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2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00
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2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00
<title>1977: Cambridge Underground report</title>
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2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00
<center><font size=-1>CTS 78.2018: Cambridge Underground 1978 pp 30-48</font>
<h1>The Austrian Expedition 1977</h1></center>
<p>The Austrian Expedition, which happened between August 5th and 24th, was
based throughout at the campsite at <span lang="de-at">Altaussee</span>,
beneath the <span lang="de-at">Loser</span> Plateau. All our finds, indeed
all our prospecting, were confined to this area, although we did manage a few
tourist trips in other areas (there being no previously known caves on <span
lang="de-at">Loser</span>). Since the cavers present fell naturally into
three subsets our account of the expedition follows a similar structure.
There follows some pontification by Nick on the geological nature and caving
potential of the <span lang="de-at">Loser</span> plateau area, and we
conclude with a short account of other systems visited.
<p>(a) Team Youth : Simon Farrow, Nick Thorne, Andy Waddington
<br>(b) Team Enthusiast : Julian Griffiths, Steve Perry, Nick Reckert
<br>(c) Team Geriatric : Vic Brown, Dave Fox, Julia Kostelnyk, Carole Leach,
Rod Leach, Jont Leach, Mike Perryman
<p>Note that membership of (b) did not preclude potential eligibility for
(c) and vice versa. In most cases, team (c) members combined the finer
qualities of both (a) and (b). Members of (a), who could be recognised by
the enormous pile of sugar outside their tent, frequently had the qualities
required for membership of (b), but never the other way round. (b) members
could be picked out by the large pile of SRT gear always by their tents
(never on the plateau), and (c) by the smell of haute cuisine emanating from
their mess tent, or by the presence of slippers warming by the camp fire.
<p>Our thanks go to <span lang="de-at">Karl Gaisberger</span> who gave us the
benefit of his enormous experience of the area and arranged free passage for
us up the toll road to the plateau; to <span lang="de-at">Fritz
Madlmeier</span> at the campsite for his hospitality and cheap beer (to
encourage us to drink more, he continually lowered the price of it until it
was eventually free !); to <span lang="de-at">Bar Fischer</span> where we
drank and ate <span lang="de-at">Schlagg</span> each evening; and to the
waitress at <span lang="de-at">Blaa-Alm</span> ... her schnitzels were
<p>Chronologically events occurred as follows - dates refer to August 1977:
3 Geriatrics take <span lang="de-at">Altaussee</span> by storm<br>
5 <span lang="de-at">Naglstegh&ouml;hle</span><br>
6 <span lang="de-at">Brandgrabenh&ouml;hle</span><br>
7 <span lang="de-at">Naglstegh&ouml;hle</span> again. Enthusiasts arrive<br>
8 <span lang="de-at">Hirlatz</span><br>
9 Youths arrive. Prospecting on plateau commences<br>
See below<br>
20 <span lang="de-at">Reiseneish&ouml;hle</span> - a show cave on the
<span lang="de-at">Dachstein</span> Massif<br>
21 <span lang="de-at">Elmh&ouml;hlensystem</span>, Totes Gebirge<br>
22 Derigging of the major pots 97 and 76. All tackle removed from plateau
<hr />
2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00
<h3><a name="geriatric">Report of team Geriatric</a></h3>
<p>Team Geriatric had two advantages - a high standard of living compared
with the soya bean boys, thanks to Carole and Julia, and knowledge of the
area from the previous year. Disadvantages were old age breeding lethargy, a
readiness to 'diversify', particularly into canoeing, and an addiction to all
forms of cake '<span lang="de-at">mit Schlagg</span>' ! We took as our patch
on the plateau, therefore, the area nearest the col (old age privilege) and
ended up concentrating on an area no more than 10 minutes NE of the col. The
holes explored were numbered in red as follows:
<p><b>80</b>: Found after five minutes on the plateau. A direct descent of
14m to a choke, and the hole was abandoned.
<p><b>81</b>: Found two minutes later, this turned out to be a short section
of horizontal passage 5m below the surface with two entrances but no way on.
<p><b>82</b>: We took bearings of this cave -
<span lang="de-at">Br&auml;uning Nase</span> 247,
<span lang="de-at">Sch&ouml;nberg</span> 341. All other Geriatric pots are
within a stones' throw of this obvious entrance. Found five minutes later,
this was to occupy most of our caving time.
