diff --git a/years/2007/index.html b/years/2007/index.html
index 5e1e6bf86..3548a1570 100644
--- a/years/2007/index.html
+++ b/years/2007/index.html
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 <h1>Expo 2007: documentation index</h1>
 <ul><li>Mission statement: in progress</li>
-	<li><a href="stuffinaustria07.txt">Stuff left behind list</a></li>
 	<li>Grant application and sponsorship material: in progress</li>
 	<li>Travel arrangements: in progress</li>
diff --git a/years/2007/stuffinaustria07.txt b/years/2007/stuffinaustria07.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6507485c9..000000000
--- a/years/2007/stuffinaustria07.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-Stuff in Traungold
-Food Staples
-TC meals: 70
-Muesli: 2.5kg
-Choc bars: 33
-Instant mash: 500g + "some more" in another drum
-Cup-a-soup: 140
-Flavoured oatso: 50
-Plain oatso: 100
-Drinking chocolate: 1.8kg + "some more"
-Noodles: 20
-Cheese sauce: 1.5kg
-Skimmed milk powder: 500g
-Dried mushrooms: 300g
-Medium egg noodles: 2 pkts
-Teabags: "some"
-Custard: "some"
-Other Food
-1 180g Green pesto: 1x180g jar
-Coarse ground pepper: 2 half-full large pots
-1 jar terrifyingly strong chili powder
-Mixed herbs (lots)
-1 small pot cinnamon
-1 small pot curry powder
-Non-Food Stuff
-Small roll of gaffer
-Big roll of gaffer
-3 bin liners
-A few wire bag ties
-Purple deviation cord
-Solar panels + frame
-Prospecting guide folder
-Some paraffin
-Some meths
-Some petrol (a few litres)
-Petrol funnel
-2 walker's compasses
-Spanner marked grey + brown + earth
-3 pan handles
-40 Hiltis
-6 SDS drill bits
-10 blank cave tags
-Stamp kits: 2 number sets (1 incomplete), 1 letter set
-10 syringes
-9 lighters
-40 sandwich bags (clean)
-Small roll of plastic bags (very smelly)
-Miscellaneous pans
-Some green string
-4 mini-clipboards (for surveying) [notepaper taken down the hill to stop
-it going mouldy again]
-6 rope protectors
-3 knackered airbeds
-2 decent airbeds
-1 eyeletting kit
-1 tub small metal rings (purpose mysterious)
-1 tub mini-maillons
-"Some" bivi hangers (less than 10)
-1 yellow hose
-1 water collection nozzle
-Water pipes + collection nozzles
-1 siphon setup
-1 very large tarp
-9 smaller tarps
-3 hilti setters
-1 DIY hammer (?)
-1 Petzl bolting hammer
-1 lump hammer
-1 unspecified hammer
-2 crowbars
-1 chisel
-5 roll mats
-5 camp beds
-10 empty spits+cones pots
-40(ish) spits+cones
-E45 hand cream
-Hand soap
-Wet wipes
-Washing-up liquid
-Cleaning cloths
-Brillo pads
-23 flat reflective cairn markers
-5 right-angle cairn markers
-Huge roll of of conservation tape
-20l water container
-Broken Tilley lamp
-Pot of TX waterproofing spray marked "AARON CURTIS"
-1 pair shorts
-1 pair boxers
-1 tshirt
-Bag of ming
-Weird plastic thing
-Will to live [apparently]
-Stuff in Potato Hut Loft
-Complete top camp meals: 42x1 person + 36x2 person
-TC meal ingredients:
-	Quick-cook rice (for top camp): 20kg
-	Quick-cook pasta: 21kg
-	Blue Dragon egg noodles (250g pkts): 6 boxes of 24 + 23 loose
-	Asda egg noodles (500g pkts): 3
-	Sauce mixes for TC meals (no rice/pasta): 57
-Flapjack (slabs): 51
-Mornflake: 10 x 500g (at least five years old)
-Choc bars: 424
-Cup-a-soup: 235
-Instant noodles: 160
-Drinking chocolate: 3.6kg
-Flour: 31kg (Austrian Sonnenblumenbrot/Hausbrot/Weissebrot)
-Good custard: 15kg
-Rice for base camp use: 300g
-	Asda Swiss Style: 5kg
- 	Tesco Ming Style: 4kg
-	Austrian: 2kg
-Mash: 4.5kg
-Tea bags: 1100
-Plain oatso: 140
-Flavoured oatso: 84
-Jenny's homemade oatso: 3kg
-1.5kg Batchelors curry sauce
-~1kg beakers curry powder
-Vast quantities of freezer bags
-1kg cheese sauce
-3 jars peanut butter
-7 jars pesto
-1kg vegetable soup mix
-Far too much herbs + spices of all kinds
-Lots of little shakers cinnamon / pepper / curry powder
-1 tin coarse ground pepper
-2kg crap custard (needs milk)
-1 tub sugar
-1 tub peanut butter
-1 tub marmite
-Cave photo marking board
-Roll of old surveys
-Vegetable rack
-9 bog rolls
-18 angled reflectors
-1 flat reflector
-Big roll of reflective tape
-Absolutely shitloads of carbide (50kg+)
-5m aluminium bar for cave tags
-Mysterious black object (part of someone's car?)
-Nest of ladders
-Tunnocks hats
-800g Fassreiniger
-1 green tarp
-1 large blue tarp (very knackered)
-1 airbed (knackered)
-Blue string (miles)
-1 keyboard marked "other keyboard works better"
-28m 1999 rope
-25m + 30m 2003 Brindle ropes
-Tray of paraffin/grease/random chemicals
-Claw hammer [in this list twice, but I think there's only one]
-4 deck chairs
-Various empty drums
-Drill bits (some)
-1 hilti setter
-2 DIY hammers
-1 geologist's hammer
-4 knackered survey tapes
-1 working battery charger [not sure if that's drill batteries or lamp
-Bread maker
-Can of bread maker bits (scales, half bag flour, small quantity milk
-powder, __no salt__)
-30m extension lead
-"Tony's Walking Stick Hands Off!"
-"Danger Of Death Keep Out" sign
-Box of big nails for tent pegs
-Empty darren drum (smells of bide)
-Airbed inflator
-1 Todd short story
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