diff --git a/handbook/update.htm b/handbook/update.htm
index c2a1aa5b3..af8d664db 100644
--- a/handbook/update.htm
+++ b/handbook/update.htm
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ then restart nautilus <tt>nautilus -q</tt>. If it works, you'll be able to see t
 cave files in noinfo/cave_data/ and noinfo/entrance_data/. These files
 are named <area>-<cavenumber>.html (where area is 1623 or 1626). These
 files are processed by troggle. Use <tt>python databaseReset.py
-cavesnew</tt> in /expofiles/troggle/ to update the site/database after
+caves</tt> in /expofiles/troggle/ to update the site/database after
 editing these files.</p>
 <p>(If you remember something about CAVETAB2.CSV for editing caves, that was