles in Speleology</b>", where the article has made it 
-there. Otherwise "<b>no CTS</b>" indicates that the article is either 
-not referenced by Current Titles in Speleology or the reference has 
-not been looked up:</p>
+Underground" was last published in 2012. The
+articles referenced below are classified according to the expedition
+which preceded the publication. Hardly any references deal with more
+than one year's expo. The reference numbers given below, such as
+"80.1739", are from "<b>Current Titles in Speleology</b>", where the
+article has made it there. Otherwise "<b>no CTS</b>" indicates that
+the article is either not referenced by Current Titles in Speleology
+or the reference has not been looked up:</p>
 <h3 style="text-align: center">Lists of published accounts for</h3>
 <p style="text-align: center">
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ not been looked up:</p>
 <a href="years/2014/logbook.html">2014</a> <b>|</b>
 <a href="years/2015/logbook.html">2015</a> <b>|</b>
 <a href="years/2016/logbook.html">2016</a> <b>|</b>
+<a href="years/2017/logbook.html">2017</a> <b>|</b>
 <hr />
 <h4>Accounts following CUCC <a id="pubs1976" href="years/1976/" name="pubs1976">Austria 1976</a></h4>
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 <p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Post-Expo Documentation</span></p>
+  <li><a href="logbook.html">Logbook</a></li>
   <li><a href="http://ukcaving.com/board/index.php?topic=22020.0">Caver's Forum Rope Sponsorship Updates</a></li>
   <li><a href="topcamplist.html">Things left at Top Camp 2017</a></li>
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+<title>2017 Expo Logbook</title></head>
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+<body id="logbk">
+<h1>CUCC Expo Logbook 2017</h1>
+<div class="tripdate" id="t2017-07-18a">2017-07-18 - 2017-07-20</div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Chris</u>, Elliott, Katey</div>
+<div class="triptitle">Tunnocks – 1<sup>st</sup> camping trip
+<p>The team out in
+the first week had done a tremendous job, rigging Tunnocks down to
+Kraken in 3 days. After arriving we washed, dried and stuffed 1km of
+rope into tacklesacks and carried half of it up the hill. On Tuesday
+morning we packed the camp kit, drill, rigging gear and Elliott
+managed to cart a 200m bag of rope down to camp. I fettled the
+rigging as required on the way in eg a deviation on Magic Glue and
+eliminating a catchy rub at the bottom of Inferno, which now lands on
+a rock bridge, saving ~10m further descent and re-ascent. I added a
+traverse line and descending Kraken was rewarded by the green glow
+from the Camp Kraken tent. Katey and Elliott had had to drain it and
+scrape the mould off the floor to make it habitable – even having
+to scrape calcite off the zip to get in. It was a comfortable night. 
+<p><i>NB - Elliott
+from here:</i></p>
+<p>Day 2 saw us
+heading down to the pushing front at Paw Paw passage. All was left
+rigged, bar the Song of the Earth ramp. ~120m of disappeared on that
+one. We carried on to the mud sump (-902m) and took some photos. We
+retraced a small continuation when a more modern stream (read
+trickle) had carved out a bit of the mud. Katey went for it and found
+it too tight… she did notice a draft however, albeit a small one. 
+<p>Onto Paw Paw,
+katey climbed the C6 left last year and bolted it. The passage up a
+rifty (but still phreatic) section, approx. 3 – 6m wide, 6m high,
+still drafting. At this point, Elliott climbed an aven to the left
+(West) whilst Chris and Katey surveyed. Two rift passages soon
+crapped out. Elliott’s aven (‘Aye, there’s the rub’) rises
+for ~25m before leading to a ~20m pitch. Katey found a rising tube to
+the North about halfway up the climb, 2 pitches here, again ~20m. Out
+of rope, battery and willpower, we headed back to camp. 
+<p>Next day
+(Thursday) we headed out. Left camp at 10am, out between 13:00 -
+<p>T/U: 52 hrs</p>
+<p>11/7/17				<u>Rob,
+Rigging trip #1: Entrance Series</i></p>
+<p>After a slow
+start at base camp, Luke, Brendan, Nathan and myself went up the hill
+so Brendan could have lunch. This done, we had to go caving, myself
+and Luke tasked with rigging Tunnocks, using Anthony’s 2015 rigging
+topo as a guide for the entrance series. The rig was very faffy and
+not much grease had been used on the derig last year which didn’t
+help. After much faff, we reached the snow slope which was sporting
+some very large icicles at the bottom. Out and back for 9pm. 
+<p>T/U: 6 hrs</p>
+<p>12/7/17				<u>Rob,
+Rigging trip #2: bottom of String Theory</i></p>
+<p>After failing to
+locate any ropes longer than 61m, myself, and Luke headed back to
+Tunnocks, underground at the more respectable time of 11am rather
+than 3pm. I fettled the entrance rig a bit on the way in, replacing
+some ropes and some of Luke’s krabs whilst he rigged Caramel
+Catharsis. This done, we went to rig the traverse across Usual
+Susspects, which wasn’t very nice. I missed quite a few of the
+naturals the first time around, which Luke then found and added in
+with some red mammut tat – recommend that this is left in on the
+derig – while I rigged String Theory. This made a relaxing change
+from the Entrance Series and Usual Susspects traverse. Then on the
+way out we fettled the Entrance Series a bit more. Still not ideal,
+but when has it ever been perfect? Icicles still there. Bit
+dangerous, should probably destroy them in a controlled manner before
+they chop us or the ropes to bits. 
+<p>T/U: 7 hrs</p>
+<p>13/7/17				<u>Rob,
+Rigging trip #3: 1</i><sup><i>st</i></sup><i> rebelay, Number of the
+<p>With me having a
+plane to catch and having had all evening the night before to pack
+gear, a very efficient start was had, underground by 9am! Luke went
+ahead to rig Procrastination whilst I again fettled the Entrance
+Series (icicles still there) and Caramel Catharsis, where a rope
+protector cannot prevent rub from the single bolt hang at the top,
+where there was a shit Y hang using a thread last year. Then I went
+to assist Luke, who had run out of hangers and had also missed some
+bolts. After a bit of faffing, the rig was almost perfect and we were
+on to rig the shit little traverse and pitch before Bring on the
+Clowns. It was barely gone 1pm at this point, so we decided to see
+how far a 39m rope can get you down Number of the Beast.it turns out
+you can get to the first rebelay (though this length + my rigging
+style rendered it a little tight later). Then out and down the hill
+to print boarding passes and rigging topos. 
+<p>Note: the y-hang
+at the top of NOTB should be a bunny ears style knot for ease of safe
+<p>T/U: 7 hrs</p>
+<p>11/7/17				<u>Nathan,
+rigging trip</i></p>
+<p>Rigged Balcony
+entrance series with 100m + 20m rope following Nathanael’s 2016
+rigging topo. 
+<p>T/U: 2 hrs</p>
+<p>12/7/17				<u>Nathan,
+</u>Nadia, Mark</p>
+rigging, Hilti-a-plenty</i></p>
+Hilti-a-Plenty pitches with 80m rope using Martin’s rigging topo. 
+<p>T/U: 3 hrs</p>
+<u>Nathan, </u>George, Luke</p>
+rigging to bottom of Kraken</i></p>
+<p>Rigged Tunnocks
+from NOTB to Kraken, missed rebelay on Inferno and decided it
+required a longer rope. Rigging done by: Luke (Widow Twanky’s and
+Kraken); George (Magic Glue and Inferno).</p>
+<p>T/U: 10 hrs</p>
+<p>17/7/17				<u>Nathan,
+Sloppy Seconds</i></p>
+<p>Went down Balcony
+to Bat Country and dropped a B lead near Galactica. Pitch rigged
+using 50m rope (<i><u>see both rigging guides drawn in book</u></i>).
+Turned back at next pitch due to lack of rope. 
+<p>T/U: 8 hrs</p>
+<p>18/7/17				<u>Nathan,
+</u>George, Becka</p>
+Sloppy Seconds again</i></p>
+pitch/traverse to ~100m good horizontal passage. Ended in multiple
+pitches with horizontal continuations over them. Surveyed. 
+<p>T/U: 9 hrs 
+<p>20/7/17				<u>Nathan,
+</u>Adam, Rachel</p>
+Sloppy Seconds 2</i></p>
+<p>Dropped 20m pitch
+in Sloppy Seconds to immature meander; found small horizontal
+passages that all crapped out in mud and immature meanders.</p>
+<p>T/U: 9 hrs</p>
+<p>25/7/17			<u>Lydia,
+</u>Corin, Ash, Michael</p>
+Cathedral Chasm</i></p>
+<p>This was the mine
+and Corin’s first trip underground whilst on expo. Ash took us down
+Balcony to Cathedral Chasm. He gave us a lesson in surveying which
+was great because he uses a PDA which – so I am told – is a very
+efficient surveying technique. We surveyed a total of 79m in about 2
+hours. By the end of this we had found 1 QMC and 2 QMBs, one of which
+resulted in a grim Mendip crawl that only Ash was keen to survey.
+Michael thinks that the other B lead could connect to Tunnocks… we
+will see. 
+<p><i>NB: Ash’s
+alternative account</i></p>
+<p>After the rain
+prevented caving the day before, the four of us set off to Balcony at
+long last. Got underground just before midday and soon we reached the
+bottom of the entrance series. Lydia and Corin had not been into
+Balcony before so this was a nice introduction to Austrian caving.
+Successfully remembered the route to the Trident junction turn off.
