2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
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2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
< title > Expo 2007: mission statement (76 surface list)< / title >
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2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
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< h2 align = center > Expo 2007 (Cambridge Austrian Cave Science Expedition): mission statement (76 surface list)< / h2 >
< ul >
< li > Gemshö hle area:< / li >
< ul >
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< li > Explore the QMs at ~ -25m in < a href = "..//1623/107.htm" > Gemshö hle (107)< / a > (description suggests non-draughting
2007-09-12 23:32:50 +02:00
chokes, survey suggests QMs, Waddington suggests thoroughly looked at!), and the ~-70m route to the Big Pitch for any
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
horizontal leads, as this is about the same level as Brave New World, and < 100m
away.< / li >
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< li > Explore, survey and tag < a href = "..//1623/83.htm" > 83< / a > (specifically phreatic continuation beyond pitch).< / li >
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
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< li > < a href = "..//1623/157/157.htm" > Pirat Schacht (157)< / a > . Explored by
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someone other than CUCC, and apparently only partially descended by CUCC.< / li >
< / ul >
< li > Eislufthö hle area:< / li >
< ul >
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< li > Check surveys of < a href = "..//1623/2004-01/index.html" > 2004-01 (bivi
cave)< / a > vs < a href = "..//1623/99/99.html" > 99< / a > - the legs seem
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
misaligned in one or the other.< / li >
2007-09-12 23:32:50 +02:00
< li > "Batter Pot" is a potential entrance above Pancake Chips Aven in 76, which
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
might provide an easier route in to at least some of Brave New World. It
2007-09-12 23:32:50 +02:00
probably needs minor excavation work to make an easy entrance.< / li >
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
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< li > < a href = "..//1623/97.htm" > Schneewindschacht (97)< / a > probably deserves a revisit, due to its proximity to 76 and a phreatic level known to have a continuing traverse - the "not even mentioned as tight" part before the entrance
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
squeeze looks fun though!< / li >
2007-08-05 08:24:43 +02:00
< li > < s > Look at potential "back doors" into 97 - there are numerous holes
nearby.< / s > < / li >
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
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< li > < a href = "..//1623/105/105.html" > 105< / a > lies very near 76 and on the
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
same fault system that the original 76 entrances are formed in. 105 is
probably just a ~40m blind shaft as the 1970s description says, but worth
shoving a rope down to verify.< / li >
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< li > < a href = "..//1623/104/104.html" > 104< / a > is also pretty fairly near
2007-09-12 23:32:50 +02:00
76 and probably worth dropping to check and do a quick survey of.< / li >
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< li > Descend < a href = "..//1623/2005-98/2005-98.html" > Hanger Pot< / a > with
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
full caving kit and later in the expedition to see if the snow plug is
passable. The "straight on" lead in the Boiling Tubes in Brave New World in 76
is heading for it.< / li >
< li > Recheck draughting icy tube in < a
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href="..//1623/2006-73.html">Ice Curtain Cave< / a > with crampons or an ice
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
axe (probably best done late in expo).< / li >
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< li > Refind < a href = "..//1623/2004-04/index.html" > 2004-04< / a > and
< a href = "..//1623/2004-09/index.html" > 2004-09< / a >
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and surface survey, and take photos.< / li >
< / ul >
< li > Brä uninghö hle area:< / li >
< ul >
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< li > Look at possible phreatic passage at ~-55m in < a href = "..//1623/82.htm" > Brä uninghö hle (82)< / a > , which corresponds roughly with the level of "Brave New World" in 76.< / li >
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
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< li > Find and tag < a href = "..//1623/84.htm" > 84< / a > (draughts, unexplored tube) and < a href = "..//1623/86.htm" > 86< / a > (almost certainly refound in 2006
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
since there's only one shaft in the area which seems to match the description
- no paint spotted yet though).< / li >
< li > Survey and check out any missed leads in < a
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href="..//1623/85/85.html">85< / a > (~50m long, no rigging gear
apparently) and < a href = "..//1623/81/81.html" > 81< / a > (~15m long, no
2007-09-12 23:32:50 +02:00
rigging gear).< / li >
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
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< li > < a href = "..//1623/2006-70/2006-70.html" > 2006-70< / a > needs a surface
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survey and the pitch descending.< / li >
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
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< li > < a href = "..//1623/148/148.html" > Marilyn Monroe Hö hle (148)< / a > is
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
described as ending at < i > "a steep ice-climb for which no equipment was
available"< / i > . Also mentioned is a route which < i > "terminates in a steep ice
slope at the far side of the chamber"< / i > . The cave has a good cold outward
2007-09-12 23:32:50 +02:00
draught, so a revisit with ice gear might be productive.< / li >
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
< / ul >
< li > Hit Lists:< / li >
< ul >
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< li > Surface survey: < a href = "..//1623/102/102.html" > 102< / a > to
2007-09-12 23:32:50 +02:00
101main or other nearby entrance.< / li >
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
2007-09-12 23:32:50 +02:00
< li > Photograph: 83, 84, 86, 100, 160, 1987-02, 210 (done last year?)
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< / li >
< li > Tag: 98, 111, 112, 2004-05, 2004-06.
< / li >
< / ul >
< li > Miscellaneous:< / li >
< ul >
2007-09-12 23:32:50 +02:00
< li > Survey (and surface survey to) the mysterious "+" cave < a
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href="..//1623/2006-72/2006-72.html">2006-72< / a > fairly near the Top Camp col.< / li >
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
< li > Refind
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< a href = "..//1623/1999-OB-01/1999-OB-01.html" > 99-OB-01< / a >
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(tagged and photographed and bearings taken in 1999; not explored or
GPSed, and not found in a search in 2006).< / li >
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< li > Try to refind < a href = "..//1623/178.htm" > 178< / a > . It was found
shortly after < a href = "..//1623/177.htm" > Tantalus Schacht (177)< / a >
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
on the same prospecting walk. 177 has proved impossible to relocate,
but if 178 were found that might give us a better idea where to look.< / li >
< li > Look for
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< a href = "..//1623/110.htm" > 110< / a > - it's further out than
< a href = "..//1623/111.htm" > 111< / a > and
< a href = "..//1623/112.htm" > 112< / a >
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
which we found last year, and was found by the same people on the same surface
walk. However, we looked last year and there's a huge area it could
potentially be in so it may be a hopeless case.< / li >
<!-- Dave's idea from 2006:
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< li > < a href = "..//1623/171/171.html" > 171< / a > needs a survey: it's apparently
2007-08-05 07:45:45 +02:00
> 150m of just-below-surface passage with several skylights, but leaving
something this length unsurveyed is an embarrassment. Closer to top camp
than the 76 bivvy, so could be done by anyone.< / li >
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