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synced 2025-03-21 17:51:57 +00:00
[svn r7895] Improve 157 and 1987-02 descriptions now we've refound 1987-02.
Tweak 156 description.
This commit is contained in:
@ -190,8 +190,8 @@
,,"a",,"entrance",,,,,,,,"Discovered CUCC 1985 (on last day), explored 1987",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p154",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"Paint (?)",,"Surveyed",
,,"b",,"last entrance",,,,,,,,"Discovered CUCC 1985 (on last day), explored 1987",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p154b",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"Unmarked",,"Surveyed",
155,"1/S -",,,,"smkridge/155.htm",,,"Unerforscht Schacht 155",,,"2b","CUCC 1985 (on last day), was this pushed in 1987 ?","The cave can be entered via a slot on the right hand side of snow plug, or by crossing the snow plug onto the ice. The ice slopes down in one corner, possibly to a pitch, which, however, will need a rope to verify. Another slot nearby may drop into the same chamber. ",,,,,,"Grade 1 elevation in 1985 Log Book ?",,,,,,,,"p155",,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.155",,,,,,"about 150m ENE of <a href=""154.htm"">154</a>","From 154, climb up and right and around a grassy shoulder. Then walk down (heading roughly east), skirting past a choked doline and 155 lies ahead.","A huge snow-plugged entrance apparently akin to <a href=""113.htm"">113</a>.",,,,"Surveyed",
156,"1/S +",,,,"smkridge/156/156.html",,,"Schwa Schacht 156",,,"2c","CUCC 1987","An open rift with a rock bridge. Pitch of 25m drops onto snow bank, and route to southeast of this drops a further 15m to a complete choke with snow.",,,,,,"</p><div class=""centre""><img alt=""Map+survey, 10k gif"" width=""620"" height=""336"" src=""../others/156.png"" /></div><p>Grade 1 plan/elev of 156 and T.B.H. from <a href=""../../years/1987/log.htm"">1987 Log Book</a>",,,,,"The <a href=""../../years/1987/log.htm"">log book</a> refers to exploration in the vicinity of 0/1 including 156 and a nearby cave (unnumbered in 1987) <a href=""../199.htm"">Tumbling Boulder Hole</a>. There is, however, another piece of paper which says it is very near (and NE of) point 0/2. This appears to arise from the diagram which accompanies the log book entry, which shows 0/2 with no north arrow, and uphill up the page. If the point was really 0/1 on this diagram, then the descriptions would match, with north at 7 O'Clock on the diagram. The logbook suggests that the discoverers had visited 0/2 (and found very little nearby) and then 0/1 later, finding 156. GPS location and later a surface survey (1998) confirms that 0/1 is the correct laser point.",,"t156","p156","random point or top rigging bolt",,"Surface survey","gps98.156",,,,,,,"<span lang=""de-at"">Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel,</span> 50m south of <a href=""../../handbook/survey/lasers.htm"">laser rangefound point 0/1</a>. The recently (1998) cairned route up the <span lang=""de-at"">Vd. Schwarzmooskogel</span> NW flank passes very close to the laser point, and skirts the NE end of the open rift of 156. Surface survey connecting Tag and original survey ( to top rigging bolt) done in 1999. ",,,"</p><table class=""imgtable""><tr><td><a href=""ent.jpg""><img src=""ent_small.jpg"" /></a></td><td><a href=""shaft.jpg""><img src=""shaft_small.jpg"" /></a></td> <td><a href=""downshaft.jpg""><img src=""downshaft_small.jpg"" /></a></td></tr><tr class=""caption""><td>Entrance area</td><td>Main shaft</td><td>Looking down shaft</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=""northview.jpg""><img src=""northview_small.jpg"" /></a></td><td><a href=""tag.jpg""><img src=""tag_small.jpg"" /></a></td> <td><a href=""oldpaint.jpg""><img src=""oldpaint_small.jpg"" /></a></td></tr><tr class=""caption""><td>View north towards the Schönberg</td><td>Tag</td><td>Old paint marker</td></tr></table><p>Photos © Dave Loeffler 2005 (1) and © Olly Betts 2006 (2-6)","Tag","""1623 156 CUCC 1987"" on alloy tag on west side of more southerly opening, more-or-less directly above the first rigging bolt","Surveyed",