<p><b>Trip 1</b>. An obvious entrance (see cover of 1978 Journal !) led
across a short snow slope to a large, boulder-strewn passage ending in a
climb down with daylight entering 20m above through an aven. A scramble over
boulders led to a 6m pitch (<span lang="de-at">Apfelschacht</span>) with
dangerous loose boulders near the pitch head. This was descended and led
almost immediately to a 3m climb down to the head of a 20m pitch (<span
lang="de-at">Orangenschacht</span>) with a trickle of water entering halfway
down. From the foot, a fine keyhole passage was followed to a choice of
routes of which the most promising was a 10m pitch. The three present exited
to gather more tackle and better caving gear than T-shirts and a single
<p><b>Trip 2</b>. A demolition job was done on the boulders of the first
pitch and a bolt placed to give a safer hang. The third pitch (<span
lang="de-at">Bierschacht</span>) was descended over stal. flow to an awkward
crawl which looked likely to fizzle out. Instead it suddenly led directly on
to a 15m pitch (<span lang="de-at">Nocheinbierschacht</span>) needing bolts
as there was no natural belay. The pitch hung impressively free and suddenly
the cave was spacious again. At the foot, voice connection was established
with a phreatic passage above the third pitch that had ended in a big hole.
Ahead was a phreatic tunnel that choked and a very large black emptiness. 25m
of ladder were fed into this (<span lang="de-at">Viermalbierschacht</span>)
and the pitch was found to be made up of four steps of about 6m each
connected by small ledges. At the foot, the stream plunged over a tiny ledge
(one and a half men big) into blackness. A small stone thrown over was not
heard to land, but panic was avoided on the basis that the stone was small
and the pitch noisy with the sound of the cascading stream. On the way out to
collect SRT gear, the early part of the cave was surveyed.
<p><b>Trip 3</b>. Bolts were placed at the head of
<span lang="de-at">Viermalbierschacht</span> and over the new hole. Vic (it
says 'our tame idiot' on the scrap of paper in front of me - Ed.) was kicked
over the edge and stopped 50m lower down. The pitch (<span
lang="de-at">Besoffene</span>) hangs freer than Juniper for all but the last
8m - most impressive. Heavy water, inefficiency over getting tackle to the
front and a further pitch needing bolts forced an early exit. Spare time was
used following passages nearer the surface to their conclusions, and carrying
out more surveying.
<p><b>Trip 4</b>. More organised this time, one pair went down in heavy
water (run off response was very rapid) and reached the head of the next
pitch by traversing above a steeply dropping stream canyon. Bolts were
placed above a sloping platform to give a pitch of about 17m to the stream
floor which continued to drop steeply to a broken 6m pitch. A climb out of
the streamway here showed a good spot for rigging a freehanging pitch out of
the water. This was bolted by the second pair and descended to a depth of
30m. To our general surprise and great disappointment, a sump rapidly
<p><b>Trip 5</b>. Final surveying and derigging was completed with Steve
being drafted in to prove that we hadn't made it all up. This final trip
took just five hours.
<p>The pot is about 220m deep, and it seems likely that the sump is perched
or perhaps even a temporary sump in highish water. However, no bypass could
be found so the depth is unlikely to be increased. No major phreatic
development was reached. Such phreatic passages as were found all choked
rapidly and the overall impression is of a larger than life Yorkshire pot
cutting through old phreatic developments. Like Yorkshire too, heavy water
makes the big pitches very serious and the fourth trip assumed epic
proportios at times, with one pair ascending most of the big rift in
darkness, including transferring prussiking gear on a tiny ledge over 50m of
<p><img alt="82 survey - 28k gif" width=640 height=1300
2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00
<p>Pitches :<blockquote>
1 - 6m <span lang="de-at">Apfelschacht</span><br>
2 - 20m <span lang="de-at">Orangenschacht</span><br>
3 - 10m <span lang="de-at">Bierschacht</span><br>
4 - 15m <span lang="de-at">Nocheinbierschacht</span><br>
5 - 25m <span lang="de-at">Viermalbierschacht</span><br>
6 - 50m <span lang="de-at">Bessofene</span><br>
7 - 17m<br>
8 - 6m<br>
9 - 30m</blockquote>
<p><b>83</b>: Found 200m north of 82. A 13m freeclimb dropped on to a steep
snow slope requiring a line. This was descended for a further 10m to a steep
boulder slope which funnelled down to a small hole through which stones fell
free a long way. The large amounts of scree made the descent most
uninviting. Back up the boulder slope, a phreatic passage was entered and
quickly led to a big hole in the floor.
<p>A second visit with Marlow and bolts was made to descend the big hole in
the floor. Apart from the wedges being too big, things went smoothly and the
bolts held OK. A fine free-hanging pitch of 36m got us quite excited.
Unfortunately no way on could be found from the boulder-strewn floor. The
phreatic passage continues beyond the pitch head (bolts or a lack of
imagination requred for the traverse) but it is trending uphill and does not
look very promising.
<p><b>84</b>: A draughting tube WNW of 83 led to a small chamber. A further
small tube led off, still draughting but it was deemed impenetrable by the
caver concerned on account of him wearing only shorts and T-shirt.
