diff --git a/entrance_data/1623-2004-10.html b/entrance_data/1623-2004-10.html
index 7f2eb6852..3d50bc353 100644
--- a/entrance_data/1623-2004-10.html
+++ b/entrance_data/1623-2004-10.html
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ though, you do not need to do a data import as it happens automatically -->
 <entrance_description>Entrance shaft with snow plug, pitch visible beyond</entrance_description>
 <location_description>Other station p2004-10_2 is from re-visit in 2013 using different gps (2013#23). But it works out as 185m due north of p2004-10. Figures a bitscribbled on raw source
-<br><a href='/1623/2004-10/l/2013wallet23.html'><img src='/1623/2004-10/i/2013wallet23.jpg' width=40%/></a></location_description>
+<br><a href='/1623/2004-10/l/2013wallet23.html'><img src='/1623/2004-10/i/2013wallet23.jpg' width=30%/></a></location_description>
 <approach>From 204 bivvy over col then down + west following line of large shafts / collapses.</approach>