[Many logbook entries this year were made in the other blogs, one has been edited in here. The other
<ahref="https://ukcaving.com/board/index.php?threads/cucc-austria-expedition-2019-blog.25249/">2019 UK caving blog</a> will be copied here in due course (we hope: it is December 2022..)]
<divclass="triptitle">pre-expo - 2019 CUCC Austria Expedition - rope sponsorship entry</div>
[Posted before Expo on the UK Caving Rope Sponsirship blog]
CUCC's Austria expedition has been running for over 40 years, discovering and exploring new cave on the Loser plateau in the Totes Gebirge region of central Austria. The main cave system explored here, the Schwarzmooskogel (SMK) system is now over 150km long, over 1000m deep, and still going strong! The expedition aims both to document as much new cave as possible whilst introducing expo newbies to alpine expedition caving safely, providing them with the necessary skills of bolting, surveying etc.
<p>With numbers slightly less this year, the expedition will only run for 4 weeks (compared to the normal 6 weeks) from the beginning of July, with cavers venturing to Austria from clubs including CUCC, UBSS, ULSA, SUSS, RUCC and more.
<h3>Last Year
In 2018, further progress was made in Balkonhoele with around 5.2km of new cave was discovered, including 2 new connections with the adjacent Tunnockschacht (Tunnocks). Leads were pushed deep in Tunnocks, where Camp Kraken was reestablished at ~700 m depth.
<br><figcaption>Anthony Day - key innovator of the Camp Kraken stooling <br/>facilities. Personalised toilet roll had moral boosting <br/>effects - click to enlarge. See <ahref="https://www.instagram.com/p/BmKv_GHgYeg/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link">instagram</a>
<p>The recent 2017 discovery of Fischgesicht (Fish Face) Hoehle continued to be pushed, with some particularly nice phreatic passage discovered that could potentially connect the cave into the SMK system. 2018 also saw the discovery of a new cave, Heimkommen (homecoming) Hoehle, whose name is a reminder of the time football 'almost' came home. Over the course of the expo, 1.6km of passage had been discovered here, with promising and drafting leads left for this year.
<p>More detailed reports of last years discoveries can be found on last year's ukcaving rope entry thread (<ahref="https://ukcaving.com/board/index.php?topic=23424.0">ukcaving.com/board/index.php?topic=23424.0</a>) and eventually on <ahref="http://expo.survex.com">the expedition website</a>.
<h3>This Year
<p>This year's aims are to continue pushing leads from Balkonhoehle, Fischgesicht and Heimkommen left in 2018 (shown).
<p>Balkonhoehle provides ample opportunity for expo freshers and veterans alike to explore large amounts of passage every year - although it has got a bit harder than wandering down massive passage now. Since its re-discovery and the beginning of exploration in 2014, the cave has provided numerous promising leads, and large amounts of passage have been discovered year on year. Promising 'A' leads remain unexplored, and despite the fewer numbers and smaller expo length this year, Balkonheohle will undoubtedly provide a wealth of exciting new passage.
<p>The phreatic passage discovered in Fischgesicht last year, and trending NE towards the main SMK system, provides another key aim for this year's expo: to continue pushing these leads to discover a connection.
</p><p>Exciting leads remain in Heimkommen and will continue to be pushed by this year's contingent of cavers.
</p><p>The ultimate long-term goal of the expedition is to connect the SMK system with the neighbouring Schoenberg system, resulting in a cave of epic proportions. To achieve this, prospecting for new cave entrances will continue, with focus on discovering new cave to the north of the Loser Plateau, attempting to bridge of the gap between the 2 systems.
<p>A big thanks to all businesses who've sponsored the expedition (both past and present) and a further thanks is due to the Wilpernig family of Gasthof Staud'nwirt who allow a hoard of dirty English cavers to descend on their beautiful campsite every year!
<p>We'll keep people updated with this year's news on this thread [UK Caving blog:
<ahref="https://ukcaving.com/board/index.php?threads/cucc-austria-expedition-2019-blog.25249/">the other one</a>]. Also check out our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter:<br/>
We walked from the car park (kind lift from Phil) via top camp intending to reflect the route from Fish Face to top camp and dump our kit near the entrance.
Setting off bright and early from the stone bridge (11:00), we took tagging and surface bashing kit to Fishgesicht with a firm belief that we would find a second access ot the snowed-in cave.