<p><b>85</b>: Strangely, we had missed this although it was within 20m of 82
and we had walked past it every day on the way to the plateau. A descent of
this turned out to be quite entertaining - a series of short free-climbs of
varying complexity led to a depth of at least 50m with no tackle required
anywhere. An impenetrable fissure barred further progress.
<p><b>86</b>: This was a rift on the high ground just SE of 82 and didn't
look too promising as it seemed snow-plugged. Ladder was fed down and a
descent made to -25m before the gap between the snow and the rock got too
<p><img alt="sketch surveys of smaller caves - 16k gif" width=640 height=800
2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00
<hr />
2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00
<h3><a name="enthusiast">Team Enthusiast's</a> Report</h3>
<p>None of our pots have accurate coordinates, a reflection partly on the
recurrent low cloud and partly on our belief that we were sighting on a peak
called the <span lang="de-at">Br&auml;uning Sattel</span>. A '<span
lang="de-at">Sattel</span>', we later learnt, is a pass&nbsp;! All our pots
are marked in red paint.
<p>Numbers 90 to 94 are all situated on the southern edge of the karren
field, more or less below an obvious and dramatic breach in the
<span lang="de-at">Br&auml;uning</span> wall.
<p><b>90</b>: Rift entrance in scrub, just below talus and pasture. Chokes
at -20m
<p><b>91</b>: Snow-fed rift in open lapiaz. Chokes at -20m
<p><b>92</b>: Distinct from its neighbours in several respects. Firstly, it
was deep in scrub yet the entrance was not over-vegetated. Secondly, by
virtue of its small horizontal entrance, it was unlikely to be blocked by
thermoclastic scree. Thirdly it draughted slightly. With all these points in
its favour, it was annoying to find that the interior was as loose as a dose
of Delhi-belly. Everywhere we looked were vast, poised boulders, and one of
our ropes was severed when NR dislodged a piece of wall by breathing too
hard. It was not too much of a disappointment to find that it choked at
<p><img alt="92 survey - 12k gif" width=640 height=900
2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00
<p><b>93</b>: Long rift north of 91. Chokes at -35m.
<p><b>94</b>: A little further north still. A spiralling free-climb choking
at -35m.
<p>At this point we realized what we should have known from the start: in
this area pots aren't worth bothering with unless they:
<blockquote>(1) have vast entrances or<br>
(2) have tiny entrances<br>
(3) draught</blockquote>
<p>So we abandoned the area under the <span lang="de-at">Br&auml;uning</span>
Wall. But before we go down to serious prospecting we decided to have a look
at a pot recommended to us by <span lang="de-at">Karl Gaisberger</span>. In
fact we had already been camping within 50m of it without noticing ! It was
situated on a raised bank near the sink and huts on the west side of the
<span lang="de-at">Schwarzmoos Sattel</span>, just off the path that we
followed to reach the plateau from the car park. In fact Pot 96 was found
first, but JG being an accountant, his tiny brain gets acutely perplexed by
blunders in numbering.
<p><b>95</b>: A 10m climb to an unpushed and unpromising tube. Descended
only for the sake of form and to restore numerical sequence.
<p><b>96</b>: An unusual pot in that the entrance was the only good clean
shaft which we found in pasture. A series of short, solid pitches in a high
rift led to an apparent end in a chamber where the water sank. However, the
upper level of a small rift was found to lead to an abandoned passage.
Several free-climbs, each muddier than the last, then a squeeze, brought us
to a sordid little sump, although an air current (but not SP) seemed to
vanish along an inaccessible passage above the final crawl. We were rather
disappointed by the omens, as last year's major discovery, the <span
lang="de-at">Fledermaush&ouml;hle</span>, had also ended in a sump. Would
every pot end in a perched sump ? Well the next pot was to be a revelation.
Depth 105m.
<p><img alt="96 survey - 13k gif" width=640 height=900
2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00
<p><b>97</b>: The pot that restored the status quo to Team Enthusiast
(otherwise known as Team Ireland, Team Trials Marina, Team Thin Geriatric,
Team Gunge etc., etc.) We had been looking for a hole which we could name
<span lang="de-at">Konstantinopolitanischerstra&szlig;enbahnf&uuml;hrerinassistentineninexpeditionnenzehnhundertsiebenundsiebsigtropfsteineish&ouml;hlensystem</span>,
but it would have had to be at least 50 km long for the name to fit on the
survey ! So we settled for the name <span
lang="de-at">Schneewindschacht</span> instead. Within spitting distance of
<span lang="de-at">Eislufth&ouml;hle</span>, it was distinguished by a
narrow, draughting entrance, with an encouraging rustle of water within.