+Lydia rigged the intermediate 10m pitch. The bolts had been left in
+by Luke who had removed a slightly too short rope. I showed the
+others the bat skeletons just before we got to the rift B lead we had
+planned to explore. I taught Corin and Lydia how to survey in
+paperless style so progress was slow but successful. The rift
+interconnected in a couple of places before heading off in the
+direction of Tunnocks. Passed an aven – possibly freclimbable QMB -
+before getting to a 4-way junction with 2 QMBs and a QMC. Pushed one
+of the QMBs which got smaller and turned into a crawl. Michael called
+for a ‘Mendip caver’ up front so I pushed a squeeze leading to a
+more sideways thrutchy crawl. This continued for 30m through a couple
+of other squeezes before crapping out. I then did a 1-man disto
+mission to survey it. 
+<p>Meanwhile Corin
+and Lydia took some photos. Michael and I caught them up and we then
+exited the cave. Entrance pitch was a bit drippy and quite cold.</p>
+<p>T/U: 7 hrs</p>
+<p>18/7/17				<u>Brendan,
+</u>Luke, Phil</p>
+photos, tourists</i></p>
+<p>Went down Balcony
+for a quick refresher trip in order to re-familiarise myself with the
+cave. Luke helped guide when I went the wrong way and also did some
+rigging. Most of the way from the entrance to Ice Cock had been left
+rigged from the previous year. I took a photograph of the Ice Cock
+aven ice waterfall, photo available on UKCaving blog and from me.</p>
+<p>T/U: 5 hrs</p>
+<p>21/7/17				<u>Philip
+W, </u>Rachel, Nadia, Elliott</p>
+<p><i>Balcony –
+destroying Galactica</i></p>
+<p>Elliot, Nadia,
+Rachel and I went down to Galactica to survey it and drop a rift
+pitch at its northern end. Rachel and I drew triangles all over the
+floor surveying it whilst Elliott and Nadia dropped the pitch in
+cheesy rock. It crapped out wetly. This leaves a wet QMC below the
+entrance pitch to Galactica and no other leads. Galactica is dead.</p>
+<p>T/U: 10 hrs</p>
+<p>19/7/17				<u>Becka,
+</u>Adam, George and Rachel</p>
+<p><i>Balcony –
+Natural Highs</i></p>
+<p>Aim was to drop
+the famed QMA (9A) lead on the right at the handline up at the end of
+the Natural Highs traverse. Rachel started bolting and then
+recognised she had been on the shelf on the opposite side in 2015.
+Then Adam and I found a way halfway down the pitch form the rabbit
+warren at the far end of Natural Highs down to an easy free climb.
+Her ewe could see the others’ lights and there were bolts already
+in to drop the rest of the pitch. Rachel had nearly finished rigging
+but we decided to give up given that it had already been dropped. 
+<p>20/7/17				<u>Becka,
+and refind of 1623/110</i></p>
+<p>No GPS so we were
+relying on phones for location. We headed off beyond the cross
+country ski-pole line after refinding 2010-07 and 2010-01. Right next
+to 2010-01 is a drafting shaft blocked by very loose boulders which
+could perhaps be dug out in a couple of hours.  
+<p>Found an open
+10m+ shaft, ~3x2m opening. 33W 550789E 7885325N, 524067Y 3117175X
+according to Martin’s phone – may not be correct!</p>
+<p>Second open
+shaft, ~20m deep, 2x0.7m opening, tagged CUCC-2017-03, same location
+as above 10m+ shaft. 
+<p>Only find
+definitely worth returning to was a refind of 1623/110, had very
+faded red paint and fitted the description (I crawled in quite a way
+in a T-shirt, painful and low but an excellent draft). Tagged
+CUCC-2017-04 but no bolt for tag so just got balanced. On my phone’s
+GPS cords were 47.693408, 13.812227 or 47°41’36.3”N,
+13°48’44.0”E. The cave is on the Top Camp side of the ski pole
+line by 100 – 150m, maybe 1.1km from Top Camp.[SKETCH IN LOG BOOK].
+<p>T/U: 1.5 hrs</p>
+<p>22/7/17				<u>Phil
+W, </u>Nadia</p>
+<p>A bad weather
+forecast saw most of Top Camp head out prospecting instead of caving.
+Nadia found and tagged 2 caves, one of which crapped out quickly
+(2017-NR-01). The other was a 20m pitch which crapped out in 2 tight
+directions at the bottom (2017-NR-02). Good bolting practice though.
+Both tagged, notes and photos taken. 
+<p>T/U: 0.5 hrs</p>
+<p>21/7/17 –
+23/7/17			<u>Becka, </u>George, Luke</p>
+<p><i>Tunnocks –
+Camp Kraken</i></p>
+</i>underground at 10am, camp at 12:30 including Luke adding a couple
+of spits on Kraken pitch. Then took 90 minutes to get to top of pitch
+Elliott climbed beyond the mud sump in Song of the Earth. George
+rigged a traverse then an airy pitch to whoops – it was a huge
+chamber! We surveyed around the outside and then had a second wander
+around it but despit some dodgy free-climbing by George (aided by
+Luke providing a memorable foothold) and plenty of scary furtling
+amongst really loose boulders we couldn’t find a way on. We
+derigged the pitch; then George spent 2 more hours trying to find a
+higher level way on to no avail despite the strong draft. Eventually
+we set off back to camp at 8pm with Luke pulling through to retrieve
+Elliott’s rope and derigging the long set of pitches/traverses in
+Song of the Earth. Back at camp at 10:30 after a long day out. 
+</i>Luke started rigging the pitch to the left of Indian Rope Trick
+whilst George climbed the boulder ramp below Indian Rope Trick with
+me belaying. This lead to a large, low phreatic passage which we
+surveyed and eventually looped to the pitch Luke had rigged and to a
+pitch down to a significant streamway and a large pool. Sadly we
+couldn’t get down to it as the 2<sup>nd</sup> and last drill
+battery died as soon as George tried to rig it. We finished the
+survey and then ran all around Slackers to check out other potential
+leads; we also surveyed 2 QMs, finishing one and leaving another as a
+good ongoing lead [<i>this later turned into Grike of the Earth]</i>.
+</i>headed out taking up to 3.5 hrs to prussik out followed by a
+swift trot down the hill as everyone else (nearly) seemed to be
+having the weekend off. 
+<p>T/U: 14 hrs, 24
+hrs, 11 hrs</p>
+<p>23/7/17				<u>Phil
+W, </u>Nadia</p>
+<p><i>Prospecting –
+Bad Forecast (2017-PW-01) found</i></p>
+<p>Due to another
+apocalyptic weather forecast, Phil and Nadia decided to do another
+day of prospecting north of Balcony rather than potentially getting
+marooned down a cave. We went back to a potential lead at a cave
+tagged 2012-OK-01, for which the existing prospecting notes were
+along the lines of ‘tagged, undropped, unsurveyed’. Not quite as
+bad as some of the notes for prospects, which were along the lines of
+‘lost’. We dropped 2012-OK-01 off 3 naturals, to find a pleasant
+amount of nothingness with a peephole through to a depression in the
+plateau. Another one crossed off the list.</p>
+<p>We then went back
+to a potential lead north of 2011-01. Shining a headtorch down it
+showed a passage and a lot of dry dust. A handline was rigged (p8,
+45° slope) gave us access to a cave. With a drafting phreatic
+passage leading off at 45° down at the bottom. We followed this down
+30m until the slope angle increased and a rope was needed (which we
+didn’t have). Surveyed, photos and GPS coordinates taken. QMA!
+Nadia christened the cave ‘Bad Forecast’ since it turned out
+sunny all day.</p>
+<p>T/U: 5 hrs</p>
+<p>6/8/17					<u>Kristian,
+</u>George, Becka</p>
+<p>‘<i>The Beast’
+has fallen #gloriousendings #whataday #pokemon</i></p>
+<p><i>Based on tunes
+originally whistled by Kristian Brook</i></p>
+<p>I woke at 10am to
+find Becka screaming that she had not gone caving in 24 hours (it had
+only been 13 hours). Whilst George was laughing he asked me if I was
+keen for a trip; I responded by packing my caving gear. The
+destination was ‘The Beast’ to explore a window George had seen
+when he last went there. After the 50000000 rebelays of the Tunnocks
+Entrance Series we made it to the top of the Beast. Becka and I
+descended the Beast in order to survey whilst George took a drill and
+2 dubious batteries in order to rig a separate shaft called ‘Not
+the Beast’. We would link into the window at the bottom of The
+Beast in order to look at virgin passage. 
+<p>George set off
+down the passage first and crossed a low risk, high severity
+traverse. This was rigged with the remaining rope that we had and
+whatever naturals we could see. The dubious rigging inspired the
+passage name ‘Rig-a-Mortis’. There were 3 streams passing through
+the passage and sinking into person sized stream passage. These leads
+would have been pushed enthusiastically in the UK but in this
+situation they were too cold to push on. A trip back with a wetsuit
+is recommended if they are to be further looked at. On the way out
+Becka derigged The Beast and George derigged ‘Not the Beast’. I
+was knackered going out of the cave so Becka and George took all the
+rope and bolting kit out. Exited the cave at 2am, 13 hours
+underground; a new personal best for myself.</p>
+<p>T/U: 13 hrs</p>
+<p>24/7/17				<u>Phil
+W, </u>everyone else</p>
+<p>Everyone in Top
+Camp festered because they were scared of the high water levels.
+Nobody caved.</p>
+<p>T/U: sweet fuck
+<p>6/8/17					<u>Jacob,
+<p><i>Guten Morgen
+Höhle, trip #1</i></p>
+<p>After walking
+across to the Organhohle bivvy in the rainm and then getting cooped
+up by the weather, Elaine and I decided to push GMH, a lead very
+close to the bivvy which had been followed to a T-shaped rift by
+Haydon and Elaine a few days before. The cave starts with a choss
+slope and then appears to end, but up to the right a short bolt climb
+across the T-shaped rift leads to further passage. We followed it
+past a junction approximately 25m through a fairly tight section to
+an undropped pitch. [SKETCH SURVEY IN BOOK]	</p>
+<p>T/U: 1 hr</p>
+<p>7/8/17					<u>Jacob,
+<p><i>Guten Morgen
+Höhle, trip #2</i></p>
+<p>Elaine and I
+returned to GMH the following day to bolt the pitch and survey the
+cave as nothing had been surveyed past the entrance pitch so far.
