From 122cc2e02a43e91db6fa5a4b692720cb633937d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Sargent <>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 00:44:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Corrected New Cave documentation

 cave_data/1623-171.html        | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 handbook/survey/caveentry.html | 67 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cave_data/1623-171.html b/cave_data/1623-171.html
index 29ceaeba9..0d9c5b2d8 100644
--- a/cave_data/1623-171.html
+++ b/cave_data/1623-171.html
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>
+<!-- This file is generated using the form documented at /handbook/survey/caveentry.html -->
 <!-- Only put one cave in this file -->
-<!-- If you edit this file, make sure you update the websites database -->
+<!-- If you edit this file by hand, make sure you update the database by doing a full data import -->
+<!-- ALTERNATIVELY you can download an example template from expoweb/templates/cave_data.html -->
 <html lang="en">
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
@@ -9,7 +11,7 @@
-<official_name>Plateau H&ouml;hle 90/1</official_name>
+<official_name>Plateau H&ouml;hle 90/1</official_name><!-- Use &uuml; for u+Umlaut and &ouml; for o+umlaut eg H&ouml;hle for Hohle and Gl&uuml;ck for Gluck-->
 <kataster_code>1/T +</kataster_code>
@@ -27,18 +29,64 @@
 <explorers>CUCC 1990, surveyed Olly and Jenny 2016.</explorers>
-<underground_description>Subhorizontal phreatic tube trending 154&deg;. Multiple entrances and windows with total passage length in excess of 150m. Passage generally elliptical: 5m wide and 3m high.</p><p>Along the fault to the north are numerous choked shafts with a maximum depth of 5m.</underground_description>
+<underground_description>Subhorizontal phreatic tube trending 154&deg;. Multiple entrances and windows with total passage length in excess of 150m. Passage generally elliptical: 5m wide and 3m high.</p><p>Along the fault to the north are numerous choked shafts with a maximum depth of 5m.
+<a href="171_entrance.jpg">
+<img src="171_entrance_small.jpg">
+171 entrance
+<a href="rwc171.jpg">
+<img src="rwc171_small.jpg">
+171 rcw
+<a href="171vw.jpg">
+<img src="171vw_small.jpg">
+171 vw
+<a href="171_ent_old.jpg">
+<img src="171_ent_old_small.jpg">
+171 old entrance
+<a href="viewfromcol.jpg">
+<img src="viewfromcol_small.jpg">
+View of entrance from the col
+<p>You can see the entrance clearly even when standing at the col. It is in the middle of the 'view from the col' photo. Click to enlarge.</underground_description>
+<references></references><!-- References to documentation. Could be Journal articles or Logbook entries. Can be links if the docs are online. -->
+<survey></survey><!-- Drawn-up surveys. Scans of paper surveys or images/PDFs of electronic surveys. Should include HTML to display current plan and elevation, with links to larger versions (See section on URLs and files). Could list links to multiple years of survey, or even a separate survey page if it's complicated enough. -->
+<notes></notes><!-- Normally empty, but place for anything else that should be noted, such as info on cave maybe being a duplicate, or lost -->
+<description_file></description_file><!-- Leave BLANK if this is the only description is in this form -->
diff --git a/handbook/survey/caveentry.html b/handbook/survey/caveentry.html
index ed017c1fa..80eeab20f 100644
--- a/handbook/survey/caveentry.html
+++ b/handbook/survey/caveentry.html
@@ -54,58 +54,71 @@ This page outlines step 6 of the survey production process. Each step is documen
     fields filled in. You can then fill out the form for your new cave using that as an example to follow. But of course be
     very careful not to actually chenge anything on the form you have open for editing.
   <h3>New Cave Number</h3>
   <p>For a totally new cave you will be using a temporary number such as 2017-CUCC-24 or 2018-dm-07, not an Austrian official-issued Kataster number. But you may have been surveying a new passage in an established cave in which case you will need to find out if it has recently been issued with a Kataster number.
   <p>The list in the "<a href="/caves">Caves</a>" page (the menu item "Caves" in the vertical menu in the top-left of the page you are reading now)
   shows all the caves which have been already "created" within the online system. You can see a slightly-more updated list in the  
-  <!-- replace this with a link to a page with an IFRAME so that the UTF-8 is done right -->
   <a href="../../noinfo/cave-number-index">Cave Number Index</a> which includes caves which are in the process of being registered but may not have been "created" using either of the two methods described here.
   <h3>New Cave form</h3>
   <p>The links to follow to open up the "New Cave" form or the "Edit Cave" forms are 
-    somewhat obscure. <!--We should change this! --> 
+    somewhat obscure. 
     Go to the main cave index page which lists all the caves: <a href="/caves">Cave Index</a> 
-    and right at the bottom of the page (you will need to scroll down) it says<br />
-    <a href="/cave/new/">New Cave</a>.<br /> But don't click on it yet, first we will edit an old cave.
