diff --git a/links.htm b/links.htm index 3564758f7..18e23ba0d 100644 --- a/links.htm +++ b/links.htm @@ -1,104 +1,88 @@ - - + + - -Totes Gebirge Expo - other relevant web sites - + +CUCC Austria Expeditions: Links -

CUCC Austria Expeditions
-LINKS to other relevant sites


Well, there aren't many, as yet. Most other groups who have worked -in the area aren't on the web, though this is starting to change quite -quickly as of late 1998. However, this is where such links -will appear, in their own good time. We're hoping to find sites -for such relevant things as Austrian geology, mapping, and even -(I expect) tourist info.
-Watch this space :-) +

Links to other relevant sites


-> -The principal reference is to the local group -Verein füur -Höhlenkunde im Obersteier

Other groups working in the area

-> -Other groups who have worked in area 1623:
+ ----> -University -of Leeds Speleological Association have worked in the adjacent Tauplitz -area in the mid-eighties. +

Groups working in adjacent areas

+ -

> -UK Groups whose members (mainly also members of CUCC at the time) have -taken some part in CUCC expeditions: ----> - -Bradford Pothole Club

UK Groups whose members have taken some part in CUCC expeditions

+ ----> -Cave Diving -Group
- ----> -Craven Pothole Club
- ----> -Northern Pennine Club
-(This list is very incomplete, as yet) - -

> -Local Groups for adjacent areas:
----> -Landesverein für Höhlenkunde in Oberosterreich -have a site describing the adjacent 1626 area, -just a few kilometres across the plateau from us. Text in -English or -German.
----> -To our south in the Dachstein, the local group is -Landesverein für -Höhlenkunde in Oberosterreich - -

> -Geology, Mapping, Aerial photography, Alpine Clubs (for huts etc.):
----> -Austrian Geological -Survey
- -

- -> -Back to CUCC Home page
-> -Back to Expedition Intro page
-> -Main Indices:
----> -Index to Expo information pages
----> -Description of CUCC's area and split to subareas
----> -Full Index to cave descriptions in area 1623
----> -List of (links to) published reports and logbooks +

Geography and geology of Austria

+ +