(Incidentally, all the draughting holes we found this year blew OUT: we never
came up with a reasonable explanation, despite much speculation about
localised barometric inversion, water generated and ionised air currents, but
just took it for granted that such holes were more promising than pots with
no draught at all.)
<p>Team Fat Geriatric jeered at us for applying Yorkshire tactics in the
land of the big shaft, but we returned next day with a hammer and enlarged
the entrance to passable proportions. Two climbs of 10m and 5m led to a
chamber with two exits, of which NR chose the drier. A sordid grovel doubled
itself and passed directly under the wetter hole, which dribbled ferociously
through his tatty Spock-suit. Obviously a diver was needed ! JG obligingly
continued along the grovel for a further 5m, finding it about as tight as
Baptistry crawl with a constricted pitch head on the far side. 15m below,
the explorers reached the head of a very deep-sounding rift, which was
initially descended only to a ledge at 20m. Due to the awkwardness of the
entrance crawl, it was necessary to remove all SRT gear and clip it to the
pitch head before exiting, hence the name Vestry. The crawl itself, which
henceforward was entered and left by the wet entrance, was baptised the
Nun's C***: partly on account of the shape of the orifice, partly on account
of its tightness, but mainly because it was so desperately in need of
<p>Discovery progressed slowly, largely because every pitch had to be bolted:
also, it was essential to be off the lapiaz by nightfall or resign oneself to
an overnight trip, thus denying oneself the statutory five glasses of <span
lang="de-at">Reininghaus</span> at the <span lang="de-at">Bar Fischer</span>.
The survey is fairly self-explanatory. Traversing over a '<span lang=fr>Puits
en baionnette</span>' took one down the Bottomless Abbess to a point where
the cave turned horizontal and stream-like for a short stretch. But it still
went on down, dropping - rather surprisingly - into an abandoned series of
dry, dusty phreatic tubes, which sloped down at a steady five degrees. The
tantalising sight of a large cave-type passage leading off beyond a 3m ladder
climb almost made it seem likely that a giant fossil system had been reached.
Alas, it was impossible to traverse over to it, so SP was tied onto a piece
of string and forced down the next pitch.
<p>A fine clean shaft of 25m, it started unpromisingly, but soon belled out
into a magnificent trench passage. Traversing over a gully led shortly to a
succession of piddling little climbs and a final lovely pitch, The
Dissolution. Here the water sank in an impenetrable crack, the draught
having already vanished.
<p>An excellent pot - even if it would have been impossible to rescue anyone
from - but why did it stop so soon ? And would the traverse have led to
further pitches ? The answer is almost certainly yes. Still, there's the
rest of the plateau to be looked at yet, so we probably won't return to the
<span lang="de-at">Schneewindschacht</span>. Depth 265m.
<img alt="97 survey - 22k gif" width=582 height=1335
2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00
<!-- survey needs rescanning, as that is a hand-held scan and is not
linear in the y-direction. -->
<hr />
2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00
<h3><a name="youth">'Youth Section'</a> Report</h3>
<p>The 'Youth Section' comprised the three undergraduate members of the
expedition present this year, Simon Farrow, Nick Thorne &amp; Andy
Waddington. We arrived a few days later than the bulk of the expedition and
immediately started prospecting. It took us about two days of exploring small
shafts in the karren with depths of 10-20m before we found a very promising
area. Two shafts of 30 and 40m were descended, but these were of the large
open type and inevitably choked. The shafts were numbered as found:
<p><b>100</b>: A small shaft on the line of a fault, about 15m deep but
ending in a tight wet crack with very sharp rock.
<p><b>101</b>: Near a large fault scarp, but apparently not associated with
it. A small freeclimb down led to a horizontal passage which led in both
directions, the northward branch led out into the face of the scarp (101A)
while south led to a short pitch and then a small crawl led on. This dropped
into a larger crawl, a meandering phreatic tube which went for 40m or so
until a window in the right wall led to the base of an aven. The continuing
crawl was too small, and the aven appeared to choke after a climb down. The
total depth was probably 30-40m.
<p><b>102</b>: About 30m west of 101, a straight shaft of 20m to a snow plug.
<p><b>103</b>: About 15m north of 102, in the face of the same fault scarp
as 101A, but aligned on a joint perpendicular to the fault. A very broken
shaft of 30m to a choke - distinctly tight and awkward with lots of wedged
<p><b>104</b>: Moving east to a new area below the <span
lang="de-at">Schwarzmooskogel</span>, we found a large open shaft in the
dense spruce. This was rigged from a bolt in a large erratic boulder, and
found to be 30m deep. It was rather broken and inevitably choked.
