diff --git a/folk/README.txt b/folk/README.txt
index 19f252f06..d0abcc0a5 100644
--- a/folk/README.txt
+++ b/folk/README.txt
@@ -43,3 +43,6 @@ folk-0 is for awkward buggers whose attendance spans decades. This needs updatin
 one of these lags attends:
 AERW, Becka, Mark Dougherty, Philip Sargent, Chris Densham, Mike Richardson
+Currently (May 2021) the software ignores folk-0, -1, -2 and you will need to use the old folk.csv for 
+the 2021 expo. But we hope to have this fixed in time...
diff --git a/handbook/computer.html b/handbook/computer.html
index 38277b4f2..bbcef4cdc 100644
--- a/handbook/computer.html
+++ b/handbook/computer.html
@@ -122,9 +122,7 @@ pushing the changes to the distributed version control system on
 a much-improved WiFi service at the Gasthof in recent years. 
-<ul id="links">
-<li><a href="index.htm">Expedition Handbook</a>
+<hr />
+Go on to: <a href="computing/onlinesystems.html">Expo online systems</a><br />
+<hr /></body>
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--- a/handbook/computing/basiclaptop.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/basiclaptop.html
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 <li>Edit the cave description and entrance description text for existing caves
 <li>Create entirely new caves in the system by filling out online forms
+[more details on cave data and survey maintenance are in the <a href="manual.html">data maintenance manual</a>]
 <p>And using email to send the results to an expo nerd, you can:
 <li>Type up your logbook entry for any trip you do (surface or underground), but please use <a href="../logbooks.html">our standard format</a>
diff --git a/handbook/computing/contribute.html b/handbook/computing/contribute.html
index 459dd47b2..13e4bb60f 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/contribute.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/contribute.html
@@ -23,9 +23,11 @@ did has been properly recorded and
 <a href="/personexpedition/BeckaLawson/2009">attributed</a>, or maybe you have 
 seen an <a href="/survey_scans/">obvious gap in the cross-referencing</a> and would like to fix it.
-<h3>Survey Data</h3>
+<h3 id="surveydata">Survey Data</h3>
 <p>We have a <a href="todo-data.html">Expo <em>Data</em> To-Do List</a>. If all you do is to check items on this list 
-and email a nerd to tell them which have already been done then that would be excellent. And if you discover any bad or missing survey data then here is where you record the problem (see "Edit this page" below).
+and email a nerd to tell them which have already been done then that would be excellent. 
+And if you discover any bad or missing survey data then here is 
+where you record the problem (see "Edit this page" below).
 <p>The biggest job after every expo is "tunneling": turning the typed-up survex data into drawings. 
@@ -47,7 +49,9 @@ underground sketches (in the plastic survey wallets) as scanfiles into the
 But the <a href="/expofiles/surveyscans/2019/walletindex.html">outstanding tasks list</a> after expo
 is always much longer than we would like. 
 So <a href="/survexfile/291">the list of surveys attached to a cave</a> is incomplete,
-as can be seen by looking at <a href="">the equivalent logbook records of trips</a> for those dates 
+as can be seen by looking at 
+<a href="/logbookentry/2019-07-13/2019.s08.plateau-fi">the equivalent logbook records of trips</a> 
+for those dates 
 (scroll down to the bottom of the expedition page for the calendar).
 <p>There is always a backlog of surveyed caves that need their scanned centrelines annotating with
@@ -62,7 +66,7 @@ because the survex data uses an old format
 In 1999 and earlier the scanned notes and wallets are not connected to the survex files either as you can see 
 in the blank "survex blocks" column in <a href="/survey_scans/">the survey scans folders</a> list.
+<h3 id="programming">Programming</h3>
 <p>The expo software system is a multi-decade long-term project. So it is probably unlike
 any software projects you have been involved with. It is quite unlike other Django projects.
diff --git a/handbook/computing/fzconfig.html b/handbook/computing/fzconfig.html
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--- a/handbook/computing/fzconfig.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/fzconfig.html
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 <p>This software works identically on both Windows and Linux.
 <p>Filezilla is an "FTP client". This means that it connects to servers using a venerable service called "file transfer protocol" i.e. FTP. It looks a bit like copying files from one folder to another on your desktop but it works between different machines.
-<p>These are instructions for installing it on your own machine. But <em>none of this will work</em> until you have also done the <a href="computing/keyexchange.html">key-pair setup</a> procedure.
