task. For example, let us discuss annual expeditions.
<li>Every year, for each cave explored, a list
of <ahref="/cave/qms/1623-290">unfinished underground leads</a> (which we call "<ahref="qmentry.html">Question Marks</a>" or "QMs") must be maintained to
stored about it must be easily accessible to future explorers of the same area.
<li>Similarly, on
the surface, a "<ahref="../essentials.html">prospecting map</a>" showing which entrances have been investigated needs to be
produced and updated at least after every expedition, if not more frequently. We call this "essentials.gpx" because it stops people getting lost.
<p>When we have hundreds of explored shafts, and thousands of potential holes on the plateau, it is absolutely essential that we record holes we have already looked at.