<p>If you are a newcomer to the system, read the <ahref="newcave.html#onlinew">beginners introduction to online wallets</a> first.
<h3>Why we have online wallets</h3>
<p>There are three quite different reasons:
<li>The scans of the survey notebook pages are the ultimate original raw survey data and completely irreplaceable.
<li>The other files in the wallet are part of the process of producing a survey of the cave as a whole.
<li>Individual to-do lists are produced automatically for each caver listing what survey processing tasks they haven't finished yet.
<h3>The scanned pages</h3>
<p>These are simply the scanned imaages (or digital photographs) of each page of the original survey notes.
They should be named <em><spanstyle="font-family:monospace">notesXXX.jpg</span></em> where "XXX" can be
anything you like. Typically we have the scanned pages called notes1.jpg, notes2.jpg, notes3.jpg.
<p>It is important that you use use the .jpg (JPEG) file format, and definitely not PNG (very voluminous)
or PDF (very hard to re-use elsewhere). Set the scanner at 300 dpi and adjust the contrast of the image after scanning
by using photo-editing software to enhance the writing. Also please crop each image to just the area containing
the survey data.
<p>As soon as the notes have been scanned you should (a) copy them to a USB stick or email them to someone, (b) upload the entire online wallet to the expo server in Cambridge
<spanstyle="font-family:monospace">expo.survex.com</span>. This is so that these precious files are backed-up as soon as possible.
You can see <ahref="http://expo.survex.com/expofiles/surveyscans/2018/">the index.html for 2018</a> . Also there will be a linked file for each individual
<spanstyle="font-family:monospace; size=x-small; background-color: lightgray">expofiles/surveyscans/</span> for the current year, e.g.
<spanstyle="font-family:monospace; size=x-small; background-color: lightgray">/2019/</span>, you will copy <spanstyle="font-family:monospace">wallets.py</span>
<p>This will create a default <spanstyle="font-family:monospace; size=x-small; background-color: lightgray">contents.json</span> and
<spanstyle="font-family:monospace; size=x-small; background-color: lightgray">index.html</span> in each online wallet subfolder and also a
<spanstyle="font-family:monospace; size=x-small; background-color: lightgray">index.html</span> in the <spanstyle="font-family:monospace; size=x-small; background-color: lightgray">/2018/</span> folder.
<p>This script works fine on Linux (Debian, Xubuntu, etc.) and also now works fine in the <ahref="https://www.howtogeek.com/249966/how-to-install-and-use-the-linux-bash-shell-on-windows-10/">Windows 10 bash system</a>.
it is better to use <spanstyle="font-family:monospace; size=x-small; background-color: lightgray">rsync</span> rather than an FTP client such as Filezilla.
<spanstyle="font-family:monospace; size=x-small; background-color: lightgray">expo.survex.com/expofiles/rsync2018toserver</span>. Always run it with the -n option first,
<p>The python script does more than just re-format the <spanstyle="font-family:monospace; size=x-small; background-color: lightgray">contents.json</span> data into
<li>checks whether the .svx files listed are actually present <br>in the <ahref="http://expo.survex.com/repositories/home/expo">::loser::</a> repository
<li>creates a template <spanstyle="font-family:monospace; size=x-small; background-color: lightgray">contents.json</span> in any wallet which does not have one.
<li>creates helpful URL links to the existing online survey documentation for the cave being surveyed
<li>creates helpful URL links to the working files you are managing on your own laptop
This is a hand-done kludge and only the first level of links works - which is to the individual person's page.
the lists for the last 3 years individually and all the links are working for each wallet page: both local links to your PC and to the right location of the .svx files on the troggle server.
and all the names of people have been hand-edited in the .json files to be consistent and identical.
2015 will be done soon.
Changes to script wallets.py
As all this is not under version control the timestamps of the files were probably quite important in figuring things out when someone makes an update mistake.
So script wallets.py is modified so that
- the generated index.html file in each wallet folder is given
the same timestamp as the contents.json file there,
- the script no longer overwrites the contents.json files every
time it runs. It only changes the timestamp if it actually changes anything.
For 2014 and earlier one needs to do a lot more data entry. The contents.json files for 2014 and earlier do not say who the people were on the trip. So we would need to work from the original plastic wallets (and the scanned drawings and notes – which are incomplete) to enter that data. This is probably not worth doing except maybe for specific critical connections.