+<p>These are instructions for installing it on your own machine. But <em>none of this will work</em> until you have also done the <a href="keyexchange.html">key-pair setup</a> procedure.
 <li> Download the software from here <a href="https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?show_all=1">Filezilla Downloads</a>. ( Obviously Linux users will use their usual package management system instead of doing this download.)
 <li>Now install the software following <a href="https://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Client_Installation">the instructions here</a>. 
diff --git a/handbook/computing/hbmanual1.html b/handbook/computing/hbmanual1.html
index cfe58a1fb..5e1c47894 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/hbmanual1.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/hbmanual1.html
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ you into an emacs editing window (C-x C-C is the way to exit emacs). Instead, us
 <code>git commit -m "changed topcamp phone number - myName" </code>
 which submits the obligatory comment with the commit operation. You should write something informative and brief about your changes between the quotation marks and also give your full name.
-<p>We hope to make this issue go away by integrating triggers, but it is a low priority (April 2020).
+<p>We hope to make this issue go away by integrating triggers, but it is a low priority (April 2021).
 <hr />
 <p>Go on to <a href="hbmanual2.html">Editing several pages</a><br />
 Return to <a href="onlinesystems.html">Online systems overview</a>
diff --git a/handbook/computing/hbmanual2.html b/handbook/computing/hbmanual2.html
index 524b4f5d7..b731cc4ed 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/hbmanual2.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/hbmanual2.html
@@ -73,9 +73,6 @@ you have access to the <i>expo laptop</i>.
 <li>Quick <a href="manual.html#quickstart">reminders for using rsync</a> at the command line.
-<p>Simple changes to static HTML files will take effect immediately  
-but changes to dynamically-generated files - cave descriptions, QM lists etc. -
-will not take effect, until the troggle <a href="../troggle/trogintro.html">import/update scripts</a> are run on the server. These should <a href="../troggle/scriptsother.html">run automatically and frequently</a> but currently they are run manually by nerds as the expo server is undergoing heavy software maintenance. </p>
diff --git a/handbook/computing/manual.html b/handbook/computing/manual.html
index 99947f0bc..f92f644ee 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/manual.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/manual.html
@@ -9,56 +9,112 @@
 <h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition: Data Maintenance Manual</h2>
 <h1>Expo Data Maintenance Manual</h1>
-<p><span style="color:red">[This page currently being restructured and edited to make it more appropriate to the task. Many fragments have been moved here but not yet properly edited together. Also there are no links to other pages which will be needed.]
-<h2><a id="manual">Expo data maintenance manual</a></h2>
+<h2><a id="manual">Oh No! Something has changed.</a></h2>
+<p>It happens all the time, 
+<li>somebody annoyingly links your new entrance to an existing cave
+<li>or your new discovery is discovered to be the same as something explored in the 1980s 
+<li>or two people each created a new online wallet for the same trip
+<li>or somebody didn't read the <a href="../survey/">survey manual</a> carefully enough (tsk.)
+<p>so now you need to fix things.
+<h2>Do not despair - no nerd needed</h2>
+<p>OK, <em>probably</em> what you need is written up somewhere in the 7-stage '<a href="">complete process for recording cave data</a>', possibly in one of the side-pages which you skipped through when you read it.
+<p>You already have the <a href="#password">password</a>, so just using troggle web pages you can already
-<li>This page is for cavers wanting to edit any expo data on their own machine. So that's the website, survey data, or drawn up surveys</li>
-<li>This page is <i>not</i> for cavers wanting to know how to type in logbooks or upload photographs or edit data on the expo laptop.
-<li>There is another page with more info on <a href="#yourownlaptop">the software expo uses and setting up your own laptop</a>.
+<li>Edit any existing survex files, save them, and run survex on them <em>on the server</em>
+<li>Create entirely new survex files, including creating intermediate subdirectories (see below)
+<li>Edit the cave description text and technical data fields for existing caves
+<li>Edit the entrance description text and technical data fields for existing caves
+<li>Create new entrances on existing caves
+<li>Reconnect an entrance to a different cave 
+<li>Edit HTML to add an existing uploaded photo into the description text for an extrance or cave
+<li>Create entirely new caves in the system by filling out online forms
+<li>Upload scanned notes to an online wallet
+<li>Edit any HTML page in the online handbook: correct errors, update phone numbers 
+<li>Edit the HTML of any online expo logbook
+<h3>Data maintenance task list</h3>
+<p>We have an online list of outstanding data maintenance tasks. See the <a href="contribute.html#surveydata">'Survey Data' to-do</a> list
-<h3><a id="usernamepassword">Getting a username, password and key</a></h3>
-<p>You don't need a password to view most things, but you will need one to change them.</p>
+<h3>Clever use of Survex file editor</h3>
+<p>You will have seen this when following a link, e.g. from <a href="/survexfile/204">cave 204</a> to <a href="/survexfile/caves-1623/204/nearend/stitchthis.svx">stitchthis.svx</a>. 