+Below the 12m pitch at the end of the T-shaped rift (‘Waterfall
+Rift’) there were several horizontal leads. Down a short climb put
+us in a chamber with several routes leading off from it. On the right
+a short rift a short rift leads into a small chamber with drips
+coming from a small hole in the ceiling. Also on the right is a low
+crawl which reached a sandy junction and immediately crapped out
+<p>On the left from
+the chamber a fairly large section of walking passage continues past
+a hole in the floor to a junction, the left hand route leading to a
+drippy aven and a small stream which we did not follow (it was quite
+committing and damp) and the right hand route led to a promising
+little pitch. Because we had left the surveying gear at the top of
+the pitch, we turned back at this point and surveyed from the pitch
+head to the cave entrance. Just as we reached the choss slope, Haydon
+and Elliott arrived, having got fed up with the Organ Grinder.
+Elliott helped us survey the pitch while Haydon went to have a look
+at what we had found. [SKETCH SURVEY IN LOGBOOK]</p>
+<p>T/U: 5 hrs</p>
+<p>25/7/17				<u>Nathan,</u>
+Phil W</p>
+<p><i>Bad Forecast
+<p>Found ~40m
+horizontal passage heading due east at 45°, passage ended in ~35m
+pitch dropping into large phreatic passage. Way on is undropped 20m
+pitch to the north that lands in a large continuation. [RIGGING TOPO
+<p>The continuation
+chamber has several avens in the roof, as does the choked phreatic
+chamber. Hopefully it doesn’t crap out with breakdown debris from
+the roof, since it looks as if it lies on a fault. Progress down the
+passage prior to the 40m pitch was slow due to bulldozering several
+cubic metres of cobbles dow the passage continuously. We got to know
+some of these cobbles quite well.</p>
+<p>T/U: 7 hrs</p>
+<p>27/7/17				<u>Ash,
+</u>Elliott, Elaine</p>
+<p><i>Balcony –
+Cathedral Chasm</i></p>
+<p>Went back to
+Cathedral Chasm to finish off what we had done the day before.
+Started by going left at the junction, this was after rigging the
+traverse to Cathedral Chasm (17m) and letting Elliott loose at the
+top of the really loose pitch. 
+<p>Elaine and I
+surveyed along, eventually reaching an aven and pitch. Both crapped
+out, with the small stream we found en route disappearing into a
+pebbly floor. There was a bat skeleton at the top of the aven. 
+<p>Elliott then met
+up with us to inform that the pitch had crapped out. I joined him to
+survey it, apparently it got very wet and loose near the bottom of
+the first drop. A definite QMC, but around 80m surveyed. 
+<p>Elaine had become
+rather cold at this point so we got her bolting a B lead traverse
+with [ASH COME ON WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS SAY] I went digging. 5
+trowel fulls of earth made it through. The lead then crapped out
+after 10m. I then put some conservation tape around the 3 bat
+skeletons in the main passage. By this time Elaine had finished the
+traverse, so we headed out leaving the lead to be completed later.</p>
+<p>T/U: 9 hrs</p>
+<p>28/7/17				<u>Ash</u>,
+Luke, Adam, Kristian</p>
+<p><i>Balcony –
+Nothing to See</i></p>
+<p>After hearing
+about Luke’s many QMAs I decided to join him on a trip down
+Hilti-a-Plenty to ‘Nothing to See’ just below Bat Country.
+Kristian and I crapped out 2 QMAs whilst Adam bolted a pitch, being
+supervised by Luke. One of our leads went for ~20m before ending in a
+little chamber. The other went to a large which could link into
+<p>We then took some
+pictures of ‘Dinosaur Bones’ found by Kristian which looked and
+felt a lot like rocks. Then we went down to the pitch that Adam and
+Luke had rigged and surveyed it. This ends in a rift that also looked
+like it connected into Galactica. 
+<p>Deciding that we
+hadn’t yet done enough caving we then went to another pitch lead,
+starting with a dodgy free climb which we then put a handline on.
+Kristian began rigging the pitch. Two of us went down a tight C-lead
+which popped out halfway down the pitch. [	UNTRANSLATABLE SENTENCE,
+PROBABLY NOT EVEN IMPORTANT]. Then in a very tight bedding heading
+toward Galactica which I decided was too tight after a dogleg. We
+then reconvened before the batteries died on the drill. Left the rope
+and [OTHER HORRIBLE WORD]	to cave back to find the pitch Kristian
+started. The prussik out was long but efficient, with Kristian taking
+a bit longer due to the ‘bones’ he decided to take out. Still a
+fair bit to do down here. 
+<p>T/U: 8 hrs</p>
+<p>25/07/17 –
+27/7/17				<u>Nadia, </u>Chris, Haydon</p>
+<p><i>Camp Kraken –
+Densham Master Cave, Grike of the Earth, Bullshit in a China Shop</i></p>
+<p>After the rain on
+the 24<sup>th</sup> delaying our startwe were all packed up for the
+morning of the 25<sup>th</sup>. We arrived at camp at 2 and had a
+quick lunch before setting off for the Tunnocks Master Cave [to be
+later renamed ‘Denshams Master Cave’ after disagreement about its
+Mast Cave status from other expo members]. We got to the Master Cave
+at around 4pm where Chris insisted that we rig a traverse from the
+start of the rift. Around every corner Chris would claim to have not
+gone past it the year before only to be proven wrong by footsteps and
+survey points. 
+<p>Upon deciding
+where we would start rigging the traverse line our one and only drill
+battery only had power for half a bolt. After considerable swearing
+it was decided that Chris would go back to camp for another drill
+battery while Haydon and I went to check out other leads in the area.
+Haydon and I were given clear instructions as to where to go so
+naturally we did not find what we were looking for; however, we did
+find a small waterfall lead that we decided was too grim to do
+<p>Chris returned
+with hopefully charged drill batteries and we began rigging the
+traverse and surveying the passage. The stream at the end of the
+passage dropped down about 10m into a rift while a phreatic tube
+continued above the rift with considerably muddy and slopey walls we
+decided to end the day there and make a decision on our plans over
+<p>Considering our
+lack of faith in our remaining drill batteries we decided not to
+continue with the battery eating rift and went to pursue another
+lead. (Sidenote: we thought we would like to go for something a
+little less muddy). We set off for a pit in the north of Slackers.
+Down a 3m climb we were dropped into a muddy pit and the more we
+moved the more the mud stuck to our clothes, wellies and gear,
+doubling us in weight. 
+<p>Haydon dropped
+the rift pitch, which had phreatic properties. Chris and I sat
+getting very cold in very drafty passage, occasionally going on a run
+around to warm up and check out the area. Chris went to the waterfall
+lead Haydon and I had been in the day before to find a massive
+waterfall where a small one had been. Proving that conditions
+underground must be much more pleasant than those at Top Camp. 
+<p>Once the pitch
+was rigged Chris and I surveyed down and became very excited by the
+sloping phreatic tube with hard mud plates coating the floor. We
+began to feel guilty for ruining the plates like bulls in a china
+shop. Then suddenly the way on was entirely mud choked. Bullshit! On
+our way out we considered the cross sectioned phreatic tube about 5m
+from the floor. We determined that the draft was coming from there
+but did not have time to inspect the tubes. 
+<p>The next day we
+slept until 12pm waiting for the water levels to recede enough that
+we felt motivated to head up to Procrastination. En route out I had a
+slightly embarrassing route finding incident near Caramel Catharsis,
+ask Haydon for further details.</p>
+<p>T/U: 60 hrs</p>
+<p>28/7/17: 				<u>Rob,
+</u>Becka, Nadia, Rachel</p>
+110 area</i></p>
+<p>After beginning
+to cairn a route the evening before, myself and Becka decided that
+despite the sure-to-come rain we wanted to check out the howling
+draft at No helicopter hole aka 110 again. Due to a shortage of drill
+batteries that contained charge, we brought a hand bolting kit and a
+short length of rope. The route taken was convoluted to say the
+least, and visibility was not optimal, but after an hour or so the
+cave was found.</p>
+<p>I quickly changed
+into my caving kit and crawled inside the low and chilly entrance.
+After ~10m, I came to a small constriction which was passed without
+much trouble. After some ~20m further passage sloping at ~30° and a
+further small crawl the 8m climb described by the original explorers
+was reached. I began to down-climb this but then realised that most
+of the rock was very loose and one wall was entirely made of loose
+boulders. A retreat was made to get a rope and Rachel. Once attached
+to the rope, tied round a big boulder, extensive gardening occurred
+to the point at which the pitch would need to be bolted on the far
+wall for a safe descent. We then exited the cave and had a very
+welcome lunch. I was finally able to warm my freezing hands up. This
+cave is pretty miserable all round, being sharp, cold, drippy and
+small. This was to be a prevailing theme of caves in the area.</p>
+<p>After lunch, we
+decided to prospect further in the surrounding area to see if other
+easier entrances to the same system could be found. In total, six
+prospects within a 100m radius to the east of 110 were explored, none
+of which had any potential or anything like the draft felt at 110.