<p><b>105</b>: A much cleaner shaft nearby, started as a handline descent of
9m to a ledge from which a pitch was rigged. It seemed likely to be loose
from here down, but in fact proved to be a very fine shaft in clean
bluish-white limestone, 32m to a flat gravel floor.
<p><b>106</b>: The rest of the account is taken up by our major discovery,
which occupied us for the rest of the trip.
<p>It was while we were derigging 105 that a small hole sloping downwards
for about 5m was noticed. The entrance was invisible from 5m away and only
attracted attention because the air around it was noticeably cooler than
elsewhere. A closer examination revealed that the hole led down over a small
ice slope and then stepped sideways so that stones could not be thrown down
any further.
<p>The next day, a handline was rigged to a spruce at this entrance and a
descent was commenced. Andy soon discovered that the ice was rather hard and
slippery and his descent was not too well controlled. At the bottom of the
initial slope, two small passages led off, and a further ice slope went down
a narrow rift. This was descended more carefully, and a small chamber was
entered. At the far end, another hole led on and from this emerged the
draught which at this point was powerful enough to blow out a carbide lamp
flame. This hole was a pitch head and a temporary retreat was made. We were
obviously on to something good, and the entrance was labelled 106. The two
small side passages were investigated and both found to lead out into the
bottom of nearby dolines, both carrying part of the draught. One of these
dolines was subsequently used as the normal entrance (106A).
<p>Tackle was quickly collected from the surface and Andy and Nick returned
to the ice slope, where a short ladder was rigged for safety. No natural
belays were apparent, so the next ladder was put down the pitch belayed to
the first, while Nick tied on to a dubious flake. The pitch dropped about 9m
onto a large snow platform from where two ways on were possible. Andy
descended the larger and found himself climbing round and under a large snow
and ice plug. Below this was another platform and round the corner, the
pitch continued into blackness, with another snow ledge visible some way
below. All this snow prevented stones from being thrown far down the shaft,
but we were obviously onto something big so we retreated for more tackle.
<p>Our main priority on the next trip was to put some bolts in and descend
the next section of the pitch, and having shown someone else where our
entrance was, we were all able to descend the pot simultaneously. The shaft
continued, getting bigger all the time, and we were soon 40m below the
second snow platform on a large ledge. At this stage we started to find that
the shaft was not giving up its secrets easily as the ladder started getting
caught up on the numerous ledges, making it very difficult to climb. This
necessitated considerable delay while we rerigged the shaft, putting in
various bolts on the way.
<p>On the next trip after rerigging, we got everyone down to the large ledge
"Yesterday's Terminus" and rigged the next pitch from yet another bolt. Nick
abseiled into the unknown and the pitch proved to be 13m onto another large
patch of snow, but this time things were somewhat different, since the snow
occupied one half of the floor of a large chamber forming the base of a huge
aven soaring beyond the range of our lights. We were now at a depth of about
90m and soon found that the way on was a further pitch in a rift to one side
of this chamber. We were able to rig this quickly as the large boulders in
the floor gave us our first safe natural belays. Nick and Simon descended
another 13m pitch into a small chamber at the far end of which was a large
boulder blockage.
<p>The obstacle comprised three huge boulders, one above another, with the
gaps filled by several smaller blocks and at first seemed insuperable. Andy
descended and a brief discussion ensued. After an initial attempt to climb
over the choke, thwarted because each of the large blocks had various amounts
of loose grubble on top, attention focussed on a small hole from which the
draught seemed mainly to be coming. A lot of loose rubble was pushed through
the hole and then Andy ventured to peer through. The hole was short and led
out into a narrow rift type passage with a floor of jammed rubble. After
throwing various lumps of rock at the floor, Andy descended and moved forward
on a lifeline. A gap in the floor was noted and a small stone dropped in. The
result was both worrying and encouraging, as after a delay of a couple of
seconds, an echoing crash was heard. Further forward, the explorer was able
to demolish the false floor which fell with loud crashing and booming noises
into the pitch below. Eventually enough of the rubble was removed to judge
the pitch head safe, but it appeared to be too narrow to descend except at
the far end where it seemed to widen slightly.
<p>The descent of the pitch had to wait until the next trip when a bolt was
placed above the takeoff and a traverse line rigged over the pitch head. All
the available ladder was put down the pitch which was estimated at 40m, and
by the sound of stones dropped seemed likely to hang free. In fact, when
descended it proved to be 31m in a fine wide shaft, but against the wall all
the way by virtue of the takeoff having been chosen right at the far side of
the shaft. A heavy drip landed on the large boulder strewn ledge and then
the pitch continued. Stones dropped suggested a broken pitch of perhaps 15m,
but the pitch proper was hidden round a corner and the lifeline had run out.
It was noticed that while the next pitch was small, no draught was
noticeable. This later led to the shaft being named the 'Keg Series'.
