<explorers></p><ul><li>Original exploration ('+' mark) unknown.</li><li>Documented and surveyed: CUCC 1996.07.15 (Wookey)</li></ul><p></explorers>
<underground_description>Two entrances, one 5m lower than the other. Lower section is expanded joint at foot of step, 6m deep. free-climable to gain a choked floor. A small continuation leads to small space in rifty corner where rocks have not filled. Upper entrance is 2-3m diameter shaft 5m deep, also free-climable.</underground_description>
<equipment>None, 8m handline would be useful.</equipment>
<survey></p><divclass="centre"><imgalt="1999 survey"src="208survey.jpg"border="1"/></div><p>Grade 2 (at a guess), drawn up in loose leaves in front of 1996-9 NotKH book</survey>
<kataster_status>Form sent 2000.05, number allocated. </kataster_status>