+Myself and Becka then surveyed 110 until the pitch was reached. After
+this. We began to prospect further west of 110 before the mists came
+in and a tactical retreat to Top Camp was made.</p>
+<p>T/U: ~ 3 hrs
+<p>29/7/17				<u>Rob,</u>
+Becka, Luke</p>
+110 area, day 2</i></p>
+<p>Tempted back by
+that sweet, sweet draft, this time with a drill no less as the only
+good rock at the pitch in 110 was in the ceiling and placing hand
+bolts in a ceiling was beyond my stoke remit. Bolts were placed and a
+descent was made. After a look around at the bottom, I frustratedly
+concluded that the ‘dig’ in the chamber which had been described
+would be a major operation and unfeasible without a lot of time and
+<p>I summoned Luke
+and Becka in, with Luke complaining substantially about the misery
+and shitness. Survey done, we headed out and again had lunch. Further
+prospecting then again failed to reveal any alternative ways into the
+cave, after looking south-west by around 200m from 110. Two shafts
+were dropped, CUCC-2017-21 (tagged, GPS’d, surveyed) and
+CUCC-2017-22 (tagged, GPS’d). 21 was a pitch of around 15m leading
+to a breakdown area at the bottom with no way on. 22 was of good
+novelty value as it was filled with ice and snow at the bottom of a
+7m climb, where a small gap behind the back of the snow plug could be
+slid down. Nothing at the bottom though. 
+dejected, we started on the walk home. En route we found some
+excellently drafting holes after deciding to divert from the cairned
+route. We did a quick dig in one to find a large passage which led to
+a smaller diggable passage. I then explored the other entrance for
+~20m in shorts and t-shirt to a very loose climb down to large
+walking passage. In light of these excellent prospects, we decided
+that the area merited another visit the next day.</p>
+<p>T/U: ~4 hrs</p>
+<p>30/7/17				<u>Rob,
+</u>Luke, Becka</p>
+Schmetterlingehöhle (GSH) and Kein Wassermelonhöhle (KWH) –
+initial exploration</i></p>
+<p>We returned with
+more rope and drill batteries to rig the loose climb in CUCC-2017-24
+(GSH or Happy Butterfly Hole) and to continue digging CUCC-2017-23
+(KWH or Not Watermelon Hole). Whilst Luke entertained himself by
+digging in a shit muddy shakehole I got on with bolting the climb,
+which was trickier than anticipated due to the sheer abundance of
+shit rock. Soon I was down and the draft was confirmed to be a gale
+force wind. I headed out to find Luke, who informed me that Becka had
+also broken through digging in KWH. Great success!</p>
+<p>We decided that
+we would survey GSH first, with Luke and Becka surveying whilst I
+bolted a second small hole which was to the right of the initial
+climb at the T junction. I then followed them to act as varnish
+bitch. We soon reached a T junction and first took the right branch,
+which headed down a large (~3m diameter) steeply ramping phreatic
+passage which had quite a few holes in the floor. When skirting round
+one of these, Fat Bastard Luke Stangroom managed to exacerbate its
+collapse greatly by slipping at the outer edge whilst investigating
+it and half blocking the hole with a large boulder. 
+<p>Just after this
+we got extremely excited, however, because the wind turned into a
+Baltic storm, positively whistling through a small sandy hole towards
+us. We surveyed to just beyond this and then went back to the other
+branch of the T junction for a couple of legs before returning to
+survey the climb I had just rigged. 
+<p>Myself and Becka
+had only just reached the floor when we heard Silverback Stangroom
+beating his chest in triumph, for he had found a bypass to the pitch
+via a nice boulder choke. We surveyed this passage until we came upon
+another potential dig <font face="Symbol, serif"></font>QMB). 
+<p>We then went to
+survey KWH, which Becka thought was a great cave, and which me and
+Luke kept downplaying, though the passage was pretty big (‘It’s
+6m wide!’). Then we headed out and home. En route home, we found a
+series of exciting holes, one ~50m north-east of GSH and blowing
+extremely strongly, and one tagged 2012-SW-02 which looked promising.</p>
+<p>T/U: 6 hrs</p>
+<p>31/7/17					<u>Rob,
+<p><i>GSH pitches,
+crapping out KWH, scooping</i></p>
+<p>After the
+excitement of yesterday, having left all our personal kit and a set
+of bolting kit at the cave, we returned optimistic that we would find
+something big today. We were under strict instructions from Becka not
+to crap out KWH, which she considered her cave. We headed off into
+GSH t0 continue surveying from where we had got to the day before. We
+first went up the right-hand fork at the second T junction. After one
+further survey leg we realised that we had reached a pitch of about
+12m, which had not been noticed before due to the strict scooping
+restrictions imposed by Becka. These restrictions were to prove a
+great inhibition all round throughout the day. 
+<p>We decided to
+survey as far as possible in the other direction before returning to
+bolt it, having left the drill etc on the surface. A reasonable
+distance (~60m) was surveyed, but as it was drafting inwards we
+suspected that the passages were leading to the surface. We found
+four ways on, three of which became choked with boulders after only a
+few further legs. The fourth was a ~5m climb up a drippy aven which
+had horizontal passage leading off at the top, but we didn’t climb
+this as we thought it was heading to the surface and the climb
+probably needed a rope for the way down. This done, we went back to
+the surface for a melon break.</p>
+<p>We then returned
+to the pitch to bolt it. The rock again was extremely poor and there
+had clearly been some major ceiling collapse. Huge boulders were
+loose at the pitch head. After the drill battery ran out having done
+3.5 holes (with the second battery – taped, #1 – doing zero
+holes) a scrappy descent was made using the tacklebag as a rope
+protector at the top. At the bottom, a rift led off for ~20m before
+arriving at another pitch head. This one was huge – at least a 3s
+drop. Exciting! We would return with more batteries and rope tomorrow
+to drop it. We exited again for a second lunch of snowmelt, noodles
+and soup. 
+<p>Then we went back
+to KWH, where both of the going leads crapped out after only one more
+survey leg each. Another example of where further scooping would have
+given us extremely useful further information and saved us a lot of
+time. The final example of this was when we stuck our heads into the
+other drafty hole found the day before, which Becka claimed to have
+ventured ~20m into. After ~50m, we found a very drafty pitch which
+looked much easier to drop than the pitches in GSH. 
+<p>So, with two
+excellent prospects (along with two excellent digs for Ash to
+investigate), we returned to Top Camp quite early but in high
+<p>T/U: 6 hrs</p>
+<p>1/8/17					<u>Rob,
+<p><i>Dropping the
+big pitch in GSH, Nadia leg break</i></p>
+<p>After having
+worked out the optimum route the day before, we headed back to the
+cave with Nathan and Nadia in tow. They we to drop the other hole
+while we went deep into GSH and then surveyed back. The rigging was
+again made difficult by a proliferance of shit rock until the lower
+depths of the pitch were reached, where the rock was excellent. Prior
+to this, we had spent a good hour crow-barring big table sized
+boulders at the top of the pitch rigged yesterday.</p>
+<p>At the bottom of
+the pitch, a rift was followed for ~60m under and over some boulder
+obstacles until another pitch was reached. This was where we stopped
+for the day, placing two bolts with the last of the drill battery
+before surveying out, which due to the enormous dimensions of the
+passage (a huge fault-controlled rift with multiple avens coming off
+it) was a twat to visualise on paper.</p>
+<p>Soon out and en
+route back after receiving a message from Nathan on a soup packet:
+‘Nadia injured leg. We need your help. Time now 16:00.’ Three
+hours behind, we packed up Nadia’s caving gear and set off back,
+picking up her rucksack as well en route at the sight of the
+accident. Apparently she had pulled a big boulder onto herself. There
+was an obvious section of disturbed mud but we didn’t see the
+proclaimed blood splatters. 
+<p>T/U: 7 hrs</p>
+<p>2/8/17					<u>Brendan,
+</u>George, Adam</p>
+<p><i>The Beast,
+trip #3 (Katey and George failed to write trip reports of the first 2
+trips, maybe they were both a bit distracted)</i></p>
+<p>*What George
+<p>‘Who wants to
+go caving with me?’ 
+<p>*What George
+<p>‘Who would like
+to come and sit at a pitch head while I bolt for over <strike>3 hours</strike>
+<strike>1.5 hours</strike> 2.5 hours?’</p>
+<p>Having lost all
+enthusiasm for caving yet needing an excuse to stay at the Stone
+Bridge, I saw a golden opportunity to utilise the Brendan Cave Cinema
+<p>This device had
+previously been tested with great success in Balkonhöhle with Corin.
+We were avle to watch the whole of Skyfall before ASH had finished
+rigging his pitch. 
+<p>Adam and I found
+a comfortable spot next to a window through which we could see/hear
+George rigging. I told George he would have to scream at least three
+times before I could be persuaded to leave the warmth and comfort of
+my cave cinema. 
+<p>Adam and I
+watched the whole of Limitless and half of Focus before leaving to
+check on George (at around 5pm we heard flood pulses around the
+corner). George and I met at the pitch head to catch up. He had
+rigged to the bottom… it crapped out. But the good news was it
+ended next to another pitch [later termed ‘Not the Beast’] which
+had been rigged previously…</p>
+<p>T/U: 10 hrs</p>
+<p>28/7/17				<u>Michael,
+<p><i>Bad Forecast</i></p>
+<p>On a wet, claggy
+day we decided that we should at least try to go caving, so we set
+out to try and find Bad Forecast, based only on a GPS pin and the
+instructions: ‘you go to Balkonhöhle, then continue up a bit.’
+Given the visibility was ~50m and dropping, it took a long time to
+get to the right area, and then even longer to find the cave.</p>
+<p>Once we had got
+to the vicinity of the GPS point, we spread out a bit because we were
+unsure of the accuracy of the fix and the reader we were using, or
+even if they were using the same datum. We found 2011-01, which we
+had been told was less than 30m away from Bad Forecast, then
+proceeded to go in every direction except the right one. We
+eventually found the cave, right where the GPS told us it was. 
+<p>Having not found
+any surveying equipment at the Stone Bridge, we had two objectives:
+to garden a dangerous slope above the large pitch, and to better
+cairn the route there. Low visibility prohibited any cairning, so we
+set off down the steep chossy slope to the pitch head. We had a look
+down below the pitch to see the large chamber and where the rocks
+could fall. 