+<p>But if you hand-edit the address bar in your browser to, say, <br /><a href="/survexfile/caves-1623/2020-W-01/mynewcave.svx">/survexfile/caves-1623/2020-W-01/mynewcave.svx</a> the page will load at that new address and pre-fill the editing window with default survex content. If you edit this in the webpage and then click the "Save this edited svx file' button (you will need to remove all the square brackets while you do that). This will create both the file 'mynewcave.svx' and the directory '2020-w-01' within the existing 'caves-1623' directory on the server in the <var>:loser:</var> repository directory.
+<p>Note that you should have set the '*ref' field correctly to the number of the plastic wallet you are using.
-<p>Use these credentials for access to the troggle site. The user is 'expo',
-  with a cavey:beery password. Ask someone if this isn't enough clue for you.
-  <b>This password is important for security</b>. The whole site <strong>will</strong> get hacked by spammers or worse if you are not careful with it. Use a secure method for passing it on to others that need to know (i.e not unencrypted email), don't publish it anywhere, don't check it in to the data management system by accident. A lot of people use it and changing it is a pain for everyone so do take a bit of care.
+<p>You will use this when creating a new survex file from your hand-written notes (but only after you have photographed them and put them in the plastic wallet in the potato hut of course).
+<p>This is the method you will use when setting  <a href="https://survex.com/docs/manual/genhowto.htm">'*equate' and '*export' survey points</a> between different cave surveys to link everything together later, and for adding missing *ref references, correcting the spelling of surveyors' surnames etc.
+<p>You can also 'move' survex files by the method, with careful use of cut and paste, but you cannot delete them. Also you cannot save an empty file: it has to be a valid survex format and include the required fields *begin and *end.
+<p>Always click the button: 'Run cavern on this svx file' after you have edited any survex file. This will check that there is no typo and so will not crash the bulk import of 1,200 survex files when troggle starts up.
+<p>You can create new directories to any depth of nesting by this method - all at once.
+<p>Editing or creating new survex files means that the <var>:loser:</var> repository will need to be updated [automation of this is a pending task].
+<h3>Clever use of the Cave editor</h3>
+<em>[ New cleverness to be added in here]</em>
+<p>Editing or creating cave description data files means that the <var>:expoweb:</var> repository will need to be updated [automation of this is a pending task].
+<h3>Clever use of Entrance editor</h3>
+<em>[ New cleverness to be added in here]</em>
+<p>Editing or creating entrance description data files means that the <var>:expoweb:</var> repository will need to be updated [automation of this is a pending task].
+<h3>Clever use of the Scan Upload form</h3>
+<em>[ New cleverness to be added in here]</em>
+<p>Editing or uploading scan files is in /expofiles/ and so not in a version-controlled repository [be extra careful].
+<h3>Clever use of 'Edit this page'</h3>
+<p>You can create new pages as well as edit existing pages. This is all documented in the <a href="/hbmanual1.html">handbook editing manual</a>
+<em>[ New cleverness to be added in here]</em>
+<p>Editing or creating handbook or logbook HTML files means that the <var>:expoweb:</var> repository will need to be updated [automation of this is a pending task].
+<h3 id="password">The expo password</h3>
+<p>The username is 'expo',
+  with a cavey:beery password. It is written on the notice-board inside the potato hut.
+  <b>This password is important</b> - keep it safe. 
+  <p>The whole site <strong>will</strong> get hacked by spammers or worse if you are not careful with it. Use a secure method for passing it on to others that need to know (i.e not ordinary email), don't publish it anywhere, don't check it in to the data management system by accident. A lot of people use it and changing it is a pain for everyone so do take a bit of care.
-<p>This password is all you need to log in to troggle and to use the troggle control panel (very few people need to do this). But if you want to update webpages (a much more common requirement) or to edit the software itself (very rare), then 
-you will also need to get a login (register a key with the server). See <a href="keyexchange.html">key-pair setup</a> for details.