<p>A retreat had now to be made, since insufficient tackle was available to
continue, and the pitch was derigged. While pulling ladders up the pitch, a
large rock fell out of the pitch head and crashed onto the ladder some 15m
below, smashing most of the way through one of the wires. Sitting at the top
of the pitch coiling ladders, it was noticed that while the pitch ended
directly below, the rift continued beyond, and investigation of this led to
the discovery of a draught coming from an awkward hole between chockstones
in the continuing rift. As soon as all the tackle was coiled, Andy set off
through the hole to find a climb down to the enlarging continuation of the
passage. After a short distance, the gradient steepened and another pitch
head materialised, this time in an apparently roomy shaft starting some way
above. Derigging the pot was abandoned and another return trip planned.
<p>Next day all the tackle was ferried forward and put down the new pitch
rigged from a convenient wedged boulder. Nick descended to a ledge 16m down
and found that the pitch continued. This section proved to be 14m to a solid
floor from which a vadose type passage led onwards. He set off to investigate
and soon came to a chamber below a large aven from which a heavy drip fell.
A passage could be seen beyond, as well as a rift in the floor which seemed
to be the start of another passage about 5m below the floor of the chamber.
The chamber could not reasonably be crossed by a lone explorer on carbide
because of the heavy drip from the roof, so Nick retreated to report the
good news. On the way he noticed a small passage which led back parallel to
the way he had come, and following this he came upon another large shaft in
the floor with an estimated depth in excess of 15m. He could see a passage
beyond the pitch but could not cross it so returned to the final pitch.
<p>After discussion about whether the lifeline could be safely returned down
the pitch, Simon and Andy descended and repeated the exercise, noting in
addition that the draught in the final chamber seemed to be distributed,
some going to the pot that we had explored, and some going to the passage
on the far side, suggesting yet another inlet to the system. A single
photograph was taken and the pair returned to the final pitch.
<p>The trip was clearly the limit of our tackle, and time for the expedition
was running short, so we started to derig, getting as far as Yesterday's
Terminus before leaving the job for a final trip on the last day of the
expedition. On this final trip, we were assisted by Rod Leach, while Andy
stayed on the surface. Behind a rock bridge about halfway up Plugged Shaft,
a passage was found leading off, and this was followed to the head of yet
another pitch which descended into the unknown, another lead to be followed
next year. Nearby on the surface, another draughting entrance was found and
descended down a climb to a side-step leading to a pitch. This was
investigated only by the dropping of stones, but seems to be about 10m to a
snow ledge. This pot was labelled 99 to fill a gap in the numbering
<p>During the expedition, all the finds had been allocated numbers in
accordance with the official Austrian recording system, and only on the
return trip did we decide to name our pot "<span
lang="de-at">Eislufth&ouml;hle</span>", since on drawing our rough survey, we
found its depth to be 150m, the depth which we had been taking as the minimum
for naming a pot.
<p><img alt="106 survey - 19k gif" width=640 height=860 src="106.png">
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<h3><a name="nicknotes">Some Notes</a> on the <span lang="de-at">Loser</span>
<p>In the absence, as we are given to understand, of any detailed study of
the <span lang="de-at">loser/Sch&ouml;nberg</span> plateau, it is difficult
to write with any authority on the hydrology and geology of the area. We were
further handicapped by a lack of adequately contoured large-scale maps from
which spot heights could be assessed. Still, the following points may be of
<p>The part of the plateau with which we were concerned takes the rough form
of a wide and shallow cirque, bounded to the south by the impervious
(dolomitic?) shales of the <span lang="de-at">Br&auml;uning</span> Wall, to
the east by the peaks of the <span lang="de-at">Schwarzmooskogel</span> and
<span lang="de-at">Augsteck</span>, and to the north by the <span
lang="de-at">Sch&ouml;nberg</span>. The slope - and as far as we could judge
- the general dip are WSW, and the bulk of the plateau falls within the
altitude range 1600-1800m. Several sizeable valleys appear to coalesce in the
centre of the plateau, but in the short time available to us we were only
able to explore a small area within about 1&nbsp;km from the <span
lang="de-at">Schwarzmoos-Sattel</span>. Given the size of the plateau, its
patches of dense scrub, and its orogenetic and morphogenetic complexity we
can only guess at the character of the parts left unexplored, but we think it
very unlikely that there will be any integrated surface flow or stream sinks.