157,"2/S x ",,,,"smkridge/157/157.html",,,"Schwa Schacht 157","Pirat Schacht",,"1c","Uncertain. Rediscovered CUCC 1987","Entrance shaft of 50m until gap between snow and rock became too perilous in 1987 - bottom still out of sight. About 25m below the karren, a rift passage leads off from side of shaft into parallel shaft with aven. This shaft is of unknown depth but has recent looking bolts of unknown origin. It is just conceivable that these bolts are in 107, but far more likely that the cave had been looked at by GSCB who were in the area on a reconnaissance in 1986 (?) and more seriously in 1987.</p><p>The second cave has a walk-in entrance, splitting just inside. The left passage comes out below a shaft from the surface, and apparently continues unexplored. The main passage reaches a 10m pitch, also below a surface shaft, which drops into a chamber. To the left is a short passage to an undescended pitch of about 10m, while to the right are three ways on. First is a rift, then a passage with an ice floor, and finally, half back towards the entrance, is a passage emerging below another surface shaft (passed on the surface just before reaching the entrance). This final passage also appeared to continue. Because a large carbide pig was found outside the entrance, it was assumed that someone else was in the course of exploring this cave.",,,,,,,,,,,,,"p157",,,,,,,,,,,,"""about 6m above <a href=""../handbook/survey/lasers.htm"">Laser rangefound point 0/5</a>"" (which is above gully containing <a href=""../plateau/107.htm"">Kat. 107</a> and marked with an alloy tag stamped ""LASER 0-5""). The cave was looked for but not seen in a visit to this laser point in 1998. A <a href=""../../plateau/1987_02.html"">second cave 100m from 0/5</a>, uphill to the left, was not given a number because of evidence of previous exploration, but should be investigated further. (This might, or might not, be <a href=""../2006-06/2006-06.html"">Bogenhöhle</a>.) 157 was relocated in 2001, visible to the right of the route up to 204. It was marked with faded yellow paint.",,,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""ent.jpg""><img src=""ent_small.jpg"" /></a><p class=""caption"">Dave Loeffler at the 157 entrance. Photo © Mark Shinwell 2006</p></div>","Tag","Documentation says tagged in 2000 but no evidence of a tag. Tag placed 2006.","Surveyed","Much confusion"
156,"1/S +",,,,"smkridge/156/156.html",,,"Schwa Schacht 156",,,"2c","CUCC 1987","An open rift with a rock bridge. Pitch of 25m drops onto snow bank, and route to southeast of this drops a further 15m to a complete choke with snow.",,,,,,"</p><div class=""centre""><img alt=""Map+survey"" width=""620"" height=""336"" src=""../others/156.png"" /></div><p>Grade 1 plan/elev of 156 and T.B.H. from <a href=""../../years/1987/log.htm"">1987 Log Book</a>",,,,,"The <a href=""../../years/1987/log.htm"">log book</a> refers to exploration in the vicinity of 0/1 including 156 and a nearby cave (unnumbered in 1987) <a href=""../199.htm"">Tumbling Boulder Hole</a>. There is, however, another piece of paper which says it is very near (and NE of) point 0/2. This appears to arise from the diagram which accompanies the log book entry, which shows 0/2 with no north arrow, and uphill up the page. If the point was really 0/1 on this diagram, then the descriptions would match, with north at 7 O'Clock on the diagram. The logbook suggests that the discoverers had visited 0/2 (and found very little nearby) and then 0/1 later, finding 156. GPS location and later a surface survey (1998) confirms that 0/1 is the correct laser point.",,"t156","p156","random point or top rigging bolt",,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"<span lang=""de-at"">Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel,</span> 50m south of <a href=""../../handbook/survey/lasers.htm"">laser rangefound point 0/1</a>. The recently (1998) cairned route up the <span lang=""de-at"">Vd. Schwarzmooskogel</span> NW flank passes very close to the laser point, and skirts the NE end of the open rift of 156. Surface survey connecting Tag and original survey (to top rigging bolt) done in 1999.",,,"</p><table class=""imgtable""><tr><td><a