-<p>Pushing cave data to the :loser: and :drawings: <a href="../computing/repos.html">repositories</a> also needs a key. So cavers entering their cave survey data have to use a machine on which this already set up. These machines are 
-the <i>expo laptop</i> and the laptop '<i>aziraphale</i>' which live in the potato hut during expo. If you want to use your own laptop then 
-see <a href="#yourownlaptop">below</a>.
-<h3><a id="cavepages">Updating cave pages</a></h3>
-<span style="color:red">
-<p>Public cave description pages are automatically generated by troggle from a set of
-cave files in /cave_data/ and /entrance_data/. These files
-are named <area>-<cavenumber>.html (where area is 1623 or 1626), e.g. /cave_data/1623-115.html 
-Read the survey handbook section on <a href="../survey/caveentry.html">creating a new cave</a> in the system for instructions on how to name caves and the files you use to recoird them.
-<p>Cave names do not have leading zeros
-They are stored by number/ID in the dataset, not by name.
-<p>Caves with a provisional number consisting of a year and a serial number
-  should be hyphenated, thus 2002-04 not 2002_04 or any of the various other
-  variants
-<p>Clicking on 'New cave' (at the bottom of the cave index) lets you enter a new cave. <a href="caveentry.html">Info on how to enter new caves has been split into its own page</a>.</p>
+<p>This password is all you need to log in to troggle. There is also an a systems account 'expoadmin' with a different password which enables the <a href="/controlpanel">import/export control panel</a> for re-importing <em>all</em> the input data files.
-<p>This may be a useful reminder of what is in a survex file <a href="/expofiles/documents/surveying/survex-guide.pdf">how to create a survex file</a>.
+<h2>Beyond the easy stuff</h2>
+<p>There are several standard data maintenance jobs that haven't yet got trogglized. So if:
+<li>We get a new Austrian kataster number for a cave, so we need to move and rename a lot of files
+<li>A cave has got so big that we need to create sudirectories for the long and complicated cave descriptions in separate HTML files
+<li>Some scanned notes have been uploaded into the wrong online wallet
+we will need to use the things* installed on the <em>expo laptop</em> or on <a href="basiclaptop.html">your own laptop</a> if you are not in the potato hut on expo. <a href="fzconfig.html">Filezilla</a> will do most of what you need for moving files. 
+We also have <a href="uploading.html#android">andftp Android instructions</a> for file manipulation.
+<p>While Filezilla (including the digital key) is enough for moving files in <a href="/expofiles">expofiles</a>, moving files in the version-controlled <a href="repos.html">repositories</a> means you need to find someone who knows git (see <a href="qstart-git.html">git cheatsheet</a>) to clean up everything after you have finished.
+<p>* footnote: the 'things' include the <a href="keyexchange.html">digital key</a> that allows the laptop to be trusted by the server, as well as various installed software.
 <hr />
+Return to: 
+<a href="../computing/onlinesystems.html">expo online systems overview</a><br />
+Troggle index: 
+<a href="../troggle/trogindex.html">Index of all troggle documents</a><br /><hr />
diff --git a/handbook/troggle/trogindex.html b/handbook/troggle/trogindex.html
index 9f24335da..2f5148200 100644
--- a/handbook/troggle/trogindex.html
+++ b/handbook/troggle/trogindex.html
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 <a href="trogstatus.html">Troggle & expo systems - status update</a> - where we are now<br>
-<a href="trognotes.html">Troggle Notes</a> - manual notes - (to be moved/edited)<br>
+<a href="trognotes.html">Troggle Programmers's Notes</a> - improving, updating, fixing, refactoring<br>
 <a href="trogassumptions.html">Pre-Troggle Assumptions</a> - list of assumptions<br>
 <a href="archnotes.html">Archive Notes</a> - old ideas and original discussions<br>
diff --git a/handbook/troggle/trogintro.html b/handbook/troggle/trogintro.html
index f81dac531..892a68a18 100644
--- a/handbook/troggle/trogintro.html
+++ b/handbook/troggle/trogintro.html
@@ -13,9 +13,10 @@
 <li>For day to day cave survey work on the expo laptop, see: the expo <a href="../survey/newcave.html">survey handbook</a>.
