From 04635ef207fa7219d1279e8442a8c797e94ef2ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andy Waddington on Loser <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 08:48:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Minor typo fixing and a bit of html markup modernising
 (mostly adding </p>)

user: Andy Waddington on Loser <>
branch 'expoweb'
changed years/1978/log.htm        just typos here - needs fixing for troggle parsing when I understand better
changed years/1978/npc79.htm
changed years/1978/report.htm
 years/1978/log.htm    |   8 +--
 years/1978/npc79.htm  |   8 +--
 years/1978/report.htm | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 3 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

diff --git a/years/1978/log.htm b/years/1978/log.htm
index cdd4cbf55..78ddee8b5 100644
--- a/years/1978/log.htm
+++ b/years/1978/log.htm
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ stream to pitch c 30-50'. Depth so far this way 570'.      Ben. Time 7 hrs.
 Team Geriatric (Vic, Rod, Dave) crawled up the hillside half a mile
 behind the fast moving dust cloud that showed where team youth was burning
 up the miles. At the cave entrance, when they eventually got there, the
-pensionaers were heard to be talking about family responsibilities,
+pensioners were heard to be talking about family responsibilities,
 arthritis and other ploys for not going underground (one of them even had to
 be lent a descender, having conveniently forgotten his own). Marshalled
 between members of the Youth Team, the ancients were carefully fed down the
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ sat down and told of hitherto undescended holes ahead of them. Then Team
 Youth vanished into the darkness to push into discoveries elsewhere.
 <p>Left alone at last, the crones shook off their disguise of weariness.
-Swiftly they fixed a rope down the thirty foot pitch to a large flor of
+Swiftly they fixed a rope down the thirty foot pitch to a large floor of
 unstable boulders. One of them carried on to the bottom of the boulder choke
 while another was fixing a bolt at the top of the rift. Soon Rod was going
 down the rift till he ran out of rope at about 70'. He called for another
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ just over the hour to get out onto the plateau where they were in time to
 enjoy the last few hours of sunshine.
 <p>And Team Youth ? They came eventually, weary, dirty and dishevelled as
-usual. They had missed the sunshine. It was dark by the time they got got
+usual. They had missed the sunshine. It was dark by the time they got
 down. Team Geriatric had wined and dined and already gone to the pub.
 <p><a href="#id1978-107-7">Previous trip</a>/
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ van.
 <p>Nicky and I went down a bit late (12.30) due to hanggliding. We rigged
 the 30' John and Ben had found using 3 bolts (all manky). About 100' of
-freeclibing ensued down to the Geriatric's previous far point. Due to lack
+freeclimbing ensued down to the Geriatric's previous far point. Due to lack
 of time, we then had to leave.      Mike.
 <hr />
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index 2e4436db4..cae450f93 100644
--- a/years/1978/npc79.htm
+++ b/years/1978/npc79.htm
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ territory. The <span lang="de-at">Loser</span> Plateau must be one of the
 least explored areas of Europe; it has 800 metres potential and large areas
 of cavernous limestone which are totally unexplored.</p>
-<p align=right>S.Farrow</p>
+<p align="right">S.Farrow</p>
 <h3><a id="id1978">Austria 1978</a></h3>
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ high rift chamber - 'The Taproom' - last year's terminus. On our first trip,
 the heavy drip in the chamber was absent, but later it returned with a
-<p>A climb down leas to the continuing rift - too narrow at stream level -
-but a travese to sections of false floor leads to an alternative way down.
+<p>A climb down leads to the continuing rift - too narrow at stream level -
+but a traverse to sections of false floor leads to an alternative way down.
 Boulders dropped here told us of a deep pitch ahead but much bolting was
 needed to rig it - one for a handline down the first short but exposed climb
 down and two for the pitch itself; none of which was helped by the rather
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ lang="de-at">Eislufth&ouml;hle,</span> and to look at other leads in <span
 lang="de-at">Gemseh&ouml;hle</span> - finding deep pots is amazingly easy out
 there, pushing them just a little more trouble.</p>
-<p align=right>A.Waddington</p>
+<p align="right">A.Waddington</p>
 <hr />
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index a9df3a089..9cefdb1bc 100644
--- a/years/1978/report.htm
+++ b/years/1978/report.htm
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 <h1>Austria 1978</h1>
-After several years in the Pyrenees, 1976 saw a break and a holiday cum
+<p>After several years in the Pyrenees, 1976 saw a break and a holiday cum
 reconnaissance to the <span lang="de-at">Loser</span> Plateau in the
 <span lang="de-at">Totes Gebirge</span> of Austria. What was seen was enough
 to convince those present that here was a new area with good potential and
@@ -24,24 +24,24 @@ powerful draught. Enthusiasm to return ran high and in 1978, a well-organised
 undergraduate expedition emerged with the dual aims of continuing down
 <span lang="de-at">Eislufth&ouml;hle</span> and of finding new holes on the
 plateau. The 'Old Lags' came too, of course, and proved invaluable later on
-in the expedition.
