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2020-02-21 16:01:18 +00:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Only put one entrance in this file -->
<!-- This file is generated by troggle using the form documented at handbook/survey/ententry.html -->
<!-- If you edit this file by hand, and manually upload it to the server using git,
make sure you update the database by doing a full data import. If you edit it using the online form
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<!-- See http://expo.survex.com/handbook/survey/caveentryfields.html for current details on filling in this form -->
<!-- there is 1 required field: slug. The entrance will not appear without that. -->
<!-- ALWAYS use &uuml; for u+Umlaut and &ouml; for o+umlaut eg H&ouml;hle for Hohle and Gl&uuml;ck for Gluck-->
2020-02-21 16:01:18 +00:00
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<b>This file is generated by troggle</b> using the form documented at
<a href="/handbook/survey/ententry.html">handbook/survey/ententry.html</a>
2020-02-21 16:01:18 +00:00
<slug>1623-186</slug> <!-- one entrance and one slug per entrance_data file -->
2020-02-21 16:01:18 +00:00
<location_description>Near <span lang="de-at">Schwarzmooskogel</span> just before top camp, 50m higher than path and on opposite hillside, where path by <span lang="de-at">Br&auml;uning Nase</span> meets fault running up the mountain.</p><p>1994 log shows location (note that the arrow labelled &quot;approx north&quot; is <strong>very</strong> approx, as it is actually roughly east):</p><p><a href="/years/1994/185map.png"><img src="/years/1994/185-2.png" alt="Sketch map (5k PNG)" width="563" height="124" /></a></p><p>Following the route depicted, if you reach a sandy depression, you have gone too far.</location_description>
2020-02-21 16:01:18 +00:00
<photo></p><table class="imgtable"><tr><td><a href="/1623/186/ent1.jpg"><img src="/1623/186/ent1_small.jpg" /></a></td><td><a href="/1623/186/ent2.jpg"><img src="/1623/186/ent2_small.jpg" /></a></td></tr><tr class="caption"><td>Lower entrance</td><td>Upper entrance</td></tr><tr><td><a href="/1623/186/view2.jpg"><img src="/1623/186/view2_small.jpg" /></a></td><td><a href="/1623/186/kratzerview.jpg"><img src="/1623/186/kratzerview_small.jpg" /></td></tr><tr class="caption"><td>Approach route</td><td>View of lower Kratzer valley<br />and Br&auml;uning Alm area</td></tr></table><p>Photos &copy; Olly Betts 2006
<p>Missing images: <br>l/186approach.html <br>i/186approach.jpg</photo>
2020-02-21 16:01:18 +00:00
<!-- marking options: P = Paint,
P? = Paint (?),
T = Tag,
T? = Tag (?),
R = Retagged,
S = Spit,
S? = Spit (?),
U = Unmarked,
? = Unknown" -->
<marking_comment>This was numbered 185 at the entrance, but this was fixed in 1997, and a metal tag "CUCC 186" bolted on.</marking_comment>
2020-02-21 16:01:18 +00:00
<!-- findability options: ? = To be confirmed ...,
S = Surveyed,
L = Lost,
R = Refindable" -->
2020-02-21 16:01:18 +00:00
2020-02-21 16:01:18 +00:00
<bearings>(1994 bearings <span lang="de-at">Br&auml;uning Zinken</span> 284.5&deg;, <span lang="de-at">Loser</span> 235&deg;)</bearings> <!-- this is now read-only and not editable on the forms-->
2020-02-21 16:01:18 +00:00