<p>This is the folder structure of the repo <var>:expoweb:</var> which is also the root
of the website. Note that the webserver (apache) presents many more apparent folders, such as <var>expofiles</var>, than there are folders because that's what it and troggle do.
<p>In the list below only the <var>handbook</var> folder has been expanded. The <var>years</var> folder includes
42 subfolders from <var>1976</var> to <var>2019</var>.
├── 1623
├── 1626
├── cave_data
├── css
├── documents
├── entrance_data
├── folk
├── gallery
├── handbook
│ ├── computing
│ ├── festering
│ ├── i
│ ├── l
│ ├── putty
│ ├── rig
│ ├── survey
│ ├── t
│ └── troggle
├── images
├── map
├── maps
├── noinfo
├── others
├── pending
├── photos
├── piclinks
├── scripts
├── signup
├── templates
├── tinypix
├── topos
└── years</textarea></code>
<p>The handbook illustrates the i/t/l idiom whereby an image file (i) is displayed with a paragraph of text as an HTML file (l) and there is a thumbnail image (t) which is included in another document, e.g. see <ahref="../../1623/walkin.htm">the photographic guide to the walk from the toll road car park</a>.