+in the expedition.</p>
 <p>Loser expeditions tend to be well-stratified, though this year some
 people visited other groups' pots, and Team Geriatric probably visited more
-cave in a shorter time than any other group.
+cave in a shorter time than any other group.</p>
-Team Youth -<blockquote> John Bowers, Nicky Davies, Ben van Millingen, Mike Shearme</blockquote>
-<p>Team Ropes -<blockquote> First Wave : Doug Florence, Simon Farrow, Andy Waddington<br>
-Second Wave : Julian Griffiths, Nick Thorne</blockquote>
-<p>Team Geriatric -<blockquote> Vic Brown, Rod, Jont &amp; Carole Leach, Dave Fox, Keith who ?</blockquote>
+<p>Team Youth -<blockquote> John Bowers, Nicky Davies, Ben van Millingen, Mike Shearme</blockquote></p>
+<p>Team Ropes -<blockquote> First Wave : Doug Florence, Simon Farrow, Andy Waddington<br/>
+Second Wave : Julian Griffiths, Nick Thorne</blockquote></p>
+<p>Team Geriatric -<blockquote> Vic Brown, Rod, Jont &amp; Carole Leach, Dave Fox, Keith who ?</blockquote></p>
 <p>The most noticeable changes from last year were adequate transport
 (just), huge piles of new rope and food, a large transparent mess tent for
 watching thunderstorms from, and much more snow on the plateau. The beer,
 the hospitality (definitely no double meaning intended !), and the potential
-were all the same - the former reducing our exploitation of the latter.
+were all the same - the former reducing our exploitation of the latter.</p>
 <p>We must again thank <span lang="de-at">Karl Gaisberger</span> (our
 contact), <span lang="de-at">Fritz Madlmeier</span> (campsite owner and
@@ -50,47 +50,47 @@ purveyor of cheap beer and free spirits), the officials at the
 plateau), and the Austrian Health Service (for bodywork repairs). We would
 also like to thank the numerous individuals and organisations in the UK who
 generously provided support, financial and in kind, for the expedition (see
 <h4>Expedition diary</h4>
-21st New engine in van (!)<br>
+21st New engine in van (!)<br/>
 27th At 4am, the alternator packs up, finally replaced just as our 9.30
-hovercraft departed. Arrive <span lang="fr">Calais</span> 2pm.<br>
+hovercraft departed. Arrive <span lang="fr">Calais</span> 2pm.<br/>
 28th Teams Youth and Ropes (First wave) arrive in
-<span lang="de-at">Altaussee</span><br>
+<span lang="de-at">Altaussee</span><br/>
 29th Rigging into <span lang="de-at">Eislufth&ouml;hle</span> and
-prospecting commences in blistering sunshine.</blockquote><br>
+prospecting commences in blistering sunshine.</blockquote><br/></p>
-3rd 107 found. Digging commences<br>
-4th New ground made in <span lang="de-at">Eislufth&ouml;hle</span><br>
+3rd 107 found. Digging commences<br/>
+4th New ground made in <span lang="de-at">Eislufth&ouml;hle</span><br/>
 13th -350m made in <span lang="de-at">Eislufth&ouml;hle.</span> Bottoming
-trip wiped out, so exploration ceased. Geriatrics arrive - just in time.<br>
+trip wiped out, so exploration ceased. Geriatrics arrive - just in time.<br/>
 16th 107 <span lang="de-at">(Gemsh&ouml;hle)</span> reaches 280m and a
-conclusive choke.<br>
-19th Final derigging completed<br>
+conclusive choke.<br/>
+19th Final derigging completed<br/>
 22nd expedition arrives back in UK, just in time for Sid's Pippikin
-film on TV !</blockquote>
+film on TV !</blockquote></p>
 <h3><a name="ropes">TEAM ROPES REPORT</a></h3>
 <p>Nick and Julian arrived about a week after the rest of us due respectively
-to long-vac term and the pressures of being an accountant.
