<h2id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook - Introduction to wallets</h2>
<h1>Introduction to wallets</h1>
<h2>What is a Wallet ?</h2>
<p> If you already know what a wallet is, go to <ahref="newwallet.html">Creating a New Wallet</a>.
<p>A wallet is a a transparent folder/envelope, also sometimes known as a "pocket", which contains the original muddy survey notes and sketches which were made down the cave on a survey trip.
be "Gössered"</em> in the hut. Photograph them with your phone or scan them with the flatbed scanner in the hut immediately and <ahref="/walletedit/">upload the scans</a>.
<em>Checkboxes on an online wallet<br>(click to enlarge)</em>
<p>Every plastic wallet has an online equivalent which is a folder on the server. This holds files which are scans or photographs of the original survey notes.
<p>In addition, every online wallet has a bundle of data which describes the collection of scans
(called '<ahref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metadata">metadata</a>'). This metadata is where we keep online the tickmarks on the index sheet in the wallets binder (see above), the date of the survey trip and the names of who was on it.<p>