-<li>For survey data management on your laptop: set up <a href="../computing/basiclaptop.html">your own laptop</a>.
+<li>For most survey data management: <a href="../computing/manual.html">expo data management manual</a>.
+<li>For data management using your laptop: set up <a href="../computing/basiclaptop.html">your own laptop</a>.
 <li>For the history of expo use of computers, see: <a href="../website-history.html">website and troggle history</a>.
-<li>For troggle maintenance, see: the <a href="../troggle/trogmanual.html">troggle maintainers manual</a>.
+<li>For system maintenance, see: the <a href="../troggle/trogmanual.html">system maintainers manual</a>.
 <h3 id="what">Troggle - what it does</a></h3>
@@ -36,7 +37,9 @@ The troggle software is written and maintained by expo members.
 <li><a href="/survey_scans/">expo.survex.com/survey_scans/</a> - List of all scanned original survey notes.
 <li><a href="/survey_scans/2018%252343/">expo.survex.com/survey_scans/2018%252343/</a> - list of links to scanned notes for wallet #43 during the 2018 expo.
-<p>If you want to find out how to do something using troggle, then you may find it the <a href="../troggle/trogmanual.html">troggle maintainers and advanced users manual</a
+<p>If you want to find out how to do something using troggle, then you may find it the 
+<a href="../computing/manual.html">data maintenance manual</a> or the
+<a href="../troggle/trogmanual.html">system maintenance manual</a>
 <h3 id="troggle">Troggle - why we developed it</a></h3>
@@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ how to use it</a> and <em>how to tidy up afterwards</em>].
 All the data of all kinds is stored in files. When troggle starts up it imports that data from the files. There are other scripts doing useful things (folk, wallets) and these too get their data from files. 
-<p>There is never any need to back up or archive the database as it is rebuilt from files. Rebuilding troggle and re-importing all the data on the server takes about 4 minutes (as of July 2020).
+<p>There is never any need to back up or archive the database as it is rebuilt from files. Rebuilding troggle and re-importing all the data on the server takes about 10 minutes (as of May 2021).
 <hr />
 Go on to: 
diff --git a/handbook/troggle/trogmanual.html b/handbook/troggle/trogmanual.html
index 80eea9fcb..82143716e 100644
--- a/handbook/troggle/trogmanual.html
+++ b/handbook/troggle/trogmanual.html
@@ -11,8 +11,11 @@
 <h1>Troggle - Maintenance Manuals</h1>
 <p>Troggle is the software which runs the the expo cave survey data management and website. 
+<p>If you are looking for how to manage or correct cave survey data then this is not the right place. You want the 
+<a href="../computing/manual.html"><em>Data</em> Maintenance</a> manual.
-<p>This part of the handbook is intended for people maintaining the troggle software:
+<p>This part of the handbook is intended for people maintaining the troggle <em>software</em>:
 <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1155986.The_Tricky_Troggle">
 <img  border="1" class="onright" width="150px" src='tricky-troggle.jpg' alt='git logo'/></a>
@@ -25,18 +28,13 @@
 <li><a href="trogdjango.html">Troggle and django</a> - Upgrading to later django versions
-<li><a href="trognotes.html">Uncategorised notes</a> and past speculations
+<li><a href="trognotes.html">Programmers' guide</a> - and index to other documentation
 <p>Troggle is completely unlike any other django installation: it has a database, but the database is rebuilt from files every time it starts. 
-<p>Most of the data entry into troggle happens during or just after the expedition.
+<p>Most of the data entry into troggle happens during or just after the expedition: i.e. once a year.
-<h4>Advanced Users' Manual</h4>
-<p>We don't have one of these. You may find what you are looking for in <a href="scriptsother.html">Other scripts</a> above. But there are a few things which are not really 'maintenance' and are not really cave data management either, e.g.
-<li><a href="exportjson.html">JSON export</a> - how to extract cave and expo data in JSON format.
-<li><a href="exporttgz.html">Compressed data export</a> - how to extract cave and expo data in gzip/tar format.
-but do scan 
+><p>but do also scan 
 <li><a href="trogindex.html">Index of all troggle documents</a> - list of everything you can do with troggle.
diff --git a/handbook/troggle/trognotes.html b/handbook/troggle/trognotes.html
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--- a/handbook/troggle/trognotes.html
+++ b/handbook/troggle/trognotes.html
@@ -7,49 +7,91 @@
 <body><style>body { background: #fff url(/images/style/bg-system.png) repeat-x 0 0 }</style>
 <h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook</h2>
-<h1>Troggle - the beginnings of a manual</h1>
-<p>Troggle runs much of the the cave survey data management, presents the data on the website and manages the Expo Handbook.