+<p>Coming back up, I
+theorised that the second hole near the start of the pitch traverse
+would connect to the second half of the large chamber, so dropped a
+rock down to let Corin hear where it would fall. It actually landed
+in the first half of the chamber, about 2ft from Corin, so don’t do
+<p>We pulled the
+rope on the pitch up above the pitch head (undoing the rebelay) to
+put the rope out of the path of falling rocks for gardening. 2 hours
+later we had improved the pitch head from ‘loose gravel’ to
+‘muddy gravel’, which we decided was as good as we could get, the
+actual rock floor being several feet below. The walk back was no more
+<p>T/U: 4 hrs</p>
+<p>29/7/17				<u>Michael</u></p>
+<p><i>Bad Forecast
+surface survey</i></p>
+<p>Returning from
+the previous day, to surface survey another entrance that I saw on
+the way out the previous day. After failing to see the disto laser in
+the bright sunlight, I returned to the Stone Bridge to pick up a
+tape, compass and clino to do the surface legs. Overall, not an
+entrance worth doing unless the handline is not present on the main
+<p>T/U: 1 hr</p>
+<p>30/7/17				<u>Nadia,
+</u>Fleur, Pete, Brendan</p>
+<p><i>Balcony -
+Sloppy Seconds</i></p>
+<p>The four of us
+set off with the intention of dropping some pitches in Sloppy Seconds
+and photographing Galactica. When we got to the junction between the
+two Brendan and Fleur went down Galactica and Pete and I headed on to
+Sloppy Seconds. When we got to the pushing front we scouted out the
+leads and decided to traverse around one of the pitches for a
+horizontal lead.</p>
+<p>Pete was almost
+finished rigging the traverse when Fleur and Brendan arrived having
+had a surprisingly efficient photography and derigging trip. The only
+issue being that Brendan had derigged on his cave lunch.</p>
+<p>It was decided
+that I would drop the pitch we had traversed around while the others
+surveyed past the traverse. I tied into the traverse bolts and
+dropped down to do a rebelay. The others carried on and after a few
+metres found another pitch. After three failed attempts at placing a
+bolt the battery ran out and the others were done surveying. I
+swapped over with Brendan and he dropped down to a platform. We
+surveyed the platform level and found four more pitches to be dropped
+of varying pleasantness. We also confirmed our suspicion that the
+nearby holes on the level we had started were connected. We found
+multiple mud slopes leading to avens.</p>
+<p>We left a
+horizontal lead at the higher level, traversing over the second drop
+encountered after Pete’s traverse, which a traverse line could be
+rigged for. There is also still a pitch at the turn slightly higher
+than the rest on this level that potentially does not connect with
+the rest of the holes. As well as the obvious lower level pitches
+which we did not drop.</p>
+<p>T/U: 11 hrs</p>
+<p>1/8/17					<u>Nadia,</u>
+<p><i>CUCC – 2017
+– 28, initial exploration</i></p>
+<p>The two of us
+were led to a surface prospect by Luke and Rob with a blowing draft
+and pitch that needed to be dropped. Because drill batteries were in
+short supply I sent the efficient Nathan to bolt the pitch while I
+soaked up the sun at the entrance. After a while I mustered up the
+enthusiasm to enter the cave and was immediately greeted by Nathan
+complaining that the drill battery was dead. He sent me to check if
+Luke and Rob were using theirs but not being able to find them or the
+bolting equipment I assumed they were using it. Nathan had rigged a
+traverse using 6 bolts to the pitch head but had run out of battery
+before being able to drop it.</p>
+<p>We then headed
+back to camp early and tried to add extra cairns to the path. I
+climbed up a bit of a ridge to add one, but failed to find any
+suitable building materials and climbed down. On my way down I found
+a microwave sized loose boulder and dropped it onto my leg. With it
+being so early in the day we assumed no one would be at camp. We sat
+around for about an hour and a half and then decided we might as well
+try to head back. An hour later we had gained about 150m with some
+bum shuffling progress. As we carried on I got better at using my leg
+without hurting myself and three hours after setting off we arrived
+at camp. Having learned to walk no one believed I was seriously
+injured. The next day I set off down the hill with Rob and Kristian
+and after 5 hours walking I too no longer thought I was seriously
+injured. It turns out I am really hard and had a broken leg. It then
+later turned out it was a pathetic fracture.</p>
+<p>T/U: &lt; 1 hr</p>
+<p>3/8/17						<u>Radost,</u>
+<p><i>Balcony -
+Cathedral Chasm</i></p>
+<p>We went down
+Balcony to investigate Cathedral Chasm following suggestion that
+‘there will be 100m of rope waiting there’.</p>
+<p>THERE WAS NONE <font face="Wingdings, serif"></font></p>
+<p>Prussiked back
+<p>T/U: 5 hrs</p>
+<p>31/7/17 –
+1/8/17				<u>Michael,</u> Rachel, Becka	</p>
+camp, Snake Pit, Snake Charmer 2 and 3</i></p>
+<p>Set off from the
+Stone Bridge at 8am, planning to spend 2 nights at Camp Kraken in
+order to follow leads in Snake Charmer. Underground at 9am. Route
+finding was simple enough, no major mistakes, and arrived at camp at
+12:40. Dumped camping gear and picked up rope and drilling kit,
+headed down Octopussy, took two of three drill batteries to the
+pushing front.</p>
+<p>On the way Rachel
+put in another bolt to the lowest rebelay on Snake Charmer, and a
+handline on the climb down shortly after. Arrived at the window
+looking over the lead, Rachel and I sat in the bothy and put on extra
+layers while Becka bolted the main pitch [named Snake Pit] down to
+the water. 
+<p>The water came
+from a large ~15m aven just upstream of the pitch. The majority of
+the water went down a low passage, along ~50m of vadose rift with
+frequent pools and free climbs with flaky sharp limestone. The main
+route comes up and left of the water into a rift canyon with pools
+and a short 2m climb. Eventually a pitch head (P6) comes up marking
+the start of a series of three short pitches.</p>
+<p>Ended at the
+second pitch, uneventful back to camp. Up early on the 1<sup>st</sup>,
+headed back to the front with the remaining drill batteries. Third
+pitch becomes tighter and leads to a fourth pitch. 
+LOGBOOK]	</p>
+here we ran out of drill battery so had to turn back, both to camp
+and then out to the surface. A brief lunch of noodles fuelled Rachel
+and I while Becka powered on out. Return journey also uneventful,
+exited the cave at 10:30pm.</p>
+<p>T/U: 34 hrs</p>
+<p>2/8/17 –
+3/8/17				<u>Fleur, </u>Pete, Ash</p>
+<p><i>Camp Kraken –
+below Snake Pit</i></p>
+<p>On 1/8/17 Becka
+and co came out with instructions of pushing beyond Snake Pit pitch
+which they had descended on the previous trip.</p>
+<p>We were
+underground by 9am on 2/8/17, in the back of our minds that it might
+rain that morning. But we sailed past Procrastination with no
+trouble. Onwards to Kraken arriving after ~5 hours. This was Ash’s
+deepest trip by a very long way and due to be Pete’s most
+substantial trip post hip op. so all was good. After quick noodles,
+we set off again, marvelling at the beauty of Octopussy and Living
+the Dream. First job was to derig Indian Rope Trick so that we had
+more gear for rigging. 
+<p>NOTE: it was
+impossible to unscrew the clown hanger at the pitch head so we had to
+cut the rope out and leave the hanger in situ. 
+<p>Then followed
+Becka’s detailed instructions down Snake Charmer and Snake Pit to
+the impressive stream falling from two inlets. We took he flood
+overflow ‘dry’ streamway, arriving at due course at the pushing
+front. For expedience I started bolting – a short traverse then
+partially down a small pitch. As the rift at the base was small, we
+progressed at part height before descending the second part further
+LOGBOOK]	</p>
+<p>Then the rift
+degenerated into small and catchy passage. After initially trying to
+go for a ‘look-see’ in case of another pitch, I returned and
+stripped off all the drilling paraphernalia. I thrutched at
+mid-height then climbed down and squeezed through at low level.
+Meanwhile Pete and Ash surveyed behind, and poked an alternative
+route in the roof. We both independently popped out into the base or
+side of a muddy boulder choke. 
+<p>Inching forward
+we entered a larger passage. Sadly very soon it became clear this was
+Song of the Earth. I found a survey station for us to tie back into.
+Then we derigged back to the base of Snake Pit. Here we left ropes in
+allowing for pushing of the streamway, but also untied the rope here
+from the base so that it could be derigged from the top easily. Left
+a gear dump at the base of Octopussy. Back to camp 14 hours after
+entering Tunnocks. 
+<p>Nice enough night
+at camp then out by ~6pm the next day. Just in time to miss the
+impending thunderstorm.</p>
+<p>T/U: 33 hrs</p>
+<p>1/8/17					<u>George,
+</u>Fleur, Pete 
+<p>Revisited 2016-01
+(explored briefly the previous year). Coordinates: 33T UTM 0411651,
+5283655. Elevation: 1888m. Also went to find the drafting hole,
+untagged, identified by Pete 2(?) years ago. Coordinates: 33T UTM
+0411202, 5283393. Elevation: 1782m. 
