diff --git a/handbook/computing/regular.html b/handbook/computing/regular.html
index c9e821ca2..a9de9b235 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/regular.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/regular.html
@@ -16,6 +16,14 @@
 <p>This page <i>is a checklist</i> who are helping the survey data reduction process during and after expo. 
 <p>All of these things should be checked <em>every week</em> for a couple of months after expo, and then every couple of months. Then again when preparing for the new expo in May.
+<h3>Re-importing all the data</h3>
+<p>We do this regularly during software maintenance to check that everything is still working. See the <a href="../troggle/trogimport.html">database reset</a> documentation. But it must be done: 
+<li>Whenever anybody has uploaded anything directly to the repos using git, without using the online forms: drawings, survey data (in :loser: repo) or handbook updates (in :expoweb:),
+<li>Every couple of months, to keep things clean and honest (and to check that the semiautomated OS updates on the server haven't broken anything).
 <h3>Data entry TO-DO list</h3>
 <p>A user-editable online to-do list for data management is now <a href="todo-data.html">part of the expo online systems</a>. Review this regularly to see what needs doing, and please *delete* jobs that have been done.
diff --git a/handbook/troggle/trogmanual.html b/handbook/troggle/trogmanual.html
index 82143716e..80e0350df 100644
--- a/handbook/troggle/trogmanual.html
+++ b/handbook/troggle/trogmanual.html
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 <li><a href="../computing/newyear.html">Annual tasks</a>: preparing for next year, finishing last year.
 <li><a href="../computing/regular.html">Regular tasks</a>: housekeeping as surveys are digitised.
+<li><a href="trogimport.html">Reimporting data</a>: reloading the database from scratch.
 <li><a href="trogdocm.html">Maintain troggle</a> itself. The code is public on repository <a href="../computing/repos.html">:troggle:</a>
 <li><a href="scriptsother.html">Other scripts</a> - photos, folk, wallets - not integral parts of troggle.
 <li><a href="trogarch.html">Troggle and database</a> architecture: how it all fits together 
diff --git a/years/1986/readme.txt b/years/1986/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb