We can export cave and expo data with Django templates that generate JSON, which is <ahref="https://www.cuyc.org.uk/committee/events_json_short/">what CUYC do</a> (and we have access to their code).
We already have a proof of principle JSON export API working at
<ahref="http://expo.survex.com/api/expeditions_json">expo.survex.com/api/expeditions_json</a> and we also have
a text-format export as TSV (tab-separated values), which are like comma-separated values and similarly importable into spreadsheets.
<p>Log in as 'expoadmin' (password: 'beery:cavey') at <ahref="/admin/login/">/admin/login/</a> then look at the entries for any one of
the objects: Caves, Expeditions, People etc.
In the top left-hand corner is a drop-down menu, 'export as json' is shown selected in the image.
Select one or more of the objects listed and press the 'Go' button next to the drop-down menu. A JSON-formatted file will be produced 'troggle-ouput.json' in the troggle installation directory (where the troggle code .git file is).
<p>There is also an 'export as XML' option.
<p>The code which adds this capability into the Troggle Administration control panel is in <var>troggle/core/admin.py</var>.