href=""ent.jpg""><img src=""ent_small.jpg"" /></a></td><td><a href=""shaft.jpg""><img src=""shaft_small.jpg"" /></a></td> <td><a href=""downshaft.jpg""><img src=""downshaft_small.jpg"" /></a></td></tr><tr class=""caption""><td>Entrance area</td><td>Main shaft</td><td>Looking down shaft</td></tr> <tr><td><a href=""northview.jpg""><img src=""northview_small.jpg"" /></a></td><td><a href=""tag.jpg""><img src=""tag_small.jpg"" /></a></td> <td><a href=""oldpaint.jpg""><img src=""oldpaint_small.jpg"" /></a></td></tr><tr class=""caption""><td>View north towards the Schönberg</td><td>Tag</td><td>Old paint marker</td></tr></table><p>Photos © Dave Loeffler 2005 (1) and © Olly Betts 2006 (2-6)","Tag","""1623 156 CUCC 1987"" on alloy tag on west side of more southerly opening, more-or-less directly above the first rigging bolt","Surveyed",
157,"2/S x ",,,,"smkridge/157/157.html",,,"Schwa Schacht 157","Pirat Schacht",,"1c","Uncertain. Rediscovered CUCC 1987","Entrance shaft of 50m until gap between snow and rock became too perilous in 1987 - bottom still out of sight. About 25m below the karren, a rift passage leads off from side of shaft into parallel shaft with aven. This shaft is of unknown depth but has recent looking bolts of unknown origin. It is just conceivable that these bolts are in 107, but far more likely that the cave had been looked at by GSCB who were in the area on a reconnaissance in 1986 (?) and more seriously in 1987.",,,,,,,,,,,,,"p157",,,,,,,,,,,,"""about 6m above <a href=""../handbook/survey/lasers.htm"">Laser rangefound point 0/5</a>"" (which is above gully containing <a href=""../plateau/107.htm"">Kat. 107</a> and marked with an alloy tag stamped ""LASER 0-5""). The cave was looked for but not seen in a visit to this laser point in 1998. It was relocated in 2001, visible to the right of the route up to 204. It was marked with faded yellow paint.",,,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""ent.jpg""><img src=""ent_small.jpg"" /></a><p class=""caption"">Dave Loeffler at the 157 entrance. Photo © Mark Shinwell 2006</p></div>","Tag","Documentation says tagged in 2000 but no evidence of a tag. Tag placed 2006.","Surveyed","Much confusion"
158,"3/S +",,,,"smkridge/158.htm",,,"Donner und Blitzen Höhle",,,"2b","CUCC 1987","A body-width passage formed by a wall on the left and a large detached slab on the right descends for about 5m at 45°, with occasional glimpses of daylight above. A cross passage is then encountered. To the right is blocked after a few metres, but left descends to meet the base of the wall. To the right here, a 20-22cm squeeze is passed by lying on one side. After 2m of further tight progress, the rift opens onto a drop. A steep tube descends for about 12m to a small chamber and with care can be descended free.</p><p>From the chamber, the passage curves to the left and opens onto the head of a 7m pitch, which drops onto a large ledge. A rebelay just over the lip of the ledge at the left hand side gives a further 18m free-hanging pitch to a landing on boulders several metres across, which appear to be jammed across the shaft.</p><p>A narrow rift around a corner stops at a drip and a small pool. The way on is through a gap to a hole with a jammed block. Climbing down to the block leads to the head of an 18m pitch which rapidly opens into a huge split-level chamber. The pitch lands on <b>Big Bertha</b>, a boulder some 4m in diameter. </p><p>To the north, a narrow rift has been followed for about 10m to a tight vertical drop of at least 5m down the rift, but this has not been pushed. East from Big Bertha leads to a 5m drop to the lower half of the chamber, which is floored with loose rock. An archway to the left leads to a 7m pitch to a small stream. This disappears down an impassable slot, but is met lower in the cave.</p><p>From the archway, a climb up behind a boulder propped against the side of the chamber leads to a col. One side rapidly curves up to the roof. The other ascends over very loose boulders for at least 25m (15m vertical) until the roof is met. This area has not been exhaustively pushed, but seems unlikely to lead anywhere.