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<title>Alternative activities</title>
<h1 align=center>Expo Festering Guide</h1>
<p>What to do for R&amp;R when burnt out from too much caving, or when
the weather is simply too hot or too awful to go up to the plateau ?
<p>Expo members often bring alternative sports equipment, or there are a wide
range of games which don't need any. Try:
<a href="#abseil">Abseiling</a> off the stupidly huge cliff at Grundlsee,
<a href="#bier">Bier drinking</a>, <a href="#cake">Cake</a>,
<a href="#canoe">Canoeing</a>, <a href="#cars">Car Fixing</a>,
<a href="#cycle">Cycling</a>, <a href="#dachstein">Dachstein-climbing</a>,
<a href="#dinghy">Dinghy floating</a>,
<a href="#dive">Diving</a>, <a href="#kite">Hang-gliding</a>,
<a href="#fryup">High-frying</a>, <a href="#hydro">Hydro-speeding</a>,
<a href="#ices">Ice creams</a>, <a href="#mihs">Mohr-im-Hemd eating</a>,
<a href="#pedalo">Pedalo Pedalling</a>, <a href="#spudhut">Potato Hut</a>
festering, <a href="#radio">Radio-fettling</a>,
<a href="#rope">Ropewashing</a>, <a href="#salt">Salt-mining</a>,
<a href="#swim">Swimming</a>, <a href="#fester">Sunbathing</a>,
<a href="#sled">Tobogganning</a>, <a href="#tberg">Trisselberg ascent</a>,
<a href="#tyrol">Tyrolean building</a>, <a href="#surf">Windsurfing</a>...
<dt><b><a name="abseil">Huge Abseil</a></b>
<dd>Recommended by the local cavers, this 200m almost-a-free-hang cliff
provides mind-bending sport, probably not to be repeated by any of those
that had a go first time.
<dt><b><a name="bier">Bier drinking</a></b>
<dd>In the "early days" Expo used to drink Reininghaus Bier in the Bar
Fischer in Altaussee, as we didn't have a good socialising tent (or potato
hut) to drink the more economic bottled variety. Nowadays, bier
<a href="piclinks/phut1.htm"><img src="tinypix/phut1.jpg" width=170
height=143 align=left hspace=10></a> comes dead cheap, in crates, from the
supermarket (and the preferred brand is
<a href="http://www.goesser.at/" lang="de-at">G&ouml;sser</a>). Expo always
maintains a tally of bottled beers drunk, so that the right people get
charged for it - and so we can report how many metric tons we got through
each year. There is a corresponding Limonade tally.<br clear=all>
<dt><b><a name="cake">Cake</a></b>
<dd>Austrians do pretty good cakes for pigging out on calorie-restoration
days when veggie-slop just isn't enough. It's best to point and say "Ein
stuck bitte" rather than try to ask for exactly what you want. One person's
mega-sticky-chocoloate-cake arrived as a cup of cocoa through trying to be
too clever.
<dt><b><a name="canoe">Canoeing</a></b>
<dd>on the lake is a pleasant way to cool off for all and sundry. There are
also white water rivers, from the easy (ie. they need a bit of rain) to the
"sporting" delights of the Traun from Bad Aussee to Hallstatt - in a deep
valley nowhere near an escape route. This was first done by Vic Brown (6th in
women's K1 slalom at the 1972 Olympics) with an assortment of exCS "Victims".
More relaxing is to paddle from Grundlsee back to
<a href="bcamps.htm">Basecamp</a>, but watch out for Hilde's weir:
<a href="piclinks/ohshit.htm"><img src="tinypix/ohshit.jpg" width=170
height=143 align=top></a>
<dt><b><a name="cars">Car-fixing</a></b>
<dd>Owing to being mainly impoverished students, expo has an annual crop of
shit cars which limp across Europe with infeasibly large loads and equally
crap trailers <a href="piclinks/trailr.htm"><img width=170 height=143
src="tinypix/trailr.jpg" align=right hspace=10></a> which provides for
<a href="years/1995/log.htm#trailerepic">epic</a> travel. This usually
results in at least one car being fettled at any time during expo, which
provides relaxing spectator sport for everyone else in
<a href="bcamps.htm">Basecamp</a> at the time. One chariot which was more
reliable than most, until its eventual demise through old age and several
visits to Austria was Rover Richardson: <a href="piclinks/rover.htm">
<img src="tinypix/rover.jpg" width=140 height=116 align=left hspace=10></a><br>
who had the distinction of being older than his owner. For an account
of amazing persistence in the face of crap transport read
"<a href="years/1991/driver.htm">How (not) to drive round Europe</a>"
from CU 1992. This tale involves a Citroen van and a volvo:
<a href="piclinks/wkmob.htm"><img src="tinypix/wkmob.jpg" width=140
height=111 align=right hspace=10></a><br clear=all>
<dt><b><a name="cycle">Cycling</a></b>
<dd>Far more people seem to travel by bike in Austria than in the UK despite
the obvious disadvantages of (a) ridiculous heat or (b) it pissing buckets
and (c) it's <b>very</b> hilly. However, cycling <b>down</b> the
<a href="tollrd.htm">toll road</a> is very pleasant, or can be very exciting,
depending on whether or not you are trying to break the club record of under
ten minutes or it is (again) pissing buckets. Most people foolish enough to
do it at all, only cycle <b>up</b> the toll road <b>once</b> (but there are
exceptions, even to this rule).