<p>Whilst Reuben charitably carried some gear to Homecoming (needlessly as they'd taken one of our ropes), me and Corin GPS tagged some likely entrances about the area. We should have written some more information to know which would need rope to access.
<p>Upon Reuben's return we tagged the cave dropped the previous day (tag: CUCC-2019; RH-01) and drew a survey of the little shaft.
<p>Regretting not bringing more lunch, we set off to visit the ~8 sites previously identified - we looked at 3.
<p>The first didn't go beyond the initial horizontal and was not tagged. The second became 'Reuben's Folly' (tag: CUCC-2019; RH-02): Reuben first climbed down a tricky entrance vertical with Corin following close behind, to discovered ~50m of descent passage. After being rescued from an overally ambicious climb, the surface was regained and the directly adjacent shafts investigated. Upon dropping the 3rd shaft, which broke into passage, Reuben commented on the remarkable similarity this 'parrallel rift' bore to the original! Corin, upon following Reuben down, immediately made a climb up to the surface: to emerge laughing from the orignal climb. In hindsight, the similarity seemed more than similar. Corin and I were tickled, Reuben was not.
<p>In dilligent submission, Reuben 'happily' dropped into the small, very orginal (sp?) hole (tag: CUCC-2019; MH-01). Here he was encouraged to diligently survey said cave and not allowed out until properly high-standard surveys were produced.
<p>Encouraged by our day, we left out kit near by to return the next day. Much was learnt by all.
Also on Tuesday (09/07/2019), a new route was devised and cairned directly from Heimkommen Hoehle to the tourist path on the col. The idea being that
Homecoming could be close enough to push from Base Camp rather than Steinbrueken. This came with the discovery that Fischgesicht Hoehle's entrance was under
two to three metres of snow:
On Wednesday (10/07/2019), Expo split into three groups. The majority went to Steinbrueken to commence the final push towards habitability while some went to
investigate Balkonhoehle. Three of us (Dickon Morris, Daniel Heins, and myself) went to Heimkommen to rig to the pushing front (the decision to concentrate on
Heimkommen and Balkon having been made for us by the plateau).
Call from Harry's phone at 15:10pm saying Harry and Reuben went to top camp to then go to homecoming while Dickon went straight from car park to Homecoming. Harry and Reuben at Homecoming and can not see sign of Dickon or his stuff – plan was to meet Dickon at entrance or just inside Homecoming.
<p> Harry and Reuben cold and wet, inferred they called from Homecoming Dickon's location was known
<li>Nat, Dan and Becka heading to Plateau initially likely going via carpark to homecoming
<li>Sarah heading to car park and staying there
<li>Michael S., Michael H., Michael W. B., Corin and Phil at base camp
<li>Tom, Rhairidh, Paul and Sam at spa
<p>15:53 - Phil Sargent trying to ring Reuben and Harry every couple of mins. Rang Tom and Rhairidh to inform them and get them back. (Fleur, Pete and Aileen on a drive to see the area)
<p>16:07 - Pete, Fleur, Aileen back, Phil sent Sam text by Phil
<p>17:02 - Becka calls base. During Becka's call a text from Dickon also came in saying “I'm Ok”. Becka, Dan and Nat now continuing along track to homecoming to intercept Harry and Reuben on that path. Say less than 10m visibility.
<p>17:15 - Michael set off to drive to car park to collect other cavers
<p>17:26 - Becka called base. She has everyone Dickon, Harry, Reuben, Nat and Dan. They are half an hour approx. from car park. Request to call Sarah.
<p>17:29 - base calls Sarah to inform her that Dickon and Phil a way back and Michal S on his way, but now not needed
<p>17:48 - Michael S rings from carpark and is updated on above progress of rescue party
As Crossley stated, he, Dickon, and I rigged to the pushing front of Heimkommen on July 10th.
caption: Dickon rigging the entrance series
On a second trip (July 12th), Andrew, Crossley, and I went down to investigate the leads and improve the rigging. The air blows strong, and many bolt holes were drilled, though a miscommunication left the actual bolts behind, to be placed another day.
caption: Crossley concentrating intensely on drilling holes, dust blowing away by the power of the drafting cave.
The way onward continues along this long rift, to a section of beautifully decorated passage, and onward to another long (and slippery rift) in need of more rigging. The air blows strong, and a large chasm calls for dropping.