</p><p>Descending the other side of the col gives a series of ledges via 5m, 7m and 8m pitches, in a canyon some 5m wide and at least 15m high. The stream enters at the bottom of the 7m pitch. Below, the rift continues down a moderate slope and round a corner, with a final short 4m pitch to a soil and rock floored chamber.</p><p>A strong draught is felt around the edges of the chamber, rising from the choked floor. It is possible to descend in loose boulders in a number of places but all ways meet the roof and choke - pushing in this area is dangerous and unpromising.</p><p>Near the bottom of the previous pitch, a 5m deep circular pit in the floor can be descended. This takes a large drip from the stream above. At the bottom, a tight (22-26cm) rift leads on for 3m to a further 3m pitch to a small chamber. An impassable passage continues, while a small window gives a view of a widening beyond.",,,,,"In dataset","Grade 3 plan and elevation in <a href=""../../jnl/1988/index.htm"">Cambridge Underground 1988</a>, p 6</p><p><img alt=""E-W Elevation, 15k gif"" width=""500"" height=""760"" src=""others/158ew.png"" /></p><p><img alt=""Plan, 15k gif"" width=""840"" height=""400"" src=""others/158p.png"" />",,,"continues unsurveyed to approx 128m",,,,,"p158","on big rock at entrance",,"Surface survey",,"gps00.158",,,,,,"400m NNE of The Nipple <span lang=""de"">(Weißen Warze)</span> at the base of a wall to the left after passing a sandy depression (walking from the Nipple).",,,,"Paint",,"Surveyed",
159,"2/S +",,,,"plateau/159/159.html",,,"Winded Hole",,,"1a","CUCC 1988 (1st pitch Chris & Becka, bottomed by Chris).","Two bolts in entrance for Y-hang to give c40m vertical to a boulder floor, then a further 20m in a big boulder chamber. A ""nice skeleton"" and an old colander (!) were found on the terminal choke in 1988.",,,,,,,,,"c50m",,,,"t159",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,"1990 Bearings (we have no idea where these came from and they aren't remotely in the right place): HSK 116°, Nipple 174°, Bräuning Nase 199°, Bräuning Zinken 216°</p><p>1996: HSK 059°, VSK nipple 111°, Bräuning Nase 152°, Kleine Wild Kogel 009°(left) and 010°(right), Bräuning Wall pt. 1828 209°, Bräuning Wall pt. 1835 221°, Bräuning Zinken 232° ",,"Near 'crapping region' of Top Camp (1990). Cave is on the same fault/joint as <a href=""../90/90.html"">1623/90</a>, <a href=""../207/207.html"">1623/207</a> and <a href=""../208/208.html"">1623/208</a>, but further out from the Bräuning Wall, c 100m on 067°.","Cave relocated 1990, 1996 and surveyed to in 1998. Entrance reached in two minutes from upper top camp by heading west and dropping down one terrace.",,"</p><table class=""imgtable""><tr><td><a href=""../others/l/159.htm""><img alt=""entrance photo - link to 56k jpeg"" src=""../others/t/159.jpg"" /></td><td><a href=""ent2005.jpg""><img src=""ent2005_small.jpg"" /></a></td></tr><tr class=""caption""><td>View towards col</td><td>View down shaft (note tag on shaft wall just below number board)</td></tr></table><p>Photos © Andy Waddington 1998 and David Loeffler 2005","Tag","orange number ""159"" facing north. 1998 tag ""1623 159 CUCC 1988"" attached to more northerly of two Y-hang bolts, just below surface. This is the anchor visible in the photograph (with an orange circle painted round it), taken before the tag was attached.","Surveyed",
160,"2/S/ +",,,,"plateau/160.htm",,,"Plateau Schacht 160","Jared's Hole",,"1a","CUCC 1988 ","Bottoming trip used a 70m rope to reach a choke (with a draught). A small side rift at the bottom choked after 3m.</p><p>The cave could probably do with another descent to record some details of the interior or even a survey !",,,,,,,,,,,"1988 logbook implies that this is "Jared's Hole". Was provisionally numbered "181" but apparently never marked. ",,"p160",,,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.160",,,,,,"On plateau, near <a href=""b10.htm"">B10</a> (according to B10 info). <a href=""../years/1988/log.htm#start"">Map in 1988 logbook</a> shows 160 as out on the plateau from Bräuning Scharte in an area of terracing, and WSW of B10. Hole tagged in 1998 is just east of 91, and can also be reached by following the terrace west from the 159 entrance.",,,,"Tag","The hole believed to be 160 was unmarked until tagged in 1998 ""1623 160 CUCC 1988"" on flat limestone 1m east of entrance. This had been relocated in 1996 and was then thought to be <a href=""159/159.html"">159</a>, but latter was found marked in 1998.","Surveyed",