+to long-vac term and the pressures of being an accountant.</p>
 <p>It was obvious on the first walk up to the plateau that there had been
 more snow than during the previous year. Many of the holes that we had
 explored last year were full to the brim, so fears were running high that
 106 would be blocked. Having disturbed several adders on the little used
 path on the way up, it was apparent that no-one had been up to the col since
-our last visit.
+our last visit.</p>
 <p>The hole was indeed badly blocked, and Andy spent several very cold
 sessions digging through snow plugs to find the way on. Stances at pitch
 heads tended to be about five feet further up the wall, and we were
-effectively dealing with the exploration of a new hole.
+effectively dealing with the exploration of a new hole.</p>
 <p>The 13m pitch from Yesterday's Terminus was found to be blocked with
 several ice boulders, most of which we were able to dislodge. However, we
@@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ wellie work would move it. Still, it did provide a good stance for putting a
 bolt in ! After several days of consternation (the thing was visibly
 melting) a team was despatched with a crowbar. Much to our surprise, the
 berg had descended the pitch and lay on the floor smashed into tiny
 <p>Progress was slowly made to our last year's end point, the Tap Room. Here
 Doug and Andy rushed down a 6m climb on which we later placed a handline,
 and continued over a gargantuan boulder into the lower section of the Tap
 Room. The chamber was at least as large as our hazy memories had recorded
 it! The way on was found in a narrow traverse reached by a 2m climb up. The
-traverse led to the head of a short drop into a 2x3x4m chamber.
+traverse led to the head of a short drop into a 2x3x4m chamber.</p>
 <p>The following day Doug and Simon descended and placed a bolt at the head
 of the drop, a handline was slung down and Simon descended, ascending
@@ -118,35 +118,35 @@ and took stock of the situation. The huge draught they were following came
 roaring out of a hole in the floor. A way on could be discerned following
 the rift at the same level, but this was ignored in favour of the hole when
 stones dropped echoed down for a long time. It finally looked as though we
-were on the verge of some decent vertical stuff.
+were on the verge of some decent vertical stuff.</p>
 <p>The next day, the same team descended and a bolt was placed. Simon
 descended 20m in a shaft that was huge and getting bigger, but fears of rubs
-necessitated a rerig and lack of time prevented a further descent.
+necessitated a rerig and lack of time prevented a further descent.</p>
 <p>It was at this point that Nick and Julian arrived and after a day of
 prospecting (see below) and a day of festering in a
 <span lang="de-at">Salzburg</span> bar, they went on the first overnight
-trip. They descened pitches of 10m to a rebelay, then 35m to a ledge followed
+trip. They descended pitches of 10m to a rebelay, then 35m to a ledge followed
 by a rather giddy step across the abyss carrying the roaring stream below.
 Next came an 8m pitch, then a traverse along a rift for about 20m to a
 rocking chockstone which brought them to a large black space. This was the
 head of a 60m pitch similar to the final one in Juniper Gulf - and just as
 free. It landed on a balcony which gave the explorers a grandstand view of
-the base of a huge aven.
+the base of a huge aven.</p>
 <p>The stream was seen to disappear back down the rift in a narrow winding
 passage. This was soon abandoned in favour of the aven - here they called it
 a day and began the ascent. Julian, the first man up, accidentally moved the
 rope which returned through the boulders and Nick found himself trying to
 prusik through a 4&quot; gap between the boulders. After much shouting,
-Julian was forced to abseil down to reposition the rope correctly.
+Julian was forced to abseil down to reposition the rope correctly.</p>
 <p>The following night, Doug and Andy went on their first overnight trip,
 rigging the short 6m pitch down the balcony on a rather surreal set of
 belays. The pair landed on the massive boulder floor of the Hall of the
 Greene King. Estimates of the height varied, but 90-100m seemed reasonable.
-The diameter was approximately 20m.