+<p><i>2016-01: </i>3m
+climb down into 2x3m surface depression with muddy floor. Single bolt
+in wall at head height, descending small hole (obvious) at far end of
+depression. Optional deviation from chockstone adjacent to hole,
+rebelay ~2m down shaft. I descended to the end of the rope (22m + 9m
+– too short!) then downclimbed the rest of the shaft (~6m). Passage
+continues underneath ledge turning back on itself (limit of 2016
+exploration). Further 4m downclimb and the passage very soon gets too
+tight/filled in. ascending passage on the left ends similarly. DEAD.</p>
+<p><i>Pete’s hole:
+</i>wriggle down a slot and climb down ~2m. Very short crawl
+immediately ends in tiny chamber with draft emerging from under large
+slab of rock. Spent some time digging out cobbles but slab requires
+capping for further progress.</p>
+<p>T/U: ~1 hr</p>
+<p>2/8/17					<u>Alice,</u>
+Rachel, Corin, Michael</p>
+<p><i>Balcony –
+not finding Sloppy Seconds, touristing, flooding</i></p>
+<p>We headed to
+Balcony with the intention of pushing Sloppy Seconds. We were
+underground by midday and nominated Rachel as leader as she knew how
+to get to Hilti-A-Plenty. However, none of us knew for sure how to
+get to Sloppy Seconds (we were looking for Bat Country first off). 
+<p>I enjoyed the
+entrance series and the completely dry big pitch (this is apparently
+abnormal) and the following pitches down Hilti-A-Plenty. We took a
+left at the bottom in the hope of finding the right way, but sadly
+this was not the case. After much fun exploring, we decided to head
+back to the bottom of Hilty and take the other (correct) passage. It
+soon became clear that we were not going to find Sloppy Seconds, so,
+as it was my first trip, we replanned for a tourist trip to Ice Cock
+<p>After ascending
+the pitch leading to Cathedral Chasm, Corin decided to head out with
+Ash’s pushing rope as he had been to Ice Cock Aven only the day
+before. The journey for the three remaining was very enjoyable as I
+like a good climb and there were some good sandy crawls. The ice
+formations were as good as promised and Michael gave a great tour of
+the area. We then set off out. 
+<p>I was first onto
+the ‘15m pitch’ when we heard a rumbling noise. We gave each
+other a worried look before quickly deciding to retreat away from the
+pitch to see where the water would appear. It was 5:40pm at this
+point and we found out that although the far side of the chamber gets
+wet we were alright to go up. 
+<p>Our next concern
+was how far Corin had got as the entrance series big pitch is too wet
+to pass in flood. Thankfully we found him in the bottom of the
+entrance series in a bothy bag singing contentedly. He had had a
+similar close call, having retreated after just putting his croll on
+the rope. 
+<p>It then became a
+military operation to put on out extra warm layers and prepare for a
+long wait in the bothy bag. We sat on rope and put tacklesacks below
+our feet to keep warm. The efficiency was excellent and we soon had
+water, food and a seating plan ready for our party. We pulled the bag
+over and made sure to leave a small hole for oxygen. Six games of
+‘what time is it?’ and lots of chats later, Rachel went to check
+if the much less noisy pitch was now only drippy. After shouting down
+that it was good we all gradually left the bothy and headed out
+safely, almost missing callout at 11pm. What a first trip. 
+<p>T/U: 11 hrs</p>
+<p>2/8/17					<u>Luke,</u>
+<p><i>GSH – bottom
+of big pitch</i></p>
+<p>With Rob
+escorting Nadia down the hill Becka was keen to see the continuation
+of GSH. Successful distribution of drill batteries. Set off to cave,
+route needs cairning but only takes 30 minutes. Mike and Nathan in
+CUCC-2017-28 (now named Fisch Gesicht Höhle). Inspected some
+horizontal leads at head of big pitch but crapped out immediately.
+Still had drill battery so descended to the pushing front from last
+trip. Battery wouldn’t die so had to keep on going, multiple
+options but ran out of rope. 
+<p>On exit flood
+pulse happened at the top of the big pitch so not sure how it
+responds to water. CouldaWouldaShoulda was rigged perfectly out of
+the water. Exited cave, tagged CUCC-2017-28 noting that Mike and
+Nathan had probably not had any drill battery. Back to Top Camp in 40
+minutes, confirmed that Nathan and Mike got no holes. Almost acted as
+callout for Balcony crew who got rained in despite the rain happening
+for 30 minutes 5 hours previously. 
+<p>T/U: 6 hrs</p>
+<p>1/8/17					<u>Mike,</u>
+Kristian, Adam</p>
+<p><i>Balcony –
+Nothing To See</i></p>
+<p>My first trip on
+the hill having arrived and walked up the day before. Good
+introduction to Balcony pushing in the Nothing To See area. Kristian
+tried bolting the pitch at the end, only to find his two drill
+batteries were flat. So he went back out to get fresh ones from Top
+<p>Meanwhile Adam
+and I rigged the pitch from the naturals available, first dropping a
+tube to the right of the traverse which was choked with boulders
+partway down. After unsuccessfully trying to clear the boulders by
+kicking them into the void below (too stable to be safely moved), we
+then dropped the main lead to find it also choked by boulders below
+the second pitch. I was able to squeeze past into a 8x3m chamber
+below, but Adam declined to continue. From the chamber, a tight
+meander could be slithered along for seven body lengths before
+becoming too tight. To the right a phreatic passage 3m above the
+floor was choked by mud. In the roof two shafts came in, both
+appeared choked with boulders part way up, the right-most shaft being
+the one I had dropped earlier, and the leftmost joined the bae of the
+first pitch. We surveyed from above the boulder squeeze, but having
+forgotten a pencil Adam had to engrave onto the page.</p>
+<p>We had finished
+by the time Kristian returned with the ‘fresh’ battery. So we
+went to investigate the climbing lead Adam, Luke and Rachel had
+previously tried but thought it needed bolting. It was an inclined
+phreatic tube ~30m high, easily free climbable but exposed. From the
+top, another parallel shaft was to the left which continued up but
+also needed bolting. 
+<p>To the right a
+narrow passage soon joins another shaft similar to the other two,
+which we suspect drops down to the choked pitches we had rigged
+earlier, but also continues up, requiring bolting. At this point
+Kristian’s fresh battery was also flat, so rigged off a natural and
+then made our way out. The shafts need a return trip to survey and
+possibly bolt. 
+<p>T/U: 10 hrs</p>
+<p>6/8/17					<u>Philip
+S, </u> Becka, George</p>
+<p><i>204 warm-up
+<p>Tourist trip to
+test out Philip’s gear (and Philip) in 204, doing the first two
+pitches. The snow plugs were the smallest ever seen, according to
+<p>T/U: 2 hrs</p>
+FOR GSH]</p>
+<p>2/8/17					<u>Mike,</u>
+aka Fisch Gesicht Höhle (FGH)</i></p>
+<p>Went to drop the
+pitch reached by Nathan the day before, having rigged a traverse
+before his batteries died. However, our drill battery was flat. No
+surprise. Nathan very angry. We surveyed up to the top of the pitch.
+On the way out, instead of dropping the pitch and surveying, I
+dropped the survey down the pitch. Nathan very sad. 
+<p>Note to self 1:
+do not stuff notebooks down jumper when only wearing shorts and
+jumper and over a pitch.</p>
+<p>Note to self 2:
+cave very cold and windy. Do not wear shorts and jumper.</p>
+<p>T/U: 1.5 hrs</p>
+<p>9/8/17 –
+10/8/17			<u>Jacob,</u> Becka, Rob</p>
+<p><i>Camp Kraken –
+below Snake Pit, Northern Slackers</i></p>
+<p>Underground just
+after 9am. I had not been to the deep stuff in Tunnocks before, so I
+waited at the bottom of Caramel Catharsis for Becka (Rob had gone
+ahead) and route finding instructions. Apart from the bottom of
+String Theory, I did not have too much trouble finding my around, and
+we were at camp just after 12:30.</p>
+<p>From here, we
+went to try and push a lead below Snake Pit, which is very
+Yorkshire-ish stream passage. We followed it to a pitch which had not
+been dropped. Once Rob had bolted it, we surveyed to another deeper
+pitch which took he stream and (we assumed) dropped into Song of the
+Earth. We then derigged our way up to the bottom of Octopussy. From
+here we went into the far north of Slackers to investigate a lead
+that George had been talking about that morning. For a while this
+tested Becka’s route finding ability (she was the only one who had
+been there before), but eventually we found ourselves above Grike of
+the Earth. The lead was above this, up a short handline climb (which
+gained a not-so-helpful rebelay at the request of Becka). The pitch
+we dropped led down to a large drippy passage which carried a small
+stream. After 20m the stream disappears down a crack in the floor
+while the way on continues above this, with one hole below that
+presumably leads back down to the stream which we left as a question
+mark. The passage became smaller and draftier and, below another
+short pitch, became steeply sloping with a dry muddy floor. By this
+point it was 9pm and in order to sleep at any way a reasonable hour
+we had to leave, which took some careful diplomacy by Becka and I. it
+was still a promising lead and would need to be visited again one
+day. We named it Beckoning Silence.</p>
+<p>On our way back
+we derigged everything below Camp, and then ate everything we
+possibly could at camp before bed. Despite missing/failing to set our
+alarms we were up and ready quite early and we were all on ropes
+carrying other ropes (and drills and poo etc) by 9:30am. Rain was
+forecast for the afternoon so we wanted to make sure we were all
+above Procrastination with plenty of time to spare. All went very
+smoothly until the entrance pitch, where we had to pass Ruairidh,
+Aidan, Fleur and Pete on their way down. Got to the surface just in
+time to get rained on on the walk back to Top Camp.</p>
+<p>T/U: 29 hrs</p>
+<p>7/8/17					<u>Philip
+S,</u> Adam, Aidan</p>
+beyond FGH and GSH </i>
+	<li/>
+<p>GPS track
+	recorded for whole walk (used Brendan’s GPS)</p>
+	<li/>
+	done (GPS) for FGH and GSH</p>
+	<li/>
+	reasonable holes found</p>
+<p><i>#1 ‘Delicate
+Bridge Hole’: </i>near skipole, rigged from natural and steelpole
+section to snowslope, 40m. Tagged. [Adam and Corin returned to this
+the next day and crapped it out).</p>
+<p>#2 and 3: three
+big holes and pit, see survey notes. [WALLET?]</p>
+<p>6/8/17					<u>Aidan,</u>
+Rob, Adam</p>
+<p><i>FGH, below
+first pitch</i></p>
+<p>We descended the
+entrance series at around midday to investigate some leads found
+previously by Mike and Alice. Adam and I surveyed the main chamber
+and some side passages whilst Rob dropped a small pitch to the left
+hand side of the main chamber below the pitch.</p>
+<p><i>Quick note
+from Rob: </i>the passage is along the ‘windy tunnel’ as termed
+by Mike and Alice, and the pitch was rigged on naturals (I added a
+bolt on the next trip) as the drill battery died immediately when I
+was trying to drop a rift slightly further along the passage.</p>
+continued:</i> Once we had finished surveying, Adam and I met Rob at
+the head of this small pitch, where he had identified several
+promising leads which we then surveyed. One lead arrived at a choked
+crawl, down a small climb; another lead produced a pitch with a
+promising potential traverse, which we left for another day due to
+the dearth of drill battery.</p>
+<p>The final lead
+produced a long rift after a slightly dubious downclimb (which I
+nearly fell off), eventually leading to a stream flowing underneath
+the rift. We then headed out as Adam’s fingers were starting to
+become painful after his mishap at the lake, and reached the bivi
+before sunset.</p>
+<p>T/U: 5 hrs</p>
+<p>8/8/17					<u>Aidan,</u>
+<p><i>FGH –
+pushing the big pitch</i></p>
+<p>Radost and I
+dropped a pitch bolted the day before by Rob after he ran out of
+rope. The pitch was some 50m down a small icy pitch series to the
+right of the entrance. The pitch we dropped passed through the icy
+layer of the cave to one somewhat warmer. Whilst the top of the pitch
+was promising, the bottom was less so – one crawl, which choked
+after 10m; one tight, inaccessible rift and on the opposite side of
+the base of the chamber there was a rift that could be squeezed
+through for 15m or so until it became too tight to navigate. We both
+tried again without SRT kits, as the rift was drafty, but little more
+progress was made. Eventually, we sacked it off and derigged the
+pitch hang; Radost thought he saw some leads halfway up the pitch on
+the way out, which may be worth another look. 
