From 02f484faf18ef70efdd91c2ff483dbb61d323ce7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Philip Sargent <> Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 20:34:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] ../years fix --- cave_data/1623-147.html | 2 +- cave_data/1623-164.html | 2 +- cave_data/1623-98.html | 2 +- cave_data/1623-B10.html | 2 +- 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/cave_data/1623-147.html b/cave_data/1623-147.html index 326adc1ca..afe360ff1 100644 --- a/cave_data/1623-147.html +++ b/cave_data/1623-147.html @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ code used in the Austrian kataster e.g '1/S +' - https://expo/ <underground_description>Horizontal walking entrance leads south to a descending passage and junction. Down to right is a shorter but smaller route to the lower cave, while ahead leads past a small choked passage on the right to the head of a pitch. Across the pitch a smaller passage continues to a blind pitch where a draught enters from the floor, and an even smaller continuing passage which ends too small, also draughting.</p><p>Down the main pitch, in a rift, is 10m to a boulder pile in a chamber where the shorter route reenters, and a passage continues back north towards the entrance. South is a rift ending too tight. The main way soon leads to a pitch of 10m with a large ledge halfway. A short passage intersects a cross-rift before becoming too small (with a draught), but down the rift drops c15m to a choke at about -45m.</underground_description><!-- Underground description. (description of approach and entrance goes in entrance file). For a small cave this will be the entire description. For larger caves it will be the front page of the description, or a short intro, containing links to other pages with the cave description in, or even nothing but a link. --> <equipment></equipment><!-- For a small cave, summary of gear needed to descend. For longer caves it could be blank, a table, or just refer to the description/topos. Leave blank if this info is in the description. --> <references></references><!-- References to documentation. Could be Journal articles or Logbook entries. Can be links if the docs are online. --> -<survey>Elevation and plan, 1988, unpublished? Claims to be grade 5b, but comment in 1988 logbook suggests that compass may have been seriously deviated by use of a torch to illuminate it. Drawn up survey has only one scale bar, though clearly plan and elevation are not to the same scale. Surface survey to top of Vd. Schwarzmooskogel, 1994</p><p>Re-explored and surveyed in 1999 - see <a href="../years/1999/log.htm#id1999-147-1">log-book write-up</a> – but apparently never drawn up.</p><p><img alt="Plan, 12k gif" width="800" height="500" src="/1623/others/147p.png" /></p><p><img alt="Elevation, 15k gif" width="500" height="800" src="/1623/others/147l.png" /></survey><!-- Drawn-up surveys. Scans of paper surveys or images/PDFs of electronic surveys. Should include HTML to display current plan and elevation, with links to larger versions (See section on URLs and files). Could list links to multiple years of survey, or even a separate survey page if it's complicated enough. --> +<survey>Elevation and plan, 1988, unpublished? Claims to be grade 5b, but comment in 1988 logbook suggests that compass may have been seriously deviated by use of a torch to illuminate it. Drawn up survey has only one scale bar, though clearly plan and elevation are not to the same scale. Surface survey to top of Vd. Schwarzmooskogel, 1994</p><p>Re-explored and surveyed in 1999 - see <a href="/years/1999/log.htm#id1999-147-1">log-book write-up</a> – but apparently never drawn up.</p><p><img alt="Plan, 12k gif" width="800" height="500" src="/1623/others/147p.png" /></p><p><img alt="Elevation, 15k gif" width="500" height="800" src="/1623/others/147l.png" /></survey><!-- Drawn-up surveys. Scans of paper surveys or images/PDFs of electronic surveys. Should include HTML to display current plan and elevation, with links to larger versions (See section on URLs and files). Could list links to multiple years of survey, or even a separate survey page if it's complicated enough. --> <kataster_status></kataster_status> <underground_centre_line>In dataset</underground_centre_line><!