<dt><b><a name="dachstein">Dachstein climbing</a></b>
<dd><img align=left src="tinypix/dbahn.jpg" width=128 height=152 hspace=10>
<img src="tinypix/dachx.jpg" width=145 height=285 align=right hspace=10>
This is the fine peak with glacier visible from the
<a href="tollrd.htm">toll road</a> on a clear day. Although the postcards
would have you believe it is a 3k peak, this is really only 2994m, not that
this detracts from a fine day out. One look at the "via ferrata" up the
south-facing cliff is enough to convince everyone of the wisdom of investing
in a seilbahn ticket up to the glacier, where summer skiing is possible if
you are early enough. The climb itself is fun, and well-equipped with great
reinforcing bar handholds everywhere, which probably explains the drongo
density - a helmet or a suitable turn of speed are advised to avoid
<p>It can be done in a day <a href="years/1990/log.htm#dachstein">on
foot from Hallstatt</a>, but only if you are <b>very</b> fit.
<p align=right>Dave Brindle tops out in cloud<br clear=all>
<dt><b><a name="dinghy">Dinghy floating</a></b>
<dd><img align=left src="tinypix/dinghy.jpg" width=225 height=201 hspace=10>
One of a plethora of festering activities centred around the conveniently
nearby, but out of earshot of the campsite, lake (Grundlsee). Parking has
become a problem if you have too much gear, but an inflatable dinghy is one
of the most easily carried bits of kit, thus avoiding the parking meters.<br
<dt><b><a name="dive">Diving</a></b>
<dd>There is not much scope for cave diving in CUCC's caves, though some has
been done in nearby resurgences. However, for relaxing by the lake, a set of
scuba gear and wetsuit or Michelin-man drysuit are ideal. The water is clear,
and in Grundlsee lies an underwater habitat which is fun to visit, and an old
lorry which is "verboten".
<a href="years/1989/log.htm#1989-dive-1">Diving in Altausseer See</a>
revealed not the hoped for resurgence, but a few bits of 50's vintage human
remains. Still it got us a go in the Feuerwehr's big red rescue boat :-)
<dt><b><a name="kite">Hang-gliding</a></b>
<dd><img align=right src="tinypix/julian.jpg" width=170 height=143 hspace=10>
Not for the complete beginner is the mind-bending takeoff from a ramp at the
top of the <a href="tollrd.htm">Toll-road</a>. On early expos, everyone
thought that this was only for loonies, but now a small contingent of
C.U.Hang-gliding Club have shown that it is even possible to land in a tree
and survive.<br clear=all>
<dt><b><a name="fryup">High-frying</a></b>
<dd><a href="images/chips.jpg"><img width=160 height=128 align=left hspace=10
src="tinypix/chips.jpg"></a>This is a sort of Russian-roulette with the base
camp barbecue. A large Dutch Oven is filled far too full with oil, perched on
the swinging barbecue above a large open fire and used to fry chips (at which
point it almost overflows onto said fire). A swinging barbecue is ideal for
getting lumps of meat off without getting burnt, but less than perfect when
the victim is set the task of getting a large hot pan of chips off. Needless
to say, we survived....<br clear=all>
<dt><b><a name="hydro">Hydro-speeding</a></b>
<dd>Ideally, this means body-surfing down a river with a flat thing to
ride on to protect chest and arms from rocks, and with fins (flippers
to you) to give some degree of control. Needless to say, CUCC's version
involved a body board or an inner tube on the river from Grundlsee down
to Basecamp. "Reasonable" water levels are required, and getting out
to walk round the weir is strongly recommended. <i>"Interesting to find out
how wet it can get before you hurt yourself or drown"</i> (Wookey).
<dt><b><a name="ices">Ice creams</a></b>
<dd>Austrians do ice creams every bit as good as their sticky cakes - and
with the advantage of Schlagobers to appeal to the calorifically-challenged.
<dt><b><a name="mihs">Mohr-im-Hemd</a></b>
<dd>No, not the <a href="smkridge/161/offffr.htm#mihemd">passage</a> in
Kaninchenh&ouml;hle, but the death-by-chocolate pudding which it was named
after. The first challenge is to persuade the other attendees at the expo
dinner to pay for the game if you win. The second challenge is to eat ten of
these delicacies and not throw up for at least five minutes.
