<p><code>This is an attempt at a <em>complete set of optional software</em> for using survex, tunnel, therion, photos and GPS tracks to document our caves: using the existing data archive and processing new survey data.
<p>If you want to do software development instead, go to <ahref="../troggle/troglaptop.html">configuring a troggle development machine</a>.
<p>This page documents what else you might find useful if the basic laptop setup does not do what you need.
<li>Chromebooks work just like a phone, but with a keyboard, so far as Expo is concerned (mostly). See our <ahref="chromebook.html">chromebooks</a> page.
<p></a>Long-standing Expo policy is to use open tools and protocols so we can retain control of our own data over the long term. And not to require expo-goers to sign up to external services or spend money on software.
So we use <ahref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open-source_software">FOSS software</a>.
You can use other software on your own machine if it is format-compatible and exports data in the formats we want,
<li><ahref="https://github.com/CaveSurveying/tunnelx">Tunnel</a>: 2.5D cave drawing program based on Survex-compatible data which can also read PocketTopo files. (Generally called 'tunnel' even though the project and executable is actually 'tunnelx'.)
<li><ahref="https://sourceforge.net/projects/viking/">Viking</a> - an alternative to GPSprune. The <ahref="https://github.com/viking-gps/viking">code</a> is on github.
<li><ahref="https://vectr.com/user-guide/">Vectr svg</a> - quick and easy sketcher (browser-based, Chrome only) for making rigging topo diagrams: "free forever" committment, but not open source. Please export as svg not jpg or png.
<li><ahref="https://github.com/patrickbwarren/inkscape-survex-export">inkscape-survex</a> - Patrick's plugin to export a traced inkscape line drawing to a survex file.
<li><ahref="http://www.thomas-holder.de/projects/inkscape-speleo/extensions/">inkscape-speleo</a> - plugin to import/export survex, therion and pockettopo files to the drawing package inkscape.
<li><ahref="https://imagemagick.org/script/">Imagemagick convert</a> for re-scaling photographs and scanned images and converting from PDF to JPG. (NB you may need to fix this <ahref="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52998331/imagemagick-security-policy-pdf-blocking-conversion">security issue</a>)
<li><ahref="https://git-scm.com/">git</a> - distributed version control system - already installed on Linux probably</li>
<li><ahref="fzconfig.html">Filezilla</a> - ftp GUI software with a configuration file to get to the expo server (since October 2021 you can't use ftp:// in a Chrome browser anymore)</li>
<li>python, if you are working on the <ahref="../troggle/scriptsother.html">scripts in expoweb/noinfo/</a> such as <var>make-folklist.py</var> or <var>wallets.py</var>- but not on troggle itself - then please use the as close to the same setup as you can to <ahref="../troggle/troglaptop.html">the setup we use for troggle</a>. <imgsrc="https://www.python.org/favicon.ico"width=64hspace="20"align="right">
<p>Nearly all our Austrian surveys have beeen produced using Tunnel (or were hand-drawn) but many smaller caves and some areas of SMKsystem are done with Therion because Therion does elevations and Tunnel doesn't. Expo has a policy decision on which to use: if it is an entirely new disconnected cave, then use Therion. If it is a passage in a cave where previously we used Tunnel, then use Tunnel. See also <ahref="/expofiles/tunnelwiki/wiki/pages/Other_Cave_Software.html">Comparison of Tunnel to Other Cave Software</a>.</p>
<li>Your favourite text editor. gedit is installed on the <em>expo laptop</em> and has syntax highlighting for .svx files too. This works with <ahref="https://survex.com/changes.html">all GtkSourceView-based editors</a> (thanks to Phil Withnall). Download a local copy of the syntax colourizer <adownloadhref="/site_media/survex.lang">survex.lang</a>.
<p>Note that on a Debian/Ubuntu machine you should normally install the versions that come with the distro (i.e. install using 'apt install xxx', not be downloading things from the above sites. So installing everything you need should be as simple as:
<li><tt>ssh-keygen</tt> (to generate a key if you haven't already)</li>
<li><tt>apt install gpsprune qgis firefox-esr gedit tig gitg meld rsync</tt> (you may prefer other tools - e.g: elpa-magit is amazing but only if you know how to drive emacs)</li>
<li><ahref="../putty/putty.html">PuTTY</a>.You need this to generate and to use ssh keys on Windows. Otherwise none of git, scp, ftp or rsync will work. It includes command line tools ssh, scp
(pscp) and sFTP (psftp). The <ahref="https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html">PuTTY</a> installation includes puttygen and pagent which you also need. Version 0.77 was released on 2022-05-27.