Andrew looking at a wonderfully decorated section of passage.
Weather has been a bit rough thusfar, but we are heading back up to top camp this evening (July 14th) and hoping for a return to good weather to push a number of exciting leads in Homecoming (along with a fair bit of rigging to add and tidy).
Dickon and Crossley returning to the col from Homecoming
Dickon and I went down Homecoming to the start of the Second Coming (after the airy Gromit pitch) and did a 2 bolt climb into a small lead that turned out to be a bit of phreatic passage heading generally east. ~200m of survey (including a short 15m pitch and a bit of clambering about) has resulted in a new area of the cave (dubbed 'Propane Nightmares') breaking away from the main passages. Most of this section was straightforward and linear, though an area centered around a surprise sump has a maze of cutarounds. Onward we have left one notable lead in one passage climbing upward, and another pair of leads at the end of another leg, with a good lead continuing on top at phreatic passage, and another lead dropping down a rift.
Crossley, Sarah, Michael, Harry, and I went down to Propane Nightmares to rig some climbs/a more user friendly cut around to the leads. Crossley did some further rigging on the entrance series as well. I showed the others the leads Dickon and I had found to spread the knowledge for future pushing trips. Cold temperatures and misplaced nail varnish limited surveying to one of the cutarounds.
Aidan? sprained ankle on walk he returned to top camp with crossley. Everyone else went down to pucking?? ?? crossley rerigged a pitch to avoid rubbing, then
went to pushing front. Dan, Sarah rigged a pitch at pushing front. Harry and Crossley surveryed small passage. All returned together to surface.
Back down the hill to basecamp. Jon has arrived suddenly to Expo, and discussing his efforts last year at Homecoming with Dickon and myself has only increased our confusion about the large drafty leads deep in the Second Coming. Another trip shall resolve this.
My phone is bricked, so unfortunately I have no more photos to contribute.
<p><i>« Last Edit: July 18, 2019, 03:45:00 pm by DanH » </i>
Cairned path still pretty good to the right area where we retired? We didn’t have a GPS fix fan? The actual bivy sito?. After finding organhochle we stomped around for a while tring to find the bivy and it was all looking life a wasted trip, argh?, until Nat found the email from Claire listing what was in the camp and that it was in the start of organhöhle. We got it all loaded up and headed back to top camp then down the hill for dinner. So the organhockle bivy stuff has now all been rescued.
I went into Homecoming with Jon, who on a whim returned to the expedition, to sort out some confusion at the far pushing front where Andrew and I had gone. As it turns out, he and Haydon had in fact pushed, surveyed, and rigged the 'long slippery rift in need of rigging' I had mentioned, but at ceiling level rather than where Andrew and I had gone. Misunderstandings had led us to believe that this traverse was left in place when it was in fact de-rigged last expo, and so Jon and I set out rigging the traverse on the existing bolts. We had just enough rope and I was able to stretch the hangars/maillons just enough to reach the end of the traverse, where another pitch down will access this pushing front. This whole area was named the Lizard King, and we eagerly await the data from last year to better illuminate this front.
At the same time, Dickon went down Homecoming with Reuben and Aileen to push Propane Nightmares. They went on the upper level phreatic lead, which continued horizontally and then dropped into downward pitches of phreatic passage, in need of more rope to continue pushing.
Dickon went down Homecoming with Reuben and Aileen to push Propane Nightmares. They went on the upper level phreatic lead, which continued horizontally and then dropped into downward pitches of phreatic passage, in need of more rope to continue pushing. [Dan]
From room with a view (entrance pitch) turned right, right left to get to pitput. 50m (27ap??) pitch. (A lead) at end of pitpot. (1623. 264 pitpot) was very wet with it looking like a heavy rain by the light of Ruairidhs scurion. This was deamed to be to ?? over 40m by Ruairidh judgment and also unsafe to drop owing to being wet. Traversed back to pitch 25a p20 and dropped it but I immeditly found a survey station, so not a going lead. Paul went back up, wth Ruairidh free climbing a series of steps that appear to be 26a P25 , Which is not a lead as - [Some black crayon like illegible sprawl] – Went back to 50 pitch and again decided not to drop it. Down 25a p25 again and followed the slope down to a cir?? 10m pitch in what appear to amalgamation. This rubbed Significantly and so paul had to hold a tacklesack for Ruairidh. Ruairidh initially descended straight down this pitch to a pit which had a survey station at the bottom then ascended and pushed on top a ledge on the other side of the pitch Paul followed. After concluding that this was all already surveyed Ruiriadh exited followed by Paul. After derigging c? Bolt it the bottom of the pitch. Paul ???? c Pedulum swung into the wall behind? The mail hand of the pitch, Winded but seemingly not broken. Exited with Ruairidh carrying both tackle sacks. Ruairidh had to cut the sling on one tackle sack after it got stuck very to Balkan entrance at the top of the pitch trapping him. The entrance to pitpot is *very* muddy. So wellies and rope were caked in mud.
