diff --git a/noinfo/prospecting_guide_scripts/fakedpositions.dat b/noinfo/prospecting_guide_scripts/fakedpositions.dat
index f106a7f09..bcea69ac3 100644
--- a/noinfo/prospecting_guide_scripts/fakedpositions.dat
+++ b/noinfo/prospecting_guide_scripts/fakedpositions.dat
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@
 (36200.00,	82925.00,	50)	178	# Calculated from bearings
 (35232.64,	82910.37,	25)	181	# Calculated from bearings
 (35800.00,	83418.00,	100)	98	# "up from 176"
+(36086.00,      82723.00,       50)     1987-02 # "100m up from 157 and 0/5"
diff --git a/noinfo/prospecting_guide_scripts/make-prospectingguide-new.py b/noinfo/prospecting_guide_scripts/make-prospectingguide-new.py
index 30052687b..c4ce9fa1f 100644
--- a/noinfo/prospecting_guide_scripts/make-prospectingguide-new.py
+++ b/noinfo/prospecting_guide_scripts/make-prospectingguide-new.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ areanames = {
 	'8d':	'8d – Loser-Hochganger ridge',
 	'9':	'9 – Gschwandt Alm',
 	'10':	'10 – Altaussee',
-	'11':	'11 – Augstbach',
+	'11':	'11 – Augstbach'
 areacolours = {
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ areacolours = {
 	'2b' : '#00ff00',
 	'2c' : '#008800',
 	'2d' : '#ff9900',
-        '3'  : '#880000',
+	'3'  : '#880000',
 	'4'  : '#0000ff',
 	'6'  : '#000000', # doubles for surface fixed pts
 	'7'  : '#808080'
@@ -48,21 +48,21 @@ for a in areas: cavelists[a]=[]
 def chomp(s):
-        if(s[-1]=="\n"): return s[:-1]
-        else: return s
+	if(s[-1]=="\n"): return s[:-1]
+	else: return s
 def find_effective_number(c):
-        """Determine an appropriate number to use."""
-        if c["Kataster Number"]:
-                return c["Kataster Number"]
-        else:
-                return c["Unofficial number"]
+	"""Determine an appropriate number to use."""
+	if c["Kataster Number"]:
+		return c["Kataster Number"]
+	else:
+		return c["Unofficial number"]
 def longnumber(c, number):
-        """Both numbers"""
-        if (c["Unofficial number"] and c["Unofficial number"] != number):
-                return number + " (" + c["Unofficial number"] + ")"
-        else:
+	"""Both numbers"""
+	if (c["Unofficial number"] and c["Unofficial number"] != number):
+		return number + " (" + c["Unofficial number"] + ")"
+	else:
 		return number
 def find_location(cave):
@@ -91,16 +91,52 @@ def find_label(cave, number):
 	return t
-import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, string
+# Parameters for big map
+MAP_LEFT_GK = 34394.9
+MAP_TOP_GK = 84508.6
+MAP_RIGHT_GK = 37399.4
+MAP_BOTTOM_GK = 80895.6
+MAP_WIDTH = 1417
+MAP_HEIGHT = 1704
+# Parameters for zoomed smaller maps
+MAP40_LEFT_GK = 36275.6
+MAP40_TOP_GK = 82392.5
+MAP40_RIGHT_GK = 36780.3
+MAP40_BOTTOM_GK = 81601.7
+MAP40_WIDTH = 714
+MAP40_HEIGHT = 1119
+MAP204_LEFT_GK = 36354.1
+MAP204_TOP_GK = 84154.5
+MAP204_RIGHT_GK = 37047.4
+MAP204_BOTTOM_GK = 83399.7
+MAP204_WIDTH = 972
+MAP204_HEIGHT = 1068
+import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, string, os
 myImage = Image.open("pguidemap.jpg")
 myDraw = ImageDraw.Draw(myImage) 