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
,"+ (?)",,"HFG-KA88",,"smkridge/hfg-ka88/hfg-ka88.html",,,,,,"2b","Franco-German group 1988",,,,,"See 2002 logbook entry (2002-08-05)",,,,,,,,,,"gps02olly.hfg-ka88",,,,,,,,,,,"Close to 163, down a couple of ledges from 2001-08.",,"Nice sloping shaft on a rift/diaclase","</p> <table class=""imgtable""><tr> <td><a href=""hfgapproach.jpg""><img src=""hfgapproach_small.jpg"" /></a></td> <td><a href=""hfgent.jpg""><img src=""hfgent_small.jpg"" /></a></td> <td><a href=""hfgcloseup.jpg""><img src=""hfgcloseup_small.jpg"" /></a></td> </tr><tr class=""caption""><td> Approach</td><td>Closeup of entrance</td> <td>Paint markings</td></tr> </table><p>Photos © Wookey 2002","Paint","Hard to read (originally read as BFG-KA88). Also a red splodge which is more likely to be a + than a -","Surveyed",
,,,"88H",,"smkridge/88h.html",,,,,"GSCB","2b",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Refindable","Has been seen recently (1998)"
,,,"88F",,"smkridge/88f.html",,,,,"GSCB","2b",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps02olly.88f",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag","tag VSS188F 2002","Refindable","Has been seen recently (2002)"
,,,"1987-02",,"plateau/1987_02.html",,,,,,"1c","Found by CUCC 1987. Original explorers unknown, possibly GSCB?",,,,,,,,"caves/1987-02/1987-02.svx",,,,,,"p1987-02",,,,,,,,,,,,"100m up from <a href=""../smkridge/157.htm"">157</a> and 0/5. Was postulated to be the same cave as <a href=""../smkridge/bogen.html"">Bogenhöhle</a>, but was located in 2007.",,,,,,"Surveyed",
,,,"1987-02",,"plateau/1987_02.html",,,,,,"1c","Found by CUCC 1987. Original explorers unknown, possibly GSCB?","The cave has a walk-in entrance, splitting just inside. The left passage comes out below a shaft from the surface, and apparently continues unexplored. The main passage reaches a 10m pitch, also below a surface shaft, which drops into a chamber. To the left is a short passage to an undescended pitch of about 10m, while to the right are three ways on. First is a rift, then a passage with an ice floor, and finally, half back towards the entrance, is a passage emerging below another surface shaft (passed on the surface just before reaching the entrance). This final passage also appeared to continue. Because a large carbide pig was found outside the entrance, it was assumed that someone else was in the course of exploring this cave.",,,,,,,"caves/1987-02/1987-02.svx",,,,,,"p1987-02",,,,,,,,,,,,"100m uphill to the left from <a href=""../smkridge/157.htm"">157</a> and 0/5. This entrance was found by CUCC in 1987, but was not given a number because a carbide pig was found at the entrance and taken to be evidence of previous or ongoing exploration. The entrance was then lost for many years (except briefly when Brian Outram refound it and took the carbide pig, without realising its significance). At one point it was postulated to be the same cave as <a href=""../smkridge/bogen.html"">Bogenhöhle</a>, but was finally relocated in 2007.",,,,,,"Surveyed",
,,,"1989-01",,,,,,,"Probably <a href=""#id195"">195</a>. See <a href=""#id165"">165</a> for more details.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"North of 165",,,,"Unmarked",,"Lost","May be 195 but seems unlikely; or 196"
,,,"1990-15",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Probably doesn't exist! Suspected to be a typo in a 1990 log book write up of surface work. The number ""90/15"" isn't mentioned anywhere else at all.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Paint","Numbered erroneously as ""185"" ","Lost","AERW doesn't know where to find it"
,"1/S -",,"1992-X01",,"plateau/1992-X01.html",,,,"Olly's 1992 minus cave",,"1b","CUCC 1992 Olly Betts","Undescended. 2 second drop with a rattle for a bit.",,,,"1992 logbook (1992.08.01)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Unmarked",,"Refindable",
