<p> Underground camps have been established most recently in Fischgesichhoehle (2023), Heimkehrhoehle (2024) and Balkonhoehle (2024). Each camp differs but here is some advice based on those and earlier camps:</p>
<p> - before taking the Cavelink set underground check that it works on the surface then make sure everyone camping knows how to use it and somebody on the surface will be checking it</p>
<p> - list *everything* left both at the camp and elsewhere (eg drills, charge left in drill batteries, rope, etc left further in the cave) plus any rigging that needs fixing and, once out of the cave, share this list (eg put a photo of it on Signal)</p>
<p> - overpack food ... each of the 2024 Balkon camps took in more food than they ate leading to the camp derig including a 15kg tackle bag of food that, exhaustingly, had to be dragged back out. To help with this, a) try to give time between camps so food can be adjusted based on what is already in, b) check with camp-goers if they are taking personal food so the group food can be reduced accordingly </p>
<p> - Leave stuff you brought down to camp and didn't use that you have persuaded yourself somebody else might find handy - nobody wants to have to drag it out</p>
<p> - Daren drums for water collection (for Balkonhoehle; not needed in Fischgesicht) - 1 big, 1 small is ideal, camp First aid kit can be transported to camp in the small Daren drum then be moved to a bag; other camps may need different water collection eg a large sheet of plastic on a slope can collect small drips</p>
<p> - Daren drums for poo collection plus toilet roll, hand sanitiser and compost bags; each camping trip brings their drum out so every trip needs to take a poo drum down</p>
<p> - Tent (not essential but helps keep mud out and a bit of heat in; keep the doors tied wide open otherwise you get heavy condensation) - can sleep up to 5 people if sleep top to tail and this improves warmth!</p>
<p> - Sleeping bag for every camper - there are 3 good quality Expo underground sleeping bags and a 4th which is nearly as warm; Expo goers can also use their own pits</p>
<p> - Karrimat for every camper</p>
<p> - Camp notebook and 2 x pencils for writing lists and leaving a note of where you are going on pushing days</p>
<p> - As many large tacklesacks as you can find; leave the really big ones at camp for the derig as they are too big for anything but fluff; the derig of Balkonhoehle in 2024 needed about 11 tacklesacks</p>
<p> - Survey kits - CALIBRATED instuments, survey phone, backup survey notebook and pencils, nail varnish, powerbank and USB leads; take <b>at least 2 kits</b> if 4 people, more for redundancy</p>
<p> - Drill + tether + 2x krabs, batteries, drill bits, hammer + tether + 2x krabs, padding, dry bag - ideally this will stay down for the duration of the camp with only the batteries going up and down</p>
<p> - Spare socks and thermals so you have dry clothes to sleep in - I usually sleep in my furry suit etc and keep my caving socks in my pockets in the evening to dry them out</p>C</body></html>