-<h3>Rewrite from here on...</h3>
+<h1>Troggle - programmers' guide</h1>
 <img  border="1" class="onright" width="150px" src='tricky-troggle.jpg' alt='git logo'/></a>
-<p>This troggle manual describes these:
+<h2>Programming Guide</h2>
+<p>If you want to roll up your sleves and fix some horrifying annoyance that is bugging the hell out of you then you have come to the right place.
+<h3>you will already have tried all these..</h3>
-<li>Annual tasks: preparing for next year, finishing last year (troggle & scripts)
-<li>Architectural documentation of how it all fits together & list of active scripts
-<li>How to edit and maintain troggle itself. The code is public on repository <a href="../computing/repos.html">:troggle:</a>
+<li><a href="../computing/manual.html">the <em>Data</em> Maintenance</a> manual.
+<li><a href="trogmanual.html">Troggle - Maintenance</a> - list of maintenance tasks<br>
+<li><a href="trogarch.html">Troggle - Architecture</a> - diagrams, files, structure<br>
-<p>This page is mostly an index to other records of what troggle is and what plans have been made - but never implemented - to improve it.
+<p>and you will have dismissed them as too trivial for your needs. You will have skipped over all that nasty confusing Django stuff:
+<a href="trogdjango.html">Troggle and Django</a> - The Django web framework we use<br>
+<a href="trogdjangup.html">Troggle: updating Django</a> - Upgrading troggle to use a later Django version<br>
-Today troggle is used for only three things:
+and you will also also have merely skimmed as irrelevant or trivial:
+<li><a href="serverconfig.html">Troggle server configuration</a> - troggle running on a new machine<br>
+<li><a href="scriptsother.html">Other scripts</a>
+<li><a href="scriptscurrent.html">Additional Scripts</a> - more detail<br>
+<li><a href="../computing/repos.html">Version control</a> - why we have repos<br>
+<p>You want to dive into the real stuff and add missing fields to the core data model:
+<li><a href="datamodel.html">Troggle - Data Model</a> - syntax-coloured list of classes, instance variables and foreign keys<br>
+<p>We admire your drive and enthusiasm. We were like you once.
+<p>First, you need to get the "expoadmin" password from a nerd. Then you will be able to dive into the online 
+admin system where you can explore and poke the live system and 
+database using the <a href="/admin/">system admin control panel</a>. 
+This has a data structure browser for the classes and fields of the system as 
+live and in-use: all the foreign keys and relationship cardinalities. 
+(This is not the same thing as the <a href="/troggle">troggle control panel</a> which is for deeper data management: bulk uploading and export of data files.)
+<p>And, you may be surprised to discover, we have given a lot of thought into how to make it easier for you 
+to <a href="../computing/contribute.html#programming">get involved in the programming</a> while not screwing up this multi-decade software project.
+<h3>Perhaps an external add-on?</h3>
+<p>Perhaps you can program something external to troggle, in JavaScript say, using troggle data?
+<li><a href="exportjson.html">JSON export</a> - how to extract cave and expo data in JSON format.
+<li><a href="exporttgz.html">Compressed data export</a> - how to extract cave and expo data in gzip/tar format.
+<h3>Creating your own system development machine</h3>
+<p>It's a simple sequence:
-<li>Reformatting all the visible webpages such that they have a coherent style and have a contents list at the top-left
-hand corner. This is particularly true of the handbook you are reading now and the historic records of past expeditions.
-<li>Publishing the "guidebook descriptions" of caves. The user who is creating a new guidebook description
-can do this by filling-in some online forms. (And managing all the cave suvey data to produce this.)
+<li>Use the online forms and reports. 
+<li>Explore the public pages of the <a href="/repositories">4 git repositories</a> including <a href="/repositories/troggle/.git/tree/">all the source code</a>
+<li>Use the online forms and reports together with 'survex' and 'therion' installed on your own laptop.
+<li>Get the 'expoadmin' password and explore the live system online: watch the data change in real time
+<li>Configure <a href="../computing/keyexchange.html">an ssh key</a> and <a href="../computing/fzconfig.html">Filezilla</a> or scp/sFTP.