@ -491,7 +491,7 @@
,,"a",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p2006-04a",,,,"GPS post SA",,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag",,"Surveyed",
,,"b",,"last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p2006-04b",,,,"GPS post SA",,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag",,"Surveyed",
,"0/S -",,"2006-05",,"smkridge/2006-05.html",,,,"M5",,"2d",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps06.2006-05",,,,"GPS post SA",,,,,,,,,,"Draughting surface shaft",,"Tag",,"Surveyed",
,"1/T +",,"2006-06",,"smkridge/2006-06/2006-06.html",,,"Bogenhöhle",,,"1c","Origin obscure; surveyed 2001 CUCC (Mark S, Mike Cox)","Ducking under the entrance arch leads to a spacious tunnel with snow on the floor. This narrows and slopes uphill to a second skylight entrance.","None required",,,,"In dataset","Notes in 2001#11 apparently, but this wallet is missing","surface/bogen.svx",,,,"This was once conjectured to be the ""second cave with a walk-in entrance"" mentioned in the <a href=""../157/157.html"">157</a> description, but that cave was located in 2007.",,"tbogen",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,"Obvious large arched entrance opposite the second of the two short climbs on the 204 walk-in, just before Laser Point 0/5.","</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""ent.jpg""><img alt=""entrance photo"" src=""ent_small.jpg"" /></a></div><p>Photo © Mark Shinwell 2006","Tag","Apparently retagged in 2006 with the new provisional number.","Surveyed",
,"1/T +",,"2006-06",,"smkridge/2006-06/2006-06.html",,,"Bogenhöhle",,,"1c","Origin obscure; surveyed 2001 CUCC (Mark S, Mike Cox)","Ducking under the entrance arch leads to a spacious tunnel with snow on the floor. This narrows and slopes uphill to a second skylight entrance.","None required",,,,"In dataset","Notes in 2001#11 apparently, but this wallet is missing","surface/bogen.svx",,,,"This was once conjectured to be the same as <a href=""../1987_02.html"">1987-02</a> description, but that cave was relocated in 2007.",,"t2006-06",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,"Obvious large arched entrance opposite the second of the two short climbs on the 204 walk-in, just before Laser Point 0/5.","</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""ent.jpg""><img alt=""entrance photo"" src=""ent_small.jpg"" /></a></div><p>Photo © Mark Shinwell 2006","Tag","Retagged in 2006 with the new provisional number (""2006 06"").","Surveyed",
,"0/S -",,"2006-07",,"smkridge/2006-07.html",,,"Infrared Spectrometer",,,"2d","CUCC 2006 (Phil + Matt)","One spit placed, but not descended",,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps06.2006-07",,,,"GPS post SA",,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag","Tag ""2006-07"" placed by original explorers","Surveyed",
,"1/T +",,"2006-08",,"smkridge/2006-08/2006-08.html",,,"Knackered Tacklesack Cave",,,"2d","CUCC 2006 (Phil + Chantalle + Sandeep)","Boulder slope leading to impenetrable choke after 12m","None required",,,"2006 logbook","In dataset","</p><div class=""centre""><img src=""plan.jpg"" /> <img src=""elev.jpg"" /></div><p>Notes in 2006#33","caves/2006-08/2006-08.svx",,,,,,"p2006-08",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Surveyed",
,"1/S +",,"2006-09",,"smkridge/2006-09/2006-09.html",,,"Random Schacht",,,"2d","CUCC 2006 (Phil + Chantalle)",,,,,,,"Notes in 2006#27. Drawn up straight onto master survey by DL, to be copied.","caves/2006-09/2006-09.svx",,,,,,"p2006-09",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"Close to <a href=""../2006-04/2006-04.html"">2006-04 (Tunnockschacht)</a>, around 50m to the south-east.",,,"</p> <table class=""imgtable""> <tr> <td> <a href=""ent.jpg""><img src=""ent_small.jpg"" /></a></td> <td><a href=""downent.jpg""><img src=""downent_small.jpg"" /></a></td></tr><tr class=""caption""><td>Entrance and tag</td><td>Closeup of entrance</td></tr></table> <p>Photos © Chantalle Mouwer 2006-08-06","Tag","Tag ""2006-09"" placed by original explorers","Surveyed",
Reference in New Issue
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