+<p>T/U: 7 hrs</p>
+<p>7/8/17					<u>Radost,</u>
+Rob, Alice, Becka</p>
+<p><i>FGH –
+dropping pitches, ice</i></p>
+<p>Firstly we went
+down to the left of the entrance pitch with the help of a handline
+towards a tight rift [explored the day before by Adam, Rob and
+Aidan]. Ended with too tight passage. Went back to the entrance
+chamber to survey it. Across the ramp bolted and rigged a pitch to
+the right. Successfully descended pitch onto a massive block of ice.
+Horizontal rift passage leads to junction: forwards in an icy tube
+leads to an aven and right to a chossy passage that needed rigging.
+This stopped us from progressing further [though the pitch was mainly
+dropped]. Surveying backwards we exited the cave safely.</p>
+<p>T/U: 9 hrs</p>
+<p>7/8/17					<u>Sarah,</u>
+Nothing to See – surveying and photography</i></p>
+<p>We descended the
+Balcony entrance pitch, myself taking it embarrassingly slowly and
+cautiously due to my lack of caving for several months. On reaching
+the bottom Kristian led me to and down Hilti-A-Plenty, and then on a
+sporting romp to Nothing to See (featuring a traverse, a sandy crawl
+and a bold step that was ‘a bit dodgy’ – K Brook, 2017). 
+<p>Once there we
+completed surveying as far as possible and took some distances up two
+potential leads that required bolt climbing to reach. Once this was
+done we bumbled back towards Hilti-A-Plenty and took some amusing
+sponsorship photos, featuring myself jealously guarding my Tunnocks
+bars and Kristian enjoying a refreshing drink of pesto. Nothing to
+See was then derigged and we made our way out slowly due to my
+tendency to prussik at a snails pace. We arrived back at camp in time
+to watch a lovely sunset and moonrise.</p>
+<p>T/U: 7 hrs</p>
+<p>8/8/17					<u>Jacob,
+</u>Elaine, Haydon</p>
+Catharsis photo trip</i></p>
+<p>Haydon and I went
+from the Stone Bridge and met Elaine at Tunnocks (with Elliott) at
+just after 10:30am. Haydon went in first and zoomed ahead while
+Elaine and I were a bit slower. The original plan was to head to camp
+at Kraken to take some sponsorship photos with Tunnocks bars.
+However, issues with Haydon and Elaine’s SRT kits forced us to
+change the plan. We decided to take some photos at Caramel Catharsis
+and head out. Pester Haydon for the pictures.</p>
+<p>T/U: 6 hrs</p>
+<p>7/8/17					<u>Fleur,</u>
+Pete, Corin</p>
+<p><i>Balcony –
+Sloppy Seconds to Second Wind</i></p>
+<p>Had walked up on
+Sunday ready to hit Sloppy Seconds the next day when drier conditions
+prevailed. The absence of a good draft last time meant I was not too
+optimistic, but also committed to try and trace the draft on the way
+in. the draft going into Galactica came from Sloppy Seconds, but but
+mainly up from the base of the second set of pitches (see trip by
+Rachel, Adam and Nathan earlier in the expo). In fact, the draft on
+this trip came up here and into the horizontal passage. 
+<p>We carried on to
+our previous limit, where Pete chose the right hand pitch lead. This
+route was initially muddy, then drippy as an aven with a small stream
+was passed. However drill battery failure (again) left Pete in a
+small clean rift looking down a narrow pitch with no more drill
+power. With two slings he got further and saw pitch continuing, but
+small and wet (QMB). Hence heading back up to try second (left hand)
+pitch as best we could on a couple of slings. Tied rope around huge
+rock and Corin made his first descent of an unexplored pitch. A sling
+made a rebelay and I followed adding two deviations. 
+<p>At the base one
+way choked after two climbs down. But the other way led to a drafting
+tube – yay, we had refound the wind! More dodgy natural rigging saw
+us at the end of the rope staring down a two metre wide steep
+phreatic ramp. Game on!</p>
+<p>T/U: 14 hrs</p>
+<p>9/8/17					<u>Fleur,
+<p><i>Balcony –
+Sloppy Seconds, Second Hand</i></p>
+<p>Having escaped
+the deep Tunnocks derig, I sneaked in another trip to our Second Wind
+lead in Sloppy Seconds with Pete. With an absence of functioning
+drill batteries we decided to go old school and hand bolt.</p>
+<p>Relatively good
+progress to the limit where we spent three hours placing five bolts
+to get down the shaft that followed the ramp. Rob and Becka had left
+us a starting bolt, Pete added a Y before two more rebelays to the
+end of the 28m rope. We then swapped so Pete got a chance to shiver
+whilst I tied in the next rope and added another belay to reach the
+floor 20 – 25m below. Here I landed on a boulder pile. A small hole
+led into a rift. Not looking promising. A final spit allowed me to
+abseil into the hole, but there was no way on. The draft we were
+chasing was coming out of the boulders and there was no option but to
+derig and go home. 
+<p>Took out as much
+rope and gear as we could manage, making it out at 11pm. Had some
+final excitement as thunderstorm broke while I was on the entrance
+shaft and got a soaking. But out to amazing lightning show and lots
+of thunder.</p>
+<p>T/U: 13 hrs</p>
+<p>8/7/17					<u>Becka,
+Sloppy Seconds – Second Wind and Dog End Series</i></p>
+<p>Batteries were in
+very short supply (three total at Top Camp, <font face="Wingdings, serif"></font>
+) so we headed off with our allocation (one) plus three ropes and
+lots of metalware down some seriously slippy rope to the ‘ramp’
+at the pushing front from yesterday’s Second Wind trip. 
+<p>We arrived, Rob
+kitted up and set to on the first bolt. Drzzzzzzzzzz… went the
+drill. Grrrrrrrr went Rob. He managed to wheedle a single bolt out of
+the battery, put in a deathly dodgy deviation from a perched boulder
+and abseiled down a bit. The ‘ramp’ rapidly switched from steep
+to  vertical with not a hope of naturals so sense prevailed and we
+gave up there, leaving the rope for a better equipped party. 
+<p>We returned to
+the top of the Second Wind pitches and dropped the pitch opposite the
+horizontal passage at the bottom of Sloppy Seconds (straight on
+rather than through the mud tube to the left leading to the start of
+Second Wind). My ‘pitch head’ natural was a monster but the next
+one immediately cracked off when I weighted it. However, some mud
+excavation gave a convincing thread for a rebelay down to confusing
+bridge area. Rob came down and we spent some time digging mud out to
+give a second decent thread anchor to descend to one way to a dead
+end and then a second way which continued as a pitch/climb down. We
+had nothing to rig this but Rob clambered down on shitty rock (later
+regretting his boldness) and it continued (QMA, pretty drafty and
+cold but shit cave). We finished the survey, getting very muddy, then
+headed out. 
+<p>T/U: 8 hrs</p>
+<p>9/8/17					<u>Corin,
+</u>Aidan, Sarah, Radost, Ruairidh, Alice</p>
+<p><i>Balcony –
+Cathedral Chasm, attempted derig</i></p>
+<p>All of the more
+experienced expedition cavers seemed to be busy, so a fairly
+straightforward trip was needed which we (Aidan, Alice, Radost and I)
+could take the new arrivals on (Sarah, Ruairidh). The aim was to
+derig the pitch in Cathedral Chasm which Ash had rigged (over many
+hours, entirely on naturals) and use the rope to drop a drippy hole
+nearby. We eventually passed the Balcony entrance series and got to
+Cathedral Chasm. The number of people on this trip was clearly a few
+too many. 