<li><ahref="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/openssh/openssh_overview">OpenSSH for Windows</a> is new since 2018. It is a
set of command line tools which are an alternative to PuTTY. It also includes scp and sftp. It integrates well with Github for Windows and enables you to
use rsync over ssh. NB use this Microsoft documented install method which puts the executables in <var>windows\system32\openssh\</var>.
[This is so new that none of the other troggle documentation refers to it: all those other pages need to be rewritten to use this
instead of or as an alternative to PuTty/Pageant.]
<li><ahref="https://desktop.github.com/">GitHub Desktop for Windows</a> - yes this works with the expo server git even though we don't use GitHub itself.
<li><ahref="https://winscp.net/eng/download.php">WinScp</a> can be used as an alternative to Filezilla if you like (like Filezilla, it uses PuTTY ssh keys)
<li><ahref="https://notepad-plus-plus.org/">Notepad++</a> or any other syntax-highlighting code editor for HTML and python. We have a syntax-highlighter
<p>If you are using a Windows machine, go and skim read the <ahref="winlaptop.html">Windows advanced configuration</a> section before you actually start
<p>You need to <ahref="keyexchange.html">register a key with the expo server</a> to get upload (i.e. read/write) access. Do this first, Without it none of git, scp, ftp or rsync will work.
<p>On a Windows machine you will need to configure pageant (the putty authentication agent)
to <ahref="https://blog.shvetsov.com/2010/03/making-pageant-automatically-load-keys.html">run at startup to load your key</a>. Note that you are loading your <em>private</em> key, the .ppk file, into pageant and that this key never leaves your laptop.</p>
<p>The above gets the command-line PuTTY tools (ssd, sftp, pscp) running, but doesn't get rsync working. You might like to try <ahref="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23517023/rsync-from-windows-to-linux-using-puttys-pagent-authentication">this</a> (untested).</p>
<p>When using Windows please, please be <ahref="http://expo.survex.com/handbook/survey/getin.htm#filenames">excessively careful when naming files and survex names</a> and be <ahref="manual.html#quickstart">exceptionally careful when using rsync</a>.
<li><ahref="../../documents/tunnel-loefflerCP35-only.pdf">Introduction to using Tunnel</a> - article by Dave Loeffler. This is really good and should be read first.
<li><ahref="http://expo.survex.com/expofiles/tunnelwiki/wiki/pages/Tunnel.html">The Tunnel tutorial</a> - installation notes and a wiki of examples and tutorials
<li><ahref="https://github.com/CaveSurveying/tunnelx">Tunnel - master copy since August 2019</a>. This is where the software is actively developed and is the most up to date copy, but the documentation is not as complete as in the other locations.
(ephemeral, not archived) for real-time discussions about everything but mostly software people. If you are having trouble using the software try here first.
<li><ahref="https://github.com/join">Github</a> - You'll need an account if you want to use this.
<li><ahref="https://github.com/CaveSurveying/CUCCexposurveyissues/issues">Expo issues list</a> - Issues with data reduction for recent expos and software updates for tunnel
<li><ahref="https://bitbucket.org/product/">Bitbucket</a> - create an account to help develop tunnel. <imgsrc="https://tortoisehg.bitbucket.io/img/bitbucket-icon.png"width=64hspace="20"align="right">
<p>When maintaining the HTML files in the expo handbook a link-checker is useful to report bad URLs (links to external sites go bad regularly) and to find orphaned pages with no in-links. The website has <ahref="https://www.klebos.net/subdomains/keldos/LinkScans/TUNNEL-wiki-link-report.html">about 2,000 internal URLs</a> in just the Tunnel wiki section alone.
<li><ahref="https://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/">Online brokenlinkcheck tool</a> - does not install on your laptop. Limited to 3,000 pages.
<li><ahref="https://www.deadlinkchecker.com/website-dead-link-checker.asp">Another online brokenlinkcheck tool</a> - does not install on your laptop. Limited to 2,000 pages but breadth-first rather than depth-first, so it covers a different chunk of the expo website.
<li><ahref="https://www.drlinkcheck.com/account/subscriptions/1/projects/1/overview">Yet another link-checker</a>, only 1,500 pages checked but oh-so-stylish results presentation. Very informative.
<li><ahref="https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-find-broken-links-on-your-website-using-wget-on-debian-7">Linkchecking with wget</a> - command line methods on Linux