+<li>Configure  a <a href="../computing/basiclaptop.html">minimal expo laptop</a>
+<li>Configure a <a href="../computing/yourlaptop.html">basic expo laptop</a>
+<li>Configure a <a href="../survey/nerd.html">troggle development machine</a> - a laptop where you have cloned the repos and installed django. Installing is the same as updating Django. See <a href="trogdjangup.html">Troggle: updating Django</a>.
-<li>Providing a secondary way of editing individual pages of the handbook and historic records pages 
-for very quick and urgent changes. 
-This is the "Edit this page" capability; see <a href="../computing/onlinesystems.html#editthispage"> for 
-how to use it</a> and <em>how to tidy up afterwards</em>.
+<h3>Fixing broken URL dispatch</h3>
+<p>This <em>happens all the time</em>. If ever troggle is crashing on you very mysteriously, it is almost certainly due to a typo in troggle/urls.py . Odd but true.
+<h3>Fixing a broken HTML template</h3>
-<p>[Note that /survey_scans/ is generated by troggle and is not the same thing as /expofiles/surveyscans/ at all.]
+<h3>Running databaseReset</h3>
+<li><a href="trogimport.html">Troggle - Data Import</a> - reset and import data<br>
+<h3>Running the test suite</h3>
+<li><a href="unittests.html">Troggle - Page tests and unit tests</a> <br>
+<h3>This manual is very incomplete - notes</h3>
+<p>[Note that /survey_scans/ is a url published by troggle and is not the same thing as the real directory /expofiles/surveyscans/ at all.]
 <p>Only a small part of troggle's original plan was fully implemented and deployed. 
 Many of the things it was intended to replace are still operating as a motley collection written by many different people in
 several languages (but mostly perl and python; we won't talk about the person who likes to use OCamL).
 Today troggle is used for only three things:
-<li>Reformatting all the visible webpages such that they have a coherent style and have a contents list at the top-left
-hand corner. This is particularly true of the handbook you are reading now and the historic records of past expeditions.
-<li>Publishing the "guidebook descriptions" of caves. The user who is creating a new guidebook description
-can do this by filling-in some online forms.
-<h3>Troggle Login</h3>
-<p>Yes you can log in to the troggle control panel: <a href="http://expo.survex.com/troggle">expo.survex.com/troggle</a>.
 <hr />
diff --git a/handbook/troggle/trogstatus.html b/handbook/troggle/trogstatus.html
index 4279d4196..ad2a68a11 100644
--- a/handbook/troggle/trogstatus.html
+++ b/handbook/troggle/trogstatus.html
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 In the course of these migrations several unused or partly-used django plugins were dropped as they caused migration problems (notably staticfiles) and the plug-ins pillow, django-registration, six and sqlparse were brought up to recent versions. This was all done with pip in a python venv (virtual environment) on a Windows 10 machine running ubuntu 20.04 under WSL (Windows Systems for Linux) v1. 
 <p>Missing troggle functions were repaired and partly-implemented pages, such as the list of all cavers and their surveyed passages, were finished and made to work. The logbook parsing acquired a cacheing system to re-load pre-parsed files. The survex file parsing was completely rebuilt to reduce the excessive memory footprint. While doing so the parser was extended to cover nearly the full range of survex syntax and modified to parse, but not store, all the survey stations locations. A great many unused classes and some partly written code ideas were deleted.
 <h4>July 2020</h4>
-<p>Wookey upgraded debian on the server from 9 <var>stretch</var> to 10 <var>buster</var> and we got the python3 development of troggle running as the public version (with some http:// and https:// glitches) by 23rd July. <var>Buster</var> will be in-support definitely until June 2024 so we are rather pleased to be on a "not ancient" version of the operating system at last. This concided with a last tweak at improving the full cave data file import so now it runs on the server in ~80 seconds. Which is considerably more useful than the ~5 hours it was taking earlier this year.
+<p>Wookey upgraded debian on the server from 9 <var>stretch</var> to 10 <var>buster</var> and we got the python3 development of troggle running as the public version (with some http:// and https:// glitches) by 23rd July. <var>Buster</var> will be in-support definitely until June 2024 so we are rather pleased to be on a "not ancient" version of the operating system at last. This concided with a last tweak at improving the full cave data file import so now it runs on the development system in ~80 seconds. Which is considerably more useful than the ~5 hours it was taking earlier this year.
 <h4>April 2021</h4>