<li><ahref="getin.htm">From muddy book to survex plot</a> - the survex file format (to be revised)
<li><ahref="qmentry.html">How to add QM data and cave descriptions</a> - and why this is vital
<li><fontcolor=red>[survex software docm.]</font><ahref="https://survex.com/docs/manual/svxhowto.htm">Contents of .svx files</a> - How do I?
<li><fontcolor=red>[survex software docm.]</font><ahref="https://survex.com/docs/manual/genhowto.htm">How do I Create a new survey</a> - example with several surveys joined
<li><fontcolor=red>[survex software docm.]</font><ahref="https://survex.com/docs/manual/datafile.htm">Survex data files</a> - all the sections and keywords explained
<li><fontcolor=red>[tunnel software docm.]</font><ahref="/expofiles/tunnelwiki/wiki/pages/File_Formats.html">Survex data files</a> - introduction and explanation
<p>This is where you type up the hand-scrawled notes directly into a a web browser, creating a new online survex file automatically in the right place on the online system.
for survex data, most of which you will delete and replace. Edit this template and type in your own data.
<p>You can save your work by pressing the "Save this edited svx file" button, but it
will refuse to save until you have hand-edited out all the template material in [square brackets].
<p>As you edit it, you can
press the "Differences between edited and saved versions of this file" and the differences which
comprise your recent typing will be listed below the edit window.
<p>Before you finish typing, use the third button "Run 'cavern' on this file".
- If you haven't yet removed all the [square brackets] stuff, nothing will happen except a message
<pre> SAVE FILE FIRST</pre>
below the edit window.
- If you try to save before editing out the [square brackets] stuff then you wil get a message
<pre> Error: remove all []s from the text. They are only template guidance.
</pre> below the editing window.
- But if you have done all that, then survex will process your new survex file and tell you interesting things about your survey data below the editing window. ('<ahref="https://survex.com/docs/manual/cavern.htm">cavern</a>' is the survex engine which we use to process survex files.)
<p>You may see a number of error messages below the editing window: <em>read them and understand them</em>. If you don't understand them, <em>ask someone</em>.
<p>So using the online system gives you a very, very easy way of syntax-checking your data entry and
typing up your notes.
<p>The output you get from 'cavern' will look like this (yes this really does take less than 0.01s):
Survey contains 21 survey stations, joined by 23 legs.
There are 3 loops.
Total length of survey legs = 305.80m ( 305.79m adjusted)
Total plan length of survey legs = 253.09m
Total vertical length of survey legs = 125.24m
Vertical range = 44.74m (from galactica.1 at 0.35m to galactica.20 at -44.39m)
North-South range = 99.31m (from galactica.19 at 28.14m to galactica.12 at -71.17m)
East-West range = 53.27m (from galactica.1 at 1.12m to galactica.9 at -52.15m)
3 1-nodes.
13 2-nodes.
3 3-nodes.
2 4-nodes.
CPU time used 0.00s
<h4>Folders and subfolders</h4>
<p>If you have a complex cave like 204 or 161 with many separate exploration zones then you can put subfolder names in the