-my40Image = Image.open("pguidemap_40area.jpg")
+my40Image = myImage.crop(map(int, (
+my40Image = my40Image.resize((MAP40_WIDTH, MAP40_HEIGHT), Image.BICUBIC)
 my40Draw = ImageDraw.Draw(my40Image) 
-my204Image = Image.open("pguidemap_204area.jpg")
+my204Image = myImage.crop(map(int, (
+my204Image = my204Image.resize((MAP204_WIDTH, MAP204_HEIGHT), Image.BICUBIC)
 my204Draw = ImageDraw.Draw(my204Image) 
 #FONT = "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/arial.ttf"
+FONT = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf"
 SIZE = 8
 myFont = ImageFont.truetype(FONT, SIZE)
@@ -121,30 +157,6 @@ def mungecoord(x, y, mapcode = ""):
 	# yoffset = (y - 83317)*FACTOR
 	# return (1073 + xoffset, 562 - yoffset)
-	# Parameters for big map
-	MAP_LEFT_GK = 34394.9
-	MAP_TOP_GK = 84508.6
-	MAP_RIGHT_GK = 37399.4
-	MAP_BOTTOM_GK = 80895.6
-	MAP_WIDTH = 1417
-	MAP_HEIGHT = 1704
-	# Parameters for zoomed smaller maps
-	MAP40_LEFT_GK = 36275.6
-	MAP40_TOP_GK = 82392.5
-	MAP40_RIGHT_GK = 36780.3
-	MAP40_BOTTOM_GK = 81601.7
-	MAP40_WIDTH = 714
-	MAP40_HEIGHT = 1119
-	MAP204_LEFT_GK = 36354.1
-	MAP204_TOP_GK = 84154.5
-	MAP204_RIGHT_GK = 37047.4
-	MAP204_BOTTOM_GK = 83399.7
-	MAP204_WIDTH = 972
-	MAP204_HEIGHT = 1068
 	if(mapcode == "40"):
 	elif(mapcode == "204"):
@@ -156,28 +168,29 @@ def mungecoord(x, y, mapcode = ""):
 def plot(loctuple, number, area, label):
 	shortnumber = number.replace("—","")
-	(x,y) = mungecoord(loctuple[0], loctuple[1])
+	(x,y) = map(int, mungecoord(loctuple[0], loctuple[1]))
 	x = int(x)
 	y = int(y)
 	imagemap_areas.append( [x-4, y-SIZE/2, x+4+myDraw.textsize(shortnumber)[0], y+SIZE/2, shortnumber, label] )
-	myDraw.ellipse([(x-4,y-4),(x+4,y+4)], fill=areacolours[area], outline="#000000")
 	myDraw.rectangle([(x+4, y-SIZE/2), (x+4+myDraw.textsize(shortnumber)[0], y+SIZE/2)], fill="#ffffff")
 	myDraw.text((x+6,y-SIZE/2), shortnumber, fill="#000000")
+	myDraw.ellipse([(x-4,y-4),(x+4,y+4)], fill=areacolours[area], outline="#000000")
 	(x,y) = mungecoord(loctuple[0], loctuple[1], "40")
 	x = int(x)
 	y = int(y)
 	imagemap40_areas.append( [x-4, y-SIZE/2, x+4+myDraw.textsize(shortnumber)[0], y+SIZE/2, shortnumber, label] )
-	my40Draw.ellipse([(x-4,y-4),(x+4,y+4)], fill=areacolours[area], outline="#000000")
 	my40Draw.rectangle([(x+4, y-SIZE/2), (x+4+myDraw.textsize(shortnumber)[0], y+SIZE/2)], fill="#ffffff")
 	my40Draw.text((x+6,y-SIZE/2), shortnumber, fill="#000000")
+	my40Draw.ellipse([(x-4,y-4),(x+4,y+4)], fill=areacolours[area], outline="#000000")
 	(x,y) = mungecoord(loctuple[0], loctuple[1], "204")
 	x = int(x)
 	y = int(y)
 	imagemap204_areas.append( [x-4, y-SIZE/2, x+4+myDraw.textsize(shortnumber)[0], y+SIZE/2, shortnumber, label] )
-	my204Draw.ellipse([(x-4,y-4),(x+4,y+4)], fill=areacolours[area], outline="#000000")
 	my204Draw.rectangle([(x+4, y-SIZE/2), (x+4+myDraw.textsize(shortnumber)[0], y+SIZE/2)], fill="#ffffff")
 	my204Draw.text((x+6,y-SIZE/2), shortnumber, fill="#000000")
+	my204Draw.ellipse([(x-4,y-4),(x+4,y+4)], fill=areacolours[area], outline="#000000")
 def writeout_imagemap(data, mapname):