+The diameter was approximately 20m.</p>
 <p>After some scrambling around amongst the huge boulders, a large gallery
 was found leading off from the base of the aven. This was, to use Andy's
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ bridges&quot;. Several involuntary descents were made as the boulder floor
 rearranged itself. After many metres of unstable going, a short climb down
 was found which rapidly turned into an overhanging pitch of 5m. It was only
 on descending this pitch that the explorers realised quite how little they
-had been standing on at the take-off.
+had been standing on at the take-off.</p>
 <p>Continuing on down the gallery, a small stream was seen to debouche from
 the right hand wall, flowing across the passage and into a small passage in
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ free-hanging pitch, but the intrepid pair (following the draught) decided to
 cross the passage and ascend a small climb reaching the head of a pitch.
 Here, exploration halted for the day. A passage could be seen opposite the
 head of the pitch - Julian later entered this, but it merely regained the
-main passage further downstream.
+main passage further downstream.</p>
 <p>Julian, Nick and Simon returned a couple of days later, and descended the
 pitch of 23m, split 12m down by a boulder jam and a complex of vadose
@@ -177,13 +177,13 @@ muddiest pitch going. Ascenders and other gear became transformed into lumps
 of mud after a short time. Pausing only to rig yet another pitch, the
 explorers made for the surface. Considerable problems with slipping
 ascenders were experienced by those not using Jumars, and much use was made
-of Nick's toothbrush.
+of Nick's toothbrush.</p>
 <p>It was while driving down from the last of these overnight trips that the
 three travellers woke up to find themselves in the river, having crashed
 through a barrier and somersaulted 10m down a near vertical bank. With one
 highly concussed chauffeur and a passenger with a severe head gash, Nick ran
-for help....
+for help....</p>
 <p>Sunday evening saw Julian in Bad Aussee hospital with a fractured sternum,
 ripped thumb muscles, and stitches in his nose, while Simon had been rushed
@@ -194,17 +194,17 @@ exploration in <span lang="de-at">Eislufth&ouml;hle,</span> and people began
 to consider the feasibility of a derig with such a small team. Mike, Andy and
 Doug did a survey trip the following day, and later in the week Andy and Doug
 got down to the previously undescended pitch. Andy went down about 10m to the
-end of the rope and was able to hurl rocks an estimated 50-60m further.
+end of the rope and was able to hurl rocks an estimated 50-60m further.</p>
 <p>A strenuous derig as far as Hall of the Greene King followed, Doug and
 Andy carrying large amounts of tackle out to the surface. Three days later,
 Doug, Nick, Dave Fox, Jont, Vic and Rod descended to remove the remaining
-tackle and grease the bolts with only 24 hours left before departure time.
+tackle and grease the bolts with only 24 hours left before departure time.</p>
 <p>Summing up, the hole is now 350m deep, and 400m should be a formality
-next year.
+next year.</p>
-<p><img alt="grade 1 survey, 25k gif" width=640 height=1250 src="106.png">
+<p><img alt="grade 1 survey, 25k gif" width=640 height=1250 src="106.png"></p>
 <h4>Rigging and Gear</h4>
@@ -214,20 +214,20 @@ rebelayed in many places. We were rather proud of this, as we needed only
 one protector on the whole 100m length. Saved Shaft would have been nearly
 impossible to rig safely for SRT and was equipped with a ladder and
 self-line. The rest of the pot was rigged on 11mm Interalp Speleo-rope, and
-short stretches of Marlow 16 plait terylene.
+short stretches of Marlow 16 plait terylene.</p>
 <p>On some of our new Interalp, the sheath tended to bunch up on the core
 after several days at the base of a pitch - this was despite pre-washing to
 encourage sheath shrinkage. The Marlow had an unfortunate tendency to creak.
-Personally, I found this somewhat disconcerting.
+Personally, I found this somewhat disconcerting.</p>
 <p>In general, despite its relative stretchiness (which does at least
 suggest that it is not going to snap under a small dynamic load) the
-Interalp was liked for ts superb handling qualities and compactness (more
+Interalp was liked for its superb handling qualities and compactness (more
 than 100m in a tackle bag), and of course the Bluewater inspired great
-confidence in a part of the pot that we had been dreading to rig for SRT.
+confidence in a part of the pot that we had been dreading to rig for SRT.</p>
-<p>Simon Farrow.
