Logbook edited 2017-07-20c

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Philip Sargent 2024-12-17 16:57:00 +00:00
parent 5d5f773493
commit 0fbcf1c607

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ re-written. This is prevent spurious re-orderings and spurious git commit lines
Sorry about all the crap that surrounds the image tags which has been imported along with the content
when UK Caving blogs have been parsed.
Exported on 2024-12-17 11:12 using either the control panel webpage or when editing a logbook entry online
Exported on 2024-12-17 16:12 using either the control panel webpage or when editing a logbook entry online
See troggle/code/views/other.py and core.models/logbooks.py writelogbook(year, filename)
@ -330,21 +330,21 @@ Blog Author: CavingPig
We took this photo on Wednesday, it's of the ice waterfall in Ice Cock aven, this is also where the tunnocks - balcony connection was made in 2015 extending the SMK system to 114km at the time.&nbsp; <br>
<div class="bbImageWrapper js-lbImage" title="35203764664_3fa80ec26c_z_d.jpg" data-src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4319/35203764664_3fa80ec26c_z_d.jpg" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1">
<img src="/years/2017/./blogimages/35203764664_3fa80ec26c_z.jpg" data-url="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4319/35203764664_3fa80ec26c_z_d.jpg" class="bbImage" data-zoom-target="1" style="" alt="35203764664_3fa80ec26c_z_d.jpg" title="" width="" height="" loading="lazy">
Julia and Antony even made a cake to commemorate the event&nbsp; <img src="/years/2017/" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite35" alt=":beer:" title="Beer :beer:" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":beer:"><br>
Julia and Antony even made a cake to commemorate the event&nbsp; 🍺
[NOTE: on 3rd August 2017 - Julia Day<br>Just for the record, that's a trifle ;) An excuse to get rid of THE WRONG CUSTARD (and some very alcoholic cherries, at least for trifle #1) and boast about the length of the system in one sugary package. I forget if that was trifle #2 or #3, but we definitely did one to celebrate the year the 100km mark was reached :beer: ]
<div class="bbImageWrapper js-lbImage" title="35233497043_1d86fd9dd6_z_d.jpg" data-src="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4304/35233497043_1d86fd9dd6_z_d.jpg" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1">
<img src="/years/2017/./blogimages/35233497043_1d86fd9dd6_z.jpg" data-url="https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4304/35233497043_1d86fd9dd6_z_d.jpg" class="bbImage" data-zoom-target="1" style="" alt="35233497043_1d86fd9dd6_z_d.jpg" title="" width="" height="" loading="lazy">
I'll post a proper report later, I was going to write about lunch but looks like that's already been covered quite extensively&nbsp; <img src="/years/2017/" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite2" alt=";)" title="Wink ;)" loading="lazy" data-shortname=";)"></div>