Add entrance photos for 1987-02

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Jenny 2016-05-23 14:55:54 +12:00
parent ad7e7d1276
commit 19631a3df1
3 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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(image error) Size: 30 KiB

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(image error) Size: 50 KiB

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<location_description>100m up the 204 path from <a href="../1623/157/157.html">157</a> and 0/5, turn right and drop into small valley leading to entrance. This entrance was found by CUCC in 1987, but was not given a number because a carbide pig was found at the entrance and taken to be evidence of previous or ongoing exploration. The entrance was then lost for many years (except briefly when Brian Outram refound it and took the carbide pig, without realising its significance). At one point it was postulated to be the same cave as <a href="../1623/2006-06/2006-06.html">Bogenh&ouml;hle</a>, but was finally relocated in 2007.</location_description>
<photo><table class="imgtable"><tr><td><a href="../../expofiles/photos/2007/Olly/IMG_2817.jpg"><img src="IMG_2817_small.jpg" /></a></td><td><a href="../../expofiles/photos/2015/OllyJenny/jenny-pointing-at-the-1987-02-tag-bolt_20077726964.jpg"><img src="jenny-pointing-at-the-1987-02-tag-bolt_20077726964_small.jpg" /></a></td></tr><tr class="caption"><td>Looking up valley towards entrance (halfway up on right).</td><td>Jenny pointing at tag bolt.</td></tr><tr><td>Photo &copy; Olly Betts 2007</td><td>Photo &copy; Olly Betts 2015</td></tr></table></photo>
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