+<p>Simon Farrow.</p>
 <h3><a name="ladders">TEAM LADDERS AND TEAM GERIATRIC REPORT</a></h3>
@@ -237,14 +237,14 @@ Plateau were spent prospecting, sherping tackle up to the pots and trying to
 find some shelter either from the sun, or from thunderstorms. Several
 entrances were looked at, and we quickly learnt which holes were likely to be
 promising - almost without exception the vertical shafts were choked. Only
-one, 98, was numbered in the first few days.
+one, 98, was numbered in the first few days.</p>
 <p>This is situated further into the plateau than 97 and 106, on a large
 sloping face of rock. The entrance is in a gryke dropping down 29 metres.
 The shaft enlarges at the bottom, and the landing is in a small chamber. On
 one side a rift descends for nine metres until it becomes too tight. On the
 other, a slot led to the top of another pitch. This was 17m deep, and ended
-in a solid floor with no way on. The total depth of the cave is 47 metres.
+in a solid floor with no way on. The total depth of the cave is 47 metres.</p>
 <p>After this, we decided to look at a different area of the plateau, on the
 east side near 82 - Team Geriatric's 1977 find. The result was 107. The
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ strong draught blew out of it. A short drop under the boulders landed in a
 small chamber, in the bottom corner of which was a hole blocked by boulders.
 This is the head of the first pitch, and the draught still blew out from it.
 It took two days of excavating to clear out and belay the boulders until the
-pitch was fit to descend.
+pitch was fit to descend.</p>
 <p>Beyond the small hole at the head of the pitch, the dimensions were
 magnificent. The shaft is six metres in diameter and 18 metres deep, and the
@@ -262,13 +262,13 @@ passage was of a very different character from the rest of the cave, being
 large and horizontal, with a visible roof. The rest of the cave is formed
 along faults, and it was rare to see the roof again. The passage choked in
 both directions, and the way on was down a rift off to the side of the
-passage, out of which the draught was blowing.
+passage, out of which the draught was blowing.</p>
 <p>Two pitches followed in quick succession - one of 23 metres and one of 19
 metres. Halfway down the first, a small inlet entered, which made both
 pitches unpleasant in wet weather. At the bottom of the 19 metre pitch, two
 possible ways led on - either continuing down with the water or traversing
-round the drop, which led to another passage.
+round the drop, which led to another passage.</p>
 <p>Initially, the second way was chosen and followed for about 100 metres to
 the top of another shaft. In this passage the draught was reversed, blowing
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ below the top of the shaft, Boulder Shaft, and a ladder was put down. Again,
 two ways led on, one through the boulders, the other across the shaft and
 down a narrow rift. However, the stability of the boulders seemed doubtful,
 and we went back to look at the way on from the bottom of the 19 metre
 <p>Until this time, all trips had taken place during hours of daylight, but
 this meant that we had a maximum of twelve hours to get up to the plateau,
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ a half hours each way. For these reasons, an overnight trip seemed an
 attractive proposition, allowing a longer time underground with a walk home
 in certain daylight. The only disadvantage seemed to be missing out on the
 bar in the evening, although a further shortfall (!) was discovered later by
-Team Ropes.
+Team Ropes.</p>
 <p>The next trip down 107, <span lang="de-at">Gemsh&ouml;hle,</span> was an
 overnight trip. We followed on down below the third pitch. A short passage
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ the small pitch, stones were dropped down a hole in the corner of the
 passage. These took several seconds to land, and the length of the pitch was
 estimated to be about 60 metres, which induced panic in the two team members
 underground. Luckily the rift at the bottom of the small pitch was found to
-lead into the large shaft, and it was a much easier ladder climb.
+lead into the large shaft, and it was a much easier ladder climb.</p>
 <p>It seemed to take ages to bolt that pitch, and cold and fatigue soon set
 in. It must have been raining on the surface because a small inlet had
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ singing a song that was played on the juke box every night in Bar Fischer.
 It was pretty eerie and finally we both decided to jack, leaving the cave
 eventually with fading illumination. Not much was achieved on this trip, and
 no other overnight trips took place in 107, although in a deeper pot, the
-idea is probably worth considering.
+idea is probably worth considering.</p>
 <p>Another short, cold, wet trip took place, trying to get down the pitch.
 The first ladder landed on a pile of jammed boulders where the ladder was
@@ -319,22 +319,22 @@ rebelayed to follow down one wall of the shaft. The depth of this shaft
 turned out to be 67 metres - pretty close to our estimate. Had we laddered
 the pitch direct, it would have hung free most of the way, partly in the
 water. The way on now followed the water down the rift, which must be 60
-metres high, although the roof could not be seen.