 	# Munge the list of coordinates into a proper image map.
@@ -199,6 +212,7 @@ import csv, re, time
 cavetabfile = file("../CAVETAB2.CSV")
 cavetab = csv.DictReader(cavetabfile, fieldnames)
 positionfile = file("../all.pos")
 positions = {}
@@ -215,20 +229,30 @@ for l in lengthsfile:
 	lengths[t[0]] = (t[1], t[2])
 print "Done"
-htmlfile = file("../prospecting_guide.html", "w")
+# Draw cave passage
+for mapcode in ["", "40", "204"]:
+	file3d = os.popen("/home/olly/cvs/survex-1.1/src/dump3d ../all.3d")
+	if mapcode == "40":
+		thisDraw = my40Draw
+	elif mapcode == "204":
+		thisDraw = my204Draw
+	else:
+		thisDraw = myDraw
+	lastx, lasty = 0, 0
+	for l in file3d:
+		try:
+			act,E,N,flags = re.match(r'^(MOVE|LINE)\s+(-?[0-9.]+)\s+(-?[0-9.]+)\s+(?:.*\] ([^]]*)$)?', l).groups()
+		except:
+			continue
+		if not flags: flags = ""
+		E,N = map(float, (E,N))
+		x,y = map(int, mungecoord(E, N, mapcode))
-htmlfile.write("<html><head><title>Prospecting Guide</title>\n")
-htmlfile.write("<style type=\"text/css\">.locn { font-size: x-small }</style></head>\n")
-htmlfile.write("<body><h1>Prospecting Guide</h1>")
-htmlfile.write("<p>Generated " + time.strftime("%x %X") + "</p>\n")
-htmlfile.write("<p><b>Notes:</b></p><ul><li>A marking status of \"Retag\" means a tag is in place but it carries a provisional number, or in some cases an incorrect number, and needs replacing with a new tag.</li>\n<li>Kataster status codes indicate the size of a cave, its character and its exploration status, as described <a href=\"../katast.htm\">here</a>.</li><li>For more info on each cave, see the links to detailed description pages.</li></ul><p><img src=\"prospecting_guide.jpg\" usemap=\"#map1\" ismap=\"ismap\" /></p><h3>Eish&ouml;hle area detail</h3><p><img src=\"prospecting_guide_40area.jpg\" usemap=\"#map40\" ismap=\"ismap\" /></p><h3>Steinbr&uuml;ckenh&ouml;hle area detail</h3><p><img src=\"prospecting_guide_204area.jpg\" usemap=\"#map204\" ismap=\"ismap\" /></p>\n")
-cachednumber = ""
-cachedarea = ""
-cachedname = ""
+		if act == "LINE" and not re.match(r'\bSURFACE\b', flags):
+			thisDraw.line([lastx, lasty, x, y], fill="#800080")
+		lastx,lasty = x,y
+cavestoplot = []
 for cave in cavetab:
 	if cave["Link file"]: continue
 	number = find_effective_number(cave)
@@ -244,26 +268,92 @@ for cave in cavetab:
 		cachedarea = cave["Area"]
 	area = cave["Area"]
-	if area == '1626': continue 
+   	# We have some areas like '2b or 4 (unclear)' - just chop the space
+	# and everything after it for these.