-- 'In dataset' if it is in the survex dataset. Blank if not, or notes about status such as 'surveyed, but no entrance fix so not yet in dataset'. --> <notes>Number originally allocated to a cave which was not marked with a number, and which was not relocated until 1988. Interestingly, the Austrians had this as 2/T +, at 1700m, NW of Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel, and think CUCC explored it to 60m long and 10m deep in 1984. This suggests a CUCC documentation failure and probably a relocation failure, as the cave explored in 1988 was very different...</notes><!-- Normally empty, but place for anything else that should be noted, such as info on cave maybe being a duplicate, or lost --> diff --git a/cave_data/1623-164.html b/cave_data/1623-164.html index 724cd0996..9fd07cee4 100644 --- a/cave_data/1623-164.html +++ b/cave_data/1623-164.html @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ code used in the Austrian kataster e.g '1/S +' - https://expo/ <letter></letter><!--Leave blank for single-entrance cave. If there is more than one entrace then the letter needs to be given. Generally matches the entranceslug ID. --> </entrance> -<explorers><a href="../years/1988/164.htm">CUCC 1988</a></explorers><!-- 'CUCC Expo' and year(s) of exploration. To distinguish from caves explored by foreign groups. Individual names can be given too if it was a small cave. --> +<explorers><a href="/years/1988/164.htm">CUCC 1988</a></explorers><!-- 'CUCC Expo' and year(s) of exploration. To distinguish from caves explored by foreign groups. Individual names can be given too if it was a small cave. --> <survex_file></survex_file><!-- Name of top-level survey file for this cave. Relative to the 'loser' survex repository. So for most caves that's "caves-162x/cavenum/cavnum.svx". (e.g. caves-1623/204/204.svx --> <underground_description>The entrance pitch is 10m, and has a detectable draught - quite strong in view of the size of the entrance. There was only the remains of a snow plug in 1988, although the plug is almost complete in some years (eg. 1995 - it was gone again in 1996).</p><p>A small stream enters and lands on boulders at the foot of the pitch in a passage leading south along a fault. A climb of 4m over precarious boulders reaches a bolt for the second pitch. The quality of rock in this area leaves a lot to be desired. The second pitch, 12m and third pitch, 15m are separated only by a small ledge. Water sinks in floor of small passage floored with what would appear to be the previous season's roof, now decayed into small jagged rocks. Continuing passage over boulders rises to 4-5m dropping steeply for 30m on the same south-trending fault. The water is rejoined at a freehanging 10m pitch from a rock bridge overlooking a sizeable chamber.</p><p>The stream sinks at the foot of the pitch in the centre of the 15m by 7m chamber floor. To the east, a scramble leads up to a shattered cross-rift from a large shelf about 15m long and 10m wide, but ends too tight. A similar feature to the west up a 4m climb becomes a low bedding with no way on. Due south are two passages, the one to the right leading 20m round a couple of bends to a sandy choke. The left passage quickly chokes. The draught seems to be lost into the continuation of the passage above the final pitch, on the far side of the chamber. This would be best reached by a traverse on steep loose rock from the 4m climb in the chamber. The pitches take large quantities of water very quickly in rain.</underground_description><!-- Underground description. (description of approach and entrance goes in entrance file). For a small cave this will be the entire description. For larger caves it will be the front page of the description, or a short intro, containing links to other pages with the cave description in, or even nothing but a link. --> <equipment></equipment><!-- For a small cave, summary of gear needed to descend. For longer caves it could be blank, a table, or just refer to the description/topos. Leave blank if this info is in the description. --> diff --git a/cave_data/1623-98.html b/cave_data/1623-98.html index 7373e11fb..cde3d34fe 100644 --- a/cave_data/1623-98.html +++ b/cave_data/1623-98.html @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ code used in the Austrian kataster e.g '1/S +' - https://expo/ <survex_file></survex_file><!