+metres high, although the roof could not be seen.</p>
 <p>At about this time, Team Geriatric arrived in Altaussee, and since they
 would not have time to prospect for and explore a new cave, the decided to
 join team Ladders in 107. Despite their great age, Team Geriatric are still
-very agile and, couled with their experience, this made them invaluable in
+very agile and, coupled with their experience, this made them invaluable in
 <span lang="de-at">Gemsh&ouml;hle.</span> On their first trip they went back
 to Boulder Shaft and found the way on through the boulders choked, but rigged
 the rift on the opposite side of the shaft. They abseiled the pitch,
 rebelaying part way down, and landed in the stream that was later realised to
 be the same one that Team Ladders were in. The total pitch length was 100
 <p>The next pitch for Team Ladders took them along the Big Rift, following
 the stream as far as the bottom of the Geriatrics' Pitch, at which point
-they were almost out of ladders.
+they were almost out of ladders.</p>
 <p>In the Geriatrics' last trip into 107, they got to the bottom. The last
 pitch of 44 metres was quite wet and landed in a much larger rift at right
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ small hole in the floor and the rift choked. This is all according to Vic,
 who has a reputation for giving the blessing to the bottom of pots. Team
 Geriatric then derigged their rope, and surveyed the top half of the cave on
 their way out. Team Ladders derigged several days later due to inclement
 <p>The surveying of the cave revealed a depth of 280 metres, making it CUCC's
 second deepest find. The survey shows it to be remarkably similar to 82,
@@ -355,15 +355,15 @@ metres below that of 82, putting the bottom of 82 at a level just before the
 final large rift in 107. When it was found that 82 ended in a perched sump,
 it was thought that all caves in the area might do this. 107 disproves this
 theory. Their similarities are perhaps not too surprising since their
-entrances are only about 100 metres apart.
+entrances are only about 100 metres apart.</p>
-<p><img alt="survey: 30k gif" width=640 height=1475 src="../../plateau/others/107.png">
+<p><img alt="survey: 30k gif" width=640 height=1475 src="../../plateau/others/107.png"></p>
 <p>For our first attempt at caving abroad,
 <span lang="de-at">Gemsh&ouml;hle</span> provided a good introduction with
-quite an impressive depth.
+quite an impressive depth.</p>
-<p>Ben van Millingen
+<p>Ben van Millingen</p>
 <h3><a name="gumbies">TWO EXECUTIVE GUMBIES GO PROSPECTING</a></h3>
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ the entrance ('I thought you'd brought the compass'), but it lies at least
 2&nbsp;km beyond <span lang="de-at">Eislufth&ouml;hle,</span> roughly in the
 direction of the <span lang="de-at">Sch&ouml;nberg.</span> The number 110
 appears in red paint near to the cave's low, insignificant entrance. Its
-discovery was the classic situation of an icy wind howling up your shorts !
+discovery was the classic situation of an icy wind howling up your shorts !</p>
 <p>The draught was followed, with hand torches, along a short crawl to a
 partial boulder choke. Hmmm... Returning for 70m of brand new SRT 'digging'
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ Super Cool pushed the exploration further. In the course of a couple of
 hours, Nick bolted, rigged and descended a short pitch, and investigated an
 easy walking passage (curiously doubling back under the entrance passage) to
 a collapsed chamber. Several possible routes through the boulders all proved
-fruitless, and an exit was made.
+fruitless, and an exit was made.</p>
 <p><img alt="grade 1 plan: 12k gif" width=500 height=600
@@ -403,14 +403,14 @@ shafts were found and had to be explored. The first of these, 111, was
 quickly rigged, and Julian winched down 30m to a narrow choked rift, having
 passed a ledge at the -20m level. With his helmet still on, Julian then
 descended the second of the shafts, 112, which lay about 50m from 111. He
-passed two ledges on his way down to a choke at -50m.
+passed two ledges on his way down to a choke at -50m.</p>
 <p>After derigging, the two then ignominiously staggered off the plateau,
 and down to the campsite to claim thair quota of lagerbier in the forlorn
 hope of restoring some of their hard-lost flab. A profitable day's work,
-<p>Nick Thorne.
+<p>Nick Thorne.</p>
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