+	area = re.sub(r' .*', "", area)
+	if area == '1626' or area == 'nonexistent': continue
 	loctuple = find_location(cave)
 	label = find_label(cave, shortnumber)
-        print label
+	#print label
 	if(cave["Multiple entrances"] == "yes"):
 		locn = "<td colspan=\"3\">&nbsp;</td>"
 		locn = "<td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td>" % loctuple 
-		try:
-			plot(loctuple, number, area, label)
-		except:
-			plot(loctuple, number, "6", label)
+		cavestoplot.append((loctuple, number, area, label))
-		locn = "<td colspan=\"3\">"+ cave["Findability"] + "</td>"
-	try:#if(not cavelists.has_key(area)): cavelists[area]=[]
+		findability = cave["Findability"]
+		if not findability:
+			findability = '?'
+		locn = "<td colspan=\"3\">" + findability + "</td>"
+	try:
 		cavelists[area].append((number, cave, locn))
-		print number, area
+		print "Bad area '%s' for cave %s" % (area, number)
+htmlfile = file("../prospecting_guide.html", "w")
+htmlfile.write("<html><head><title>Prospecting Guide</title>\n")
+htmlfile.write("<style type=\"text/css\">.locn { font-size: x-small }</style></head>\n")
+htmlfile.write("<body><h1>Prospecting Guide</h1>")
+htmlfile.write("<p>Generated " + time.strftime("%x %X") + "</p>\n")
+htmlfile.write("<p><b>Notes:</b></p><ul><li>A marking status of \"Retag\" means a tag is in place but it carries a provisional number, or in some cases an incorrect number, and needs replacing with a new tag.</li>\n<li>Kataster status codes indicate the size of a cave, its character and its exploration status, as described <a href=\"../katast.htm\">here</a>.</li><li>For more info on each cave, see the links to detailed description pages.</li></ul><p><img src=\"prospecting_guide.jpg\" usemap=\"#map1\" ismap=\"ismap\" /></p><h3 id=\"idsubmap40\">Eish&ouml;hle area detail</h3><p><img src=\"prospecting_guide_40area.jpg\" usemap=\"#map40\" ismap=\"ismap\" /></p><h3 id=\"idsubmap204\">Steinbr&uuml;ckenh&ouml;hle area detail</h3><p><img src=\"prospecting_guide_204area.jpg\" usemap=\"#map204\" ismap=\"ismap\" /></p>\n")
+cachednumber = ""
+cachedarea = ""
+cachedname = ""
+# Plot the subareas on the full map
+(t,l) = mungecoord(MAP40_LEFT_GK, MAP40_TOP_GK)
+(b,r) = mungecoord(MAP40_RIGHT_GK, MAP40_BOTTOM_GK)
+myDraw.rectangle([t, l, b, r], outline='#777777')
+myDraw.rectangle([t, l, t+8, l+8], fill='#777777')
+imagemap_areas.append( [t, l, t+8, l+8, "submap40", "1623/40 subarea map"] )
+(t,l) = mungecoord(MAP204_LEFT_GK, MAP204_TOP_GK)
+(b,r) = mungecoord(MAP204_RIGHT_GK, MAP204_BOTTOM_GK)
+myDraw.rectangle([t, l, b, r], outline='#777777')
+myDraw.rectangle([t, l, t+8, l+8], fill='#777777')
+imagemap_areas.append( [t, l, t+8, l+8, "submap204", "1623/204 subarea map"] )
+# Plot faked positions first so that real caves go on top of the large circles
+fakedpositions = file("fakedpositions.dat")
+for p in fakedpositions:
+	try:
+		(x,y,d,name) = re.match(r'\(([0-9.]*?),\t([0-9.]*?),\t([0-9.]*?)\)\t(.*?)[\t ]*#', chomp(p)).groups()
