2012-06-10 15:08:41 +01:00
<!-- Only put one entrance in this file -->
< html lang = "en" >
< head >
< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset=UTF-8" / >
< / head >
< body >
< entrance >
< non_public > False< / non_public >
< slug > 1623-110< / slug >
< name > < / name >
< entrance_description > < / entrance_description >
< explorers > < / explorers >
< map_description > < / map_description >
2015-04-07 05:26:41 +01:00
< location_description > On the plateau, about 2km (sic) beyond < a href = "../1623/76/76.htm" > < span lang = "de" > Eislufthö hle< / span > < / a > towards < span lang = "de-at" > Schö nberg.< / span > Actually, I am convinced that 2 km is a gross exaggeration, and half a mile would be more likely, otherwise it would be in a huge area of dwarf pine.< / location_description >
2012-06-10 15:08:41 +01:00
< approach > < / approach >
< underground_description > < / underground_description >
< photo > < / photo >
<!-- marking options: P = Paint,
P? = Paint (?),
T = Tag,
T? = Tag (?),
R = Retagged,
S = Spit,
S? = Spit (?),
U = Unmarked,
? = Unknown" -->
< marking > P< / marking >
< marking_comment > < / marking_comment >
<!-- findability options: ? = To be confirmed ...,
S = Surveyed,
L = Lost,
R = Refindable" -->
< findability > L< / findability >
< findability_description > We don't have a kitten's chance in heck of finding this< / findability_description >
< alt > < / alt >
< northing > < / northing >
< easting > < / easting >
< tag_station > < / tag_station >
< exact_station > < / exact_station >
< other_station > < / other_station >
< other_description > < / other_description >
< bearings > < / bearings >
< url > < / url >
< / entrance >
< / body >
< / html >