It has been done :-)
<dt><b><a name="pedalo">Pedalo pedalling</a></b>
<dd><img align=left src="tinypix/pedalo.jpg" width=221 height=161 hspace=10>
Used to occur from Fritz's jetty when <a href="bcamps.htm">Basecamp</a> was
at Altaussee, but is now more likely to be an excuse for a trip to Hallstatt,
where there is also a handy gear shop and a <a href="#dive">diving</a> school
to get bottles filled.<br clear=all>
<dt><b><a name="spudhut">Potato Hut</a> festering</b>
<dd>(See also <a href="#bier">Bier Drinking</a>) <img
src="tinypix/phut94.jpg" width=205 height=147 align=right hspace=10>.
Festering in the evenings, or daytime in the rain, generally takes place in
Hilde's "Potato Hut", so called because it is the meeting place of the
"Potato Club". <img src="tinypix/bc94.jpg" width=137 height=109 align=left
hspace=10> This august local organisation exists mainly to drink
potato-derived alcohol, and engage in curling on Hilde's ice - more usually a
lake at the time of year of our visit.<br clear=all>
<dt><b><a name="radio">Radio-fettling</a></b>
<dd>Ever since we had a set of really excellent communications equipment on
evaluation from Philips in 1990, until the advent of mobile phones on expo
1999, expo hankered after a working set of CB-type radios. Top Camp to Base
Camp is not line of sight, and thus needed a repeater, which (a) didn't work
or (b) worked all the time and flattened its battery or (c) cut in and out
continuously during use or, very rarely, (d) worked perfectly. The temptation
to 'improve' it during time (d) resulted in hours being spent fettling it in
states (a) to (c). For better (probably) or worse, this activity is now
pretty much a thing of the past
<dt><b><a name="rope">Ropewashing</a></b>
<dd><img align=right src="tinypix/washit.jpg" width=161 height=192 hspace=10>
OK, I admit, this is really caving, but it happens at
<a href="bcamps.htm">Basecamp</a> and is refreshing if it's hot.
However, it can be a bit epic in the river if it is in flood, in which case a
<a href="#tyrol">Tyrolean traverse</a> over the river is a sporting game.
<br clear=all>
<dt><b><a name="salt">Salt-mining</a></b>
<dd>There are Salt Mines at both Hallstatt and Altaussee which are worth a
visit. The latter were used as a stash for huge amounts of stolen art
treasures by the Nazis, a fact that they keep strangely quiet about, given
that it was the brave action of one of the local workers which saved them
from being dynamited.
<dt><b><a name="swim">Swimming</a></b>
<dd>Either in the river behind the Staud'nwirt or in one of the lakes, where
the top metre or so gets quite warm in hot weather.
<dt><b><a name="fester">Sunbathing</a></b>
<dd><img src="tinypix/tcdoze.jpg" width=201 height=123 align=left hspace=10>
Can be done almost anywhere, when it doesn't piss down - but usually combined
with other activities at the side of the lake. However, more rays can be
picked up at Top Camp in the unusual event of good weather and not caving.<br
<dt><b><a name="sled">Tobogganning</a></b>
<dd>There is a dry (metal trough) toboggan run
<a href="piclinks/tobog.htm"><img src="tinypix/tobog.jpg" width=143
height=170 align=right hspace=10></a> worth a visit near Bad Ischl. Wear long
sleeves and trousers if you value your skin - doing so enables you to
dispense with the brakes entirely.<br clear=all>
<dt><b><a name="tberg">Trisselberg ascent</a></b>
<dd>Of four expo attempts, two have succeeded - in
<a href="years/1984/twand.htm">1984</a> and again in
<a href="years/1990/log.htm#trissel">1990</a>.
An earlier attempt was thwarted by a wasps' nest, and the
<a href="years/1992/log.htm#trissel">1992 attempt</a> made the error of
retreating from high up in what turned out to be quite an epic in a
thunderstorm. It must be about time someone else had a go...
<dt><b><a name="tyrol">Tyrolean traverse</a></b>
<dd>Typically occurs towards the end of expo when large amounts of gear,
particularly rope and pulleys, ends up down by the river for
<a href="#rope">ropewashing</a>. If the river really is too epic to stand in,
a tyrolean traverse from Hilde's to some trees opposite can provide an
awesome sense of exposure and not a little danger !
<dt><b><a name="surf">Windsurfing</a></b>
<dd>Yet another lakeside activity - this one really is easiest if there is
some wind, but as long as this is not too strong, it's a good game for total
beginners (unlike <a href="#kite">Hang-gliding</a>, for example).
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