<p><img alt="sketch map of area - 20k gif" width=735 height=940
2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00
<p><span lang="de-at">Karl Gaisberger</span> informed us that a dye-test in
the <span lang="de-at">Augstsee</span> (a small lake near our route up to the
plateau) had given a positive trace to the water mains of <span
lang="de-at">Bad Ischl</span>, some 12km to the west. Unfortunately, <span
lang="de-at">Bad Ischl</span> is fed by several tapped springs and it had not
been possible to identify the exact one. We do know though (1) that a spring
near or in <span lang="de-at">Naglstegh&ouml;hle</span> has been tested from
the <span lang="de-at">Steyrer-See</span> near <span
lang="de-at">Tauplitz</span>, a trace distance of about 30km. Since the <span
lang="de-at">Loser</span> Plateau lies on this traceline it is a simplistic
but fair assumption that the water from our discoveries also resurges there.
<p>A corollary of this particular series of tests is that the drainage of the
<span lang="de-at">Totes Gebirge</span> mountains in shown to be essentially
radial. The main sinks dyed fed resurgences around a circumference of 75km,
an area delineated by <span lang="de-at">Bad Mitterndorf, Bad Aussee, Bad
Ischl, Ebensee, Grunan, Hinterstoder</span> and <span
lang="de-at">Liezen</span>. This extraordinary radial drainage makes it
unlikely that the <span lang="de-at">Loser</span> pots join a vadose
dendritic system. Far more likely is an extensive and sluggish phreas. Again,
it is unfortunate that we have no flow through times to substantiate the
<p>If the assumption is correct, the possibility of a master cave of sorts is
not necessarily ruled out. It would necessarily date from the late Tertiary
period (the most important in Austrian speleogenesis) and would probably be
situated several hundred metres above the current resurgence level. This
supposes a series of deep vertical shafts dropping into a large, abandoned
main drain, with further shafts, representing a more recent and predominantly
vertical genetic phase, dropping further still to near-static sumps.
<p>Although the nearby <span lang="de-at">Rauherkarh&ouml;hle</span> (c. 700m
deep) does little to bear out this theory, being a highly complex and gently
sloping cave system, a comparison between it and, say, the <span
lang="de-at">Schneewindschacht</span>, will show enough points of difference
to invalidate strict parallels. A glance at a cross-section of the plateau
with the <span lang="de-at">Schneewindschacht</span> superimposed will
demonstrate graphically that some sort of horizontal trend must be expected
shortly. Moreover, the pattern of large horizontal galleries feeding (and
sometimes fed by) shaft systems is common enough in Austria already; the
<span lang="de-at">Geldloch</span>, the <span
lang="de-at">Dachsteinmammuth&ouml;hle</span> and, more recently, the <span
lang="de-at">Ahnenschacht</span> (2) are examples.
<p>Several trips were made into <span lang="de-at">Naglstegh&ouml;hle</span>,
attempting to bolt across to an inlet at the far end. If we had persevered -
either in this, or in investigating local resurgences - it is conceivable
that we might have found a good length of passage heading towards <span
lang="de-at">Rauherkarh&ouml;hle</span> or under the plateau. Food for
thought !
<p>One further point of interest is the <span
lang="de-at">Stellerwegh&ouml;hle</span>, whose approximate position is
marked on the area map. This cave was discovered in 1951 and was found to end
in a deep shaft. This shaft has still to be descended ! A partial descent and
a plumbline revealed a depth of 220m plus. That alone must speak volumes for
the potential of the area.
(1) Herak, M. &amp; Stringfield, V.T. (Editors) Karst, p 242<br>
(2) Spelunca, 1975, no. 3, p 23
<hr />
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<h3><a name="other">Other Caving</a></h3>
<h4><span lang="de-at">Naglstegh&ouml;hle</span> Bolting</h4>
<p>Last year's inspection of this small system found that a possible way on
was visible at the top of the ramp at the highest point of the cave. Mike
and Vic performed an exposed traverse to a ledge, where a rusted piton
was found in the rock with the initials WA inscribed next to it. There
was no evidence of anyone having got beyond this point. We bolted a
further climb of 4m to a passage above from which a one metre diameter
phreatic tube leads off in the roof at about 60 degrees. This is about 4m
up, and may need a bolt as well as more enthusiasm to reach.
