<p>Click on a sub-heading to hide and reveal the individual to-do items. If a heading is in italics, then there are hidden items.</p>
<p>Edit this page by clciking on the big blue button. It uses the same "Edit this page" function that you may have used before.</p>
<h2>Taken from file on ::expoweb::/TODO</h2>
<dl><dt>Add missing images to logbooks</dt><dd>2000, 2008, 2009, 2011</dd><dd>fix corrupted image in 2001 log</dd><dt>2011 logbook:</dt><dd>type up via-ferrate & bolt-testing writeups (In paper book, not in scan or HTML)</dd><dt>200? logbook:</dt><dd>Type up "list of GPS locations still to type" - is this 2012??</dd><dt>2019 Logbook</dt><dd>transcribe the rest of those blog entries into expoweb/years/2019/logbook.html</dd><dd>copy the photos from the UKCaving blog into expofiles/photos/2019// -- in fact many of those photos are already there</dd><dd>edit in the links to those photos in the right place in 2019/logbook.html</dd></dl>
<dl><dt><!--2020-03-29 psargent-->Document this to-do list thing</dt><dd><!--2020-03-29 psargent-->explain how clicking works</dd><dt><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Wallets and new-cave</dt><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Explain (in the wallets process) how to view the surveys online so that <br/> (1) you can see an example of how to do your new one, and <br/> (2) so that you can check that you have done it properly when you have finished.</dd><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Explain how to link a new cave into the other caves in troggle filesystem</dd><dt><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Troggle architecture</dt><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Handbook: explain how troggle works - much better and simpler. Fix mistakes I wrote. For future system maintainers</dd><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Copy the .wiki material into the documentation somewhere</dd><dt><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Surveyscans</dt><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->explain where the image files are referenced from: svx, tunnel/therion, and</dd><dd>why there are so many broken links</dd></dl>
<dl><dt><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Capitalisation in filenames problem</dt><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->run the duplicate filename script on the server in /photos/xml/ as there are files which differ only in capitalisation of their names.</dd><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Fix such duplicates in the /photos/ folders where this problem originates</dd><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Document this issue of duplicate photo filenames produced by multiple cameras running similar software</dd><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->somehow fix the photo filenames which use capital letters on import or upload, or by a cron job</dd></dl>
<dl><dt><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->2019 surveyscans</dt><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->edit all the content.json</dd><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->try to autocomplete the content.json by parsing .svx files</dd><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Put personal names into canonical form</dd></dl>
<dl><dt><!--2020-03-26 psargent--> www-data:www-data permissions</dt><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Fix permissions so that all files served by troggle have www-data:www-data ownership and group ownership, otherwise the "Edit this page" fails with a permissions error, or</dd><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Or fix group membership for the process running django so that it can write files owned by 'expo'</dd></dl>
<dl><dt><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Eventual aim</dt><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->to replace GitHub <ahref="https://github.com/CaveSurveying/CUCCexposurveyissues/issues"> CUCCexposurveyissues</a> for non-tunnel, non-GIS issues.</dd><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->We need two of these: <br/>1.for expo systems work (troggle & scripts) - the current priority as we have nowhere currently that Wookey is willing to use <br/>2.for survey data progress/issues (though troggle itself can be used for some of this if cleaned up a bit)</dd><dt><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Try to automate simple functions in javascript</dt><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->to control this document in-place (tick, delete) instead of using the <ahref="https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/general-configuration-guide/use-tinymce-inline/"> tinymce</a> HTML editor in Django</dd><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Maybe restructure whole page as JSON and use javascript editor to create (edit), re-order and demote items. So long as the content is inserted into the DOM, it should work ?</dd><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Implement comments on an issue, mimicking GitHub issues wiki</dd><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Use javascript to skip over the _edit page and submit changes direct to server when updating</dd><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->checkboxes so that items can be ticked (which also does strike-through)</dd><dd><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->bin icon to delete an item? Better to have an archive process.</dd><dt><!--2020-03-26--></dt></dl><hr/>
<p><!--------------------- Do not touch anything below here ------------------------><!--2020-03-26--> Testing area..</p>
<divid="demo">Demonstation as initially read from disc</div>