+    and on the right of the page, between the 1626 caves and the 1623 caves, it says<br />
+    <a href="/cave/new/">New Cave</a><br /> just above where it also says "Cave Number Index - kept updated".<br /> But don't click on it yet, first we will edit an old cave.
   <h3>Edit Cave form</h3>
 First make sure that you are logged-in to the troggle website. You almost certainly are already, 
 but if you are trying this on a new machine this can catch you out. Go to
-<a href=""></a>.
+<a href="/accounts/login/">/accounts/login/</a>.
 The username is "expo" and the password is the usual "{cavey}:{beery}" one.
-    Now open the cave page for an existing cave, e.g. <a href="">augstb-4</a>.
+    Now open the cave page for an existing cave, e.g. <a href="/1623/172.htm">Plateauh&ouml;hle 172</a>.
-  <li>
-    Now you can see that at the top there is a bullet point link labelled "Edit" - 
-    this is for editing entrances so don't touch it.</li>
-  <li> 
-    What you need is the line saying
-     <a href="" >"Edit this cave"</a> at the bottom of the top left-hand menu. 
-     It has a little icon of a pen next to it.</li>
+  <li>Now you are looking at the description of the cave. Take a moment to look at the URL in the title bar of your browser: the URL is <var>/1623/172.htm</var>. Remember this, we will come back to it.
+   <li> 
+    Now you can see a new option saying
+     <a href="1623-4/edit/" >"Edit this cave"</a> at the bottom of the top left-hand menu. 
+     It has a little icon of a pen next to it. But don't click on it yet.</li>
+  <li>First, scroll down the page until you see the heading "Entrances". This cave has only one entrance but other caves may have more. You can see that the information about the entrance, including the all-important photograph, is indented slightly to indicate that this is Entrance information, not Cave information.
+  <li>Just under the heading "Entrances" there is a link "Edit". This will take you to the form for editing entrances, not the form for editing caves.
+  <li>Now go the left-hand menu and look for the option "Edit this cave"
   <li>Click on it. A form appears.</li> <!-- a pirate steals your survey. -->
-       Scroll down the page - it is a long form - and look at the"Description file" and "Url" fields. 
-       These are the critical fields to get right when you create your own cave using the New Cave form.
+       Scroll down the page - it is a long form - and look at the "URL" field. 
+       This is the critical field to get right when you create your own cave using the New Cave form. The URL is where your cave will be published by the system, so if you put something strange here, no one will be able to find it. This field is where you tell the system where you want the cave description to be published.
+       <br>Some of the fields are expandable (you can drag the bottom-right corner to make the box bigger).
-<p>Effectively each field on the form is concatenated between tags to make an XML
-  page for the cave (or entrance). So each field you fill in on the form may contain arbitrary HTML. Be careful!</p>
+<p>Now let's look at another cave: 
+<li>The cave nearby: <a href="/1623/171/171.html">Plateauh&ouml;hle 171</a>.
+<li>Here you can see that it has two entrances.
+<li>Take a note of the URL: <var>/1623/171/171.htm</var>. Aha. Not quite the same is it.
+  <li>Now go the left-hand menu and click on "Edit this cave"
+  <li>You can see that both entrances are listed at the bottom of the form, and that the URL field matches the one you saw for the cave description: <var>/1623/171/171.htm</var>.
+  <li>The reason the URL has a different structure is that cave 171 has a lot of photographs associated with it (unlike 172), and these photos have been put in a separate folder /171/ . 
+  <li>This cave also has a correct link to a survex file under the heading "Survex File"
+  Click on <a href="/survexfile/caves-1623/171/171.svx">This survex file</a> and you can see the names and details of the survey done in 2016 by Jenny and Olly. 
+  Click on '3d download' in the cave description page and you will open the centreline in 3d on your computer - if you have survex installed (which you should do: Olly wrote it and he will be upset if you don't).
-  <h3>Gotchas</h3>
-<p>There is a problem in that when you create a cave for the first time it doesn't know about the cave, so the drop-down
-  menu of caves does not include itself.
-  So a new entrance has to be assigned to an existing cave (which is in the drop-down), and edited correctly later once troggle has
-  fully
-  absorbed the existence of your new cave.
-  <p>Also until <em>both</em> a cave and an entrance have been created in the troggle system, neither will appear in the various reports.
-  <h3>Detailed walk-through of an example</h3>
-  <p>TO BE DONE - in a separate page</p>
+<p>Behind the scenes, you are editing different .xml files for the cave and for each entrance. 
+Troggle collects these together to make an XML page for the cave (or entrance). 
+So each field you fill in on the form may contain arbitrary HTML. Be careful!</p>
+  <h3>Gotcha</h3>
+  <p>When creating a new cave you have just discovered, you can't create the entrance the first time you are on the form.
+  <p>Create the cave, click the Submit button to save it to the system.
+  <p>The next page will be your cave page as if you had clicked on its name in the "<a href="/caves">Caves</a>" page.
+  <p>Now you can now click on "New Entrance" at the bottom of the description page to create and edit the entrance details.
 <h2>List of New Cave/Cave_data fields</h2>