+	except:
+		print "Couldn't understand" + repr(chomp(p))
+		continue
+	# Find the area with this cave in 
+	area = ''
+	for tryarea in areas:
+		for (number, cave, locn) in cavelists[tryarea]:
+			if name == number:
+				area = tryarea
+				break
+		# FIXME really want to break from both loops at once
+		# but I don't know how to in Python
+		if area != '':
+			break
+	(x,y,d) = map(float, (x,y,d))
+	(x,y,d) = map(round, (x,y,d))
+	lo = mungecoord(x-d,y+d)
+	hi = mungecoord(x+d,y-d)
+	foo = mungecoord(x-d, y)
+	myDraw.ellipse([lo,hi], outline="#000000")
+	myDraw.ellipse([lo[0]+1, lo[1]+1,hi[0]-1, hi[1]-1], outline=areacolours[area])
+	myDraw.ellipse([lo[0]+2, lo[1]+2,hi[0]-2, hi[1]-2], outline=areacolours[area])
+	myDraw.rectangle([foo[0],foo[1]-SIZE/2, foo[0] + myDraw.textsize(name)[0], foo[1]+SIZE/2], fill="#ffffff")
+	imagemap_areas.append( [foo[0],foo[1]-SIZE/2,  foo[0] + myDraw.textsize(name)[0], foo[1]+SIZE/2, name, "Approx position of %s" % name] )
+	myDraw.text((foo[0], foo[1]-SIZE/2), name, fill="#000000")
 plot(positions["laser.0_7"], "BNase", "6", "Br&auml;uning N&auml;se laser point")
 plot(positions["226-96"], "BZkn", "6", "Br&auml;uning Zinken trig point")
@@ -275,6 +365,11 @@ plot(positions["topcamp"], "TC", "6", "Top Camp")
 plot(positions["laser.0_1"], "LSR1", "6", "Laser Point 0/1")
 plot(positions["laser.0_5"], "LSR5", "6", "Laser Point 0/5")
+for (loctuple, number, area, label) in cavestoplot:
+	try:
+		plot(loctuple, number, area, label)
+	except:
+		plot(loctuple, number, "6", label)
 for area in areas:
 	if area:
@@ -296,37 +391,6 @@ for area in areas:
-fakedpositions = file("fakedpositions.dat")
-for p in fakedpositions:
-	try:
-		(x,y,d,name) = re.match(r'\(([0-9.]*?),\t([0-9.]*?),\t([0-9.]*?)\)\t(.*?)[\t ]*#', chomp(p)).groups()
-	except:
-		print "Couldn't understand" + repr(chomp(p))
-		continue
-        # Find the area with this cave in        
-	area = ''
-	for tryarea in areas:
-		for (number, cave, locn) in cavelists[tryarea]:
-			if name == number:
-				area = tryarea
-				break
-		# FIXME really want to break from both loops at once
-		# but I don't know how to in Python
-		if area != '':
-			break
-	x,y,d = map(float, (x,y,d))
-	x,y,d = map(round, (x,y,d))
-	lo = mungecoord(x-d,y+d)
-	hi = mungecoord(x+d,y-d)
-	foo = mungecoord(x-d, y)
-	myDraw.ellipse([lo,hi], outline="#000000")
-	myDraw.ellipse([lo[0]+1, lo[1]+1,hi[0]-1, hi[1]-1], outline=areacolours[area])
-	myDraw.ellipse([lo[0]+2, lo[1]+2,hi[0]-2, hi[1]-2], outline=areacolours[area])
-	myDraw.rectangle([foo[0],foo[1]-SIZE/2, foo[0] + myDraw.textsize(name)[0], foo[1]+SIZE/2], fill="#ffffff")
-	imagemap_areas.append( [foo[0],foo[1]-SIZE/2,  foo[0] + myDraw.textsize(name)[0], foo[1]+SIZE/2, name, "Approx position of %s" % name] )
-	myDraw.text((foo[0], foo[1]-SIZE/2), name, fill="#000000")
 writeout_imagemap(imagemap_areas, "map1")
 writeout_imagemap(imagemap40_areas, "map40")
 writeout_imagemap(imagemap204_areas, "map204")