-- Name of top-level survey file for this cave. Relative to the 'loser' survex repository. So for most caves that's "caves-162x/cavenum/cavnum.svx". (e.g. caves-1623/204/204.svx --> <underground_description>After top of entrance shaft, it bells out, to land on a lightly boulder-covered floor after 29m. Tight thrutch to one side leads to second pitch of 17m to a flat rock floor with no way on.</underground_description><!-- Underground description. (description of approach and entrance goes in entrance file). For a small cave this will be the entire description. For larger caves it will be the front page of the description, or a short intro, containing links to other pages with the cave description in, or even nothing but a link. --> <equipment></equipment><!-- For a small cave, summary of gear needed to descend. For longer caves it could be blank, a table, or just refer to the description/topos. Leave blank if this info is in the description. --> -<references><a href="../years/1978/log.htm#id1978-98-1">Logbook accounts</a></references><!-- References to documentation. Could be Journal articles or Logbook entries. Can be links if the docs are online. --> +<references><a href="/years/1978/log.htm#id1978-98-1">Logbook accounts</a></references><!-- References to documentation. Could be Journal articles or Logbook entries. Can be links if the docs are online. --> <survey></survey><!-- Drawn-up surveys. Scans of paper surveys or images/PDFs of electronic surveys. Should include HTML to display current plan and elevation, with links to larger versions (See section on URLs and files). Could list links to multiple years of survey, or even a separate survey page if it's complicated enough. --> <kataster_status></kataster_status> <underground_centre_line></underground_centre_line><!-- 'In dataset' if it is in the survex dataset. Blank if not, or notes about status such as 'surveyed, but no entrance fix so not yet in dataset'. --> diff --git a/cave_data/1623-B10.html b/cave_data/1623-B10.html index 0a25f4e28..268f432c8 100644 --- a/cave_data/1623-B10.html +++ b/cave_data/1623-B10.html @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ code used in the Austrian kataster e.g '1/S +' - https://expo/ <survey></survey><!-- Drawn-up surveys. Scans of paper surveys or images/PDFs of electronic surveys. Should include HTML to display current plan and elevation, with links to larger versions (See section on URLs and files). Could list links to multiple years of survey, or even a separate survey page if it's complicated enough. --> <kataster_status></kataster_status> <underground_centre_line></underground_centre_line><!-- 'In dataset' if it is in the survex dataset. Blank if not, or notes about status such as 'surveyed, but no entrance fix so not yet in dataset'. --> -<notes>This was apparently relocated and reexplored by CUCC <a href="../years/1988/log.htm#id1988-B10-1">in 1988</a>, before they spotted the number. Shown as being near the foot of the Bräuning wall, in the same area as <a href="159/159.html">159</a> and <a href="160.htm">160</a>. Not relocated, however, in a search in 1990, probably because it's further out onto the plateau than the 91,93,94 area where I looked. There are a couple of likely looking holes immediately north of the grassy area containing lower top camp, but no number was visible in 1998.</notes><!-- Normally empty, but place for anything else that should be noted, such as info on cave maybe being a duplicate, or lost --> +<notes>This was apparently relocated and reexplored by CUCC <a href="/years/1988/log.htm#id1988-B10-1">in 1988</a>, before they spotted the number. Shown as being near the foot of the Bräuning wall, in the same area as <a href="159/159.html">159</a> and <a href="160.htm">160</a>. Not relocated, however, in a search in 1990, probably because it's further out onto the plateau than the 91,93,94 area where I looked. There are a couple of likely looking holes immediately north of the grassy area containing lower top camp, but no number was visible in 1998.</notes><!-- Normally empty, but place for anything else that should be noted, such as info on cave maybe being a duplicate, or lost --> <length></length><!-- Cave length. Can be left blank and system should fill it in automatically from survey data (it doesn't yet) --> <depth></depth><!--Cave depth. Can be left blank and system should fill it in automatically from survey data (it doesn't yet) --> <extent></extent>