<h4>The <span lang="de-at">Brandgrabenh&ouml;hle</span> Fiasco</h4>
<p>This is a resurgence cave about 50m below the entrance to <span
lang="de-at">Hirlatz</span>. It was rumoured to be desperately wet by
Austrian standards, so a wetsuited team sweated up the 300m climb to the
entrance to do a spot of pushing for them. About 50m into the cave we were
stopped by a 10m pitch into a deep lake. Not having thought of bringing any
ladders, we lowered Dave down into the pool. Dangling just above the water he
announced that he could see that the passage sumped further along and didn't
need to get himself wet to prove it. He ascended amidst jeers from the other
three who were peering over the ledge. But since nobody else wanted to go
down, we exited planning to return with a ladder. On our return to <span
lang="de-at">Altaussee</span>, Karl informed us that the passage does indeed
sump off here in the summer, but that in winter over 1km of streamway can be
<h4><span lang="de-at">Hirlatz</span> bashing</h4>
<p>Julian and Mike dismissed this vast and impressive system in just over
three hours. The cave as far as camp 1 with its rotting canvas tent and
renowned supply of naughty magazines was described in last year's expedition
account. The only aspects of the cave's entrance series of note were the
uninspiring state of the fixed ladders (about a dozen had to be negotiated
throughout the cave), and the incredible current of air blowing through the
entrance crawl. The Wind Tunnel in <span lang=eu>Betzula</span> just doesn't
compare with the gale that was roaring out that day, and it was with some
trepidation that we groped in through the iron gate and under the draught
doors that revent the entrance icing up in winter.
<p>Beyond Camp 1 the cave splits after a chamber with initials smoked on the
walls. To the left the passage passed a fixed ladder, then got progressively
smaller until we came out above a streamway with waterfall facing us.
Retracing our steps for a few metres we were able to drop down 10m through
boulders to a traverse above the stream. A 5m climb up through water on
minimal holds led to a further 5m fixed ladder climb up, and we called a halt
where the water appeared as spray from a 60m aven.
<p>Back at the 10m fixed ladder we climbed up to an old deserted phreatic
passage and soon arrived at Camp 2 - an elaborate but squalid set-up with
carbide, food, pots and plates all over the place. Beyond a waterfall, a
small stream was reached. From here the passage closed down and rapidly
developed into a vadose trench for a hundred metres or so. It degenerated to
a point where we decided to proceed no further in claggies. A stinky gonk in
the stream proeceded a sprint out to daylight.
<h4><a name="elmh" lang="de-at">Elmh&ouml;hlensystem</a></h4>
<p>An ascent to the <span lang="de-at">P&uuml;hringer</span> Hut by Team
Geriatric was combined with a trip into the <span
lang="de-at">Elmh&ouml;hlensystem</span>, described in detail in last year's
journal. We entered by the <span lang="de-at">Kleines Windloch</span> and
proceeded into the ice-section as far as the <span lang="de-at">Grosses
Windloch</span> shaft. Rod and Jont took lots of piccies. The rest of us
hurled snowballs or went toboganning! On to a splendid evening meal at the
Hut (where chamois was on the menu), and a bed for the night.
<h4>Some notes in conclusion</h4>
<li>We will undoubtedly return to the area in 1978 .... we have still
hardly begun on the plateau, and we have no competitors as yet.
<li>Lots of bolts and drivers are essential - there are few natural
belays and the rock is very hard.
<li>SRT rope could be taken down larger pots in long lengths and then cut
underground to the lengths required.
<li>Ladder or SRT ? Clearly SRT is faster on a long trip, but we found that
using mixed tackle avoided unnecessary bolting for the free-hang required by
SRT. For example, <span lang="de-at">Viermalbierschacht</span> would have to
be rebelayed in three places on SRT. There still seems, for exploratory work
- at any rate where pitches are descended and ascended many times during the
exploration - to be a strong case for mixed tackle and flexibility on the
part of cavers.
<li>Size of party - 82 was our first major exploration involving depth and
uncertain rescue facilities. Consequently we were fairly inefficient. Ideally
teams of two or perhaps three should go down at intervals of an hour or so -
this allows a party to get down, rig the next pitch (bolts almost inevitable)
assess the situation beyond, and then return quickly, passing on their
information to the next group. This avoids long trips, something none of us
<li>Get fairy floats for canoes if VB or DF have offered to take you on an
'easy' river.
<li>Give up caving and take up skiing...
<li>Don't have two plates of <span lang="de-at">schlagg</span> washed down
only by beer...etc., etc.
<li>A tip for new members - the club dinghy CAN be rolled should you
capsize, provided you have tied yourself in first.
<hr />
2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00
<!-- LINKS -->
<li>Cambridge Underground 1978
<a href="../../../jnl/1978/index.htm">Table of Contents</a></li>
<li>1977 Expedition info:
<li><a href="log.htm">Logbook</a> (currently missing)</li>
<li>Andy Waddington's <a href="andylg.htm">Logbook</a><br>
<!-- <li><a href="bcracc.htm">BCRA Caves &amp; Caving Report</a><br> -->
<li>Eislufth&ouml;hle - <a href="descnt.htm">from Descent 40</a></li>
<li>Nick Thorne's write-up in <a href="771649.htm">Belfry Bulletin 354</a></li>
<li><a href="../../pubs.htm#pubs1977">Index</a> to all publications</li>
<li><a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expeditions intro page</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home Page</a></li>
2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00