+<p>Aidan, Sarah,
+Radost and Ruairidh went to have a look at Ice Cock aven while Alice
+and I went to derig the pitch. The pitch had some unconventional
+rigging, and was rigged very tightly on naturals with some awkward
+sections. Neither of us had done much derigging before and we were
+both somewhat intimidated so we promptly fucked off at speed. We
+apologised to the others and then bailed on the trip. Six people was
+too many for this trip so it was a bit of a clusterfuck, but
+eventually gained the surface.</p>
+<p><i>Note from
+Alice: </i>the bottom of the pitch series led to a shelf that I was
+unable to reach. The cross section below shows the rigging at the
+time. [DIAGRAM IN LOG BOOK].</p>
+<p>T/U: 7 hrs</p>
+<p>10/8/17				<u>Rachel,
+Cathedral Chasm and Dark Arts</i></p>
+<p>The aim of the
+trip was to derig Cathedral Chasm and poke around George’s lead in
+the Dark Arts. We followed Ash’s exceptional rigging and were
+thoroughly impressed with his resourcefulness and creativity. The man
+deserves recognition and from now, the pitch will be known as the
+<p>At the bottom of
+the rigging, a ledge led to a short crawl and a 5m pitch. We
+considered how much rope we could cut off the Mashterpiece given the
+swing across necessary to ascend. We tied off the rope with a length
+of cord we had brought.</p>
+<p>The 5m pitch gave
+way to a north-bound rift with a crawl, QMA, for 10m after a C4 down
+and we left it at a 20m+ pitch, drafting inwards. The obvious way on
+from the P5 is up a C4 to another chamber, then C14 (chimney) down to
+a large, echoey chamber. This had a huge jammed boulder, heading a
+30m+ pitch, also very worth dropping (QMA). We surveyed from the
+bottom of the Mashterpiece to the C14 climb, but it needs tying into
+the above survey (we were unsure where this ended, so didn’t bother
+to risk duplicating work). We promptly ran away to the Dark Arts.</p>
+<p>George had tried
+to drop a P15 for the previous two years, and we finally dragged the
+final four functional drill batteries through the crawling rift with
+trench in the floor. I was somewhat behind with the rope bag when
+swearing filled the passage. It transpired that George had done a bad
+thing. He had let the drill bag slip down the rift whilst leaning
+back through an awkward dog-leg at the pitch head. 
+<p>The next 20
+minutes involved a whole hearted effort of ‘hook-a-duck’, where I
+tried to manoeuvre the bag with a snapgate, tied open on the end of a
+piece of cord. For reference, if possible, hauling from the
+top/bottom of the bag may be more successful than the shoulder
+straps. George gave his best in forcing his arm down the rift and the
+bag was eventually retrieved.</p>
+<p>George set about
+bolting the awkward pitch head. Batteries 8, 13, and 15 successfully
+gave us half a hole in the shit rock, before the mighty number 14
+finished the job. The 25m pitch gave way to a ‘skanky’ (George,
+2017) pool of water and parallel shaft that also went nowhere. 
+<p>Quite cold and
+disheartened, we left to find the entrance series rather wet.
+Deciding to give it half an hour, we set about investigating the
+flood drum. Some items are of obvious importance, although the
+absence of a pan is noteworthy in the presence of a stove, gas
+cylinder and large selection of oatso’s and soups. Fairly
+frustrated, we braved the not-very-wet entrance. 
+<p>T/U: 10 hrs</p>
+<p>7/8/17					<u>Rachel,</u>
+George, Mike</p>
+<p><i>Camp Kraken –
+killing Grike of the Earth</i></p>
+<p>From camp, we
+headed north to a bolt climb lead (QMA). Mike free-climbed 5m to a
+ledge and was unable to climb further, so he placed a bolt and pulled
+through down. 
+<p><i>Note from
+Mike: </i>rock was very flakey, holds were coming off in my hands,
+would need thru bolting to progress. Also loose looking boulder
+<p><i>Back to
+Rachel: </i>in Grike of the Earth, from the ledge we headed
+northwest, following pleasant walking passage, turning into inactive
+stream passage with higher false floor. This led to a 40m pitch to a
+large rift chamber, clear sump pool and drippy aven. No obvious leads
+could be found from here. From the ledge, southeast tunnel, dropped
+20m on a ramp down to a mud sump. A previously noted ‘too tight
+rift’ directly north was followed for ~20m where the draft
+disappeared into the choked ceiling. At 3am, we headed back to camp,
+to derig the next day.</p>
+<p>T/U: 42 hrs</p>
+<p>10/8/17				<u>Aidan,</u>
+Fleur, Pete, Ruairidh</p>
+Tunnocks leads – Double Barrel</i></p>
+We decided to investigate leads in Tunnocks due to expected rain. I
+went to the base of the entrance pitch whilst the others negotiated
+their way down. Eventually we met the campers (Rob, Becka and Jacob)
+who passed the others on the entrance series, and Ruairidh and Pete
+headed back to the surface after some extensive SRT practice. 
+Fleur and I checked out a number of leads in Tunnocks (three QMA in
+the Double Barrel area, all small pitches to be dropped) which fell
+apart due to apparent dodgy historic surveying. The first QMA we
+checked out was through Starfish Junction, again past Petticoat
+Junction; however, we came across a 15m pitch in the way of this lead
+which we had missed on the survey, and could not cross the pitch so
+abandoned this lead after some viewing. 
+As an alternative we went the alternate way down Hedonism Highway to
+2008-41-B(?) in Rocky Road. This lead was very promising, continuing
+for 40m or so up some climbs until we found a 2009 era rope down a
+pitch lead. As a result we abandoned these leads and decided to
+investigate the survey further. 
+<i>Note from Fleur: </i>I could find no record of this lead being
+pushed in the 2008 – 2016 logbooks, no data in Survex and nothing
+in Tunnel. A mystery!</p>
+<i>Back to Aidan: </i>an alternate route down Rocky Road led to a
+series of P5 pitches which allegedly produced a QMB; however, after
+dropping these with naturals and hand bolting (good practice for me)
+we discovered this lead was in fact an aven.</p>
+After this, we headed out. The trip was very good practice for me and
+I hope for Ruairidh as well. Mainly, I hope Fleur enjoyed a run
+around Tunnocks as much as I did. 
+T/U: 9 hrs</p>
+14/8/17				<u>Rachel, </u>Rob, Alex</p>
+<i>Camp Kraken derig</i></p>
+The paella had been unanimously sacked off. (Real reasons apply).
+After arriving at camp, we learnt Rob had investigated Anthemusa and
+was thoroughly unimpressed.</p>
+<i>Note from Rob: </i>I wouldn’t say I was thoroughly unimpressed
+after a look at the survey and consideration of the possibilities.
+Big potential, could find another Kraken. To access, cross Turtle
+traverse (slippy, bolted, can do without a rope but high stakes if
+you slip) and ascend choss slope. Possible to kick rocks down so care
+required. Good draft coming out of entrance to Anthemusa chamber
+proper near top of slope. Enter drippy chamber where draft
+dissipates. Chamber very large with a lot of loose muddy boulders.
+Hard to work out way on. Pre-2017 survey and 2015 logbook have pitch
+noted in northeast corner that I could not find (though didn’t
+spend very long there). Needs another look by a team who enjoy
+boulders and technical bolting. I didn’t do much poking as I was on
+my own and having a boulder move under the circumstances would not
+have done well.</p>
+<i>Rachel continuing: </i>after we had stripped camp Alex set off
+with three hefty tacklesacks, Rob following with two whilst I
+derigged Kraken to remove it from the cave. The rope for Inferno was
+pulled up and coiled in sets up to the rebelays to support the
+riggers next year, left at the pitch head. Magic Glue was pulled up
+and left at the pitch head, one of the deviations was removed (can’t
+remember which). Widow Twankies rope was removed from the cave, with
+Rob ferrying seven tacklesacks from pitch to pitch as far as the
+bottom of Procrastination. The short rope below Number of the Beast
+was derigged and coiled. 
+Tacklebags were removed including the camp pits and degradables (full
+list available). Three tacklebags containing rope from below camp
+were removed, in summary, and all but three rope bags which were left
+at the following stations:</p>
+	<li/>
+	Bottom of Number of the Beast</p>
+	<li/>
+	Top of Number of the Beast</p>
+	<li/>
+	Bottom of Procrastination</p>
+A very solid effort put in by all, as Rob and I exited the cave
+shortly after Alex. Hiltis greased and reflected appropriately. 
+P.S. I did the ‘womens work’ of cleaning the tent floor with
+disinfectant and then washing up and tidying up whilst Rob and Alex
+did the ‘proper work’.</p>
+T/U:  15 hrs</p>
+STUFF LEFT AT CAMP 14/8/17:</p>
+	<li/>
+	14 soups</p>
+	<li/>
+	1.5 bags smash</p>
+	<li/>
+	27 tea bags</p>
+	<li/>
+	2 sandwich bags custard</p>
+	<li/>
+	1 sandwich bag sugar</p>
+	<li/>
+	1 sandwich bag milk powder</p>
+	<li/>
+	4 sandwich bags flapjack</p>
+	<li/>
+	1 sandwich bag ready brek</p>
+	<li/>
+	15 tea lights</p>
+	<li/>
+	 1 nail varnish</p>
+	<li/>
+	3 pencils</p>
+	<li/>
+	Small amount cleaning fluid (for tent cleaning)</p>
+	<li/>
+	5 green hi gear mugs</p>
+	<li/>
+	4 roll mats</p>
+	<li/>
+	 1/3 460ml gas canister</p>
+	<li/>
+	Poo stool</p>
+	<li/>
+	3 daren drums (water)</p>
+	<li/>
+	2 billy pans</p>
+	<li/>
+	Lighter</p>
+	<li/>
+	2016 camp first aid kit</p>
+	<li/>
+	Small amount whisky</p>