<p>It appears the 25a p20 has a survey log and so should be removed as a lead. 26a p25 is actually a series of free climable ledge with no survey log, but is not really a lead either.
As I had not done any prospecting this expo and Jon wanted to feel warmth again, we decided to head west to prospect on the plateau beyond Homecoming. Much
bunder bashing and karst scrambling was done, and many chocked holes and snow plugs were clambered down into. Amongst all of this though, we found two quite
promising prospects in need of dropping. Jon has photos and a more clear understanding of location (as he logged them on the GPS), but as he is still up the
The Banana Hole is a deep pit in a large expanse of sloping limestone pavement up a hill. The bottom is beyond what can be seen with a caving light in day
time, but dropping rocks gives roughly 4 seconds of free fall, before ricocheting further down and unknown amount.
The Boop-Boo-Da-Boop-Da-Boop [exact spelling pending confirmation] complex is an area of multiple very large holes surrounding a small flat expanse of karst,
half surrounded by cliffs. Two of the entrances are extremely appealing, with one a few meters wide and unknown depth (again, the rocks take long to go down, a
disto would've been helpful), and another similarly wide and quite deep and clearly going diagonally into the hillside, reducing likelihood of being choked.
Both of these leads really require photos to better explain (and someone with more awareness to convey their geography) but represent very exciting prospects
A brief foray into Happy Butterfly found a Y-hang with a dangling hangar, and we could not locate the hilti to screw it back into, and so we turned back around
Lipstick Dipstick's first rope. A steep upward ramp leads to a climb over some dodgy perched boulders, and into a chamber with cross rifts. Left is a 10-12m
We adopted the tactic of Rad climbing up a short distance, attached to one end of a rope. Then we would pass the bags up one by one on the rope before Rad made
an anchor for me to prussick up too. We repeated this twice before Rad decided that he would like a bolt in for the next bit of the climb.
So up went the rigging equipment, bit by bit. Only when Rad shouted down "Crossley, do we usually have to hammer the Hiltis in?" did I suspect we might have
made a mistake... As it turned out, we were now 15m off the ground with an 8mm drill bit and 10mm HKDs. Oops.
We decided to call it a day from there - but on our return to the ground thought it might be entertaining to try to fit through a constriction in the right
hand wall. I went first, pendulumming around to the squeeze and wriggling through. It went! We had emerged into another aven, larger than the last. On the left
hand side was a sloping wall with lots of holds that must surely lead up to above the drippy pitch we had previously been ascending. We brought the rope
through the squeeze, leaving one end tied to the anchor that we had just been abseiling off, and Rad began to climb again.
This time, we had no bags with us so the going was easier. We regrouped on a shelf just above yet another big hole in the floor and from there, Rad traversed
along and up until he came to a boulder choke. Through the boulder choke, he set up an anchor and belayed me up the climb (my climbing ability and confidence
being much less than his). The chamber we were in showed no signs of crapping out - indeed it only got bigger as you went up.
Finally, we were both through the boulder choke and directly above our initial aven. We had a brief poke around at the leads: phreatic continuations in both
directions, holes in the floor of the meander, and two intersecting streamways. We decided to call the chamber and general area "\" in an attempt to upset the
sensibilities of our surveying software (it did, a little too much. We had to rename it "the_backslash" to avoid melting the system).
Now for the last challenge: to retrieve and sensibly rig the rope. Rad rigged the rope off some handy naturals and I abseiled down it until I was level with
our original anchor. From there, I undid the anchor and swung over to the squeeze to pull the rope though that. Once the dead end of the rope was in the big
chamber, Rad pulled it up through the boulder choke and to the top of the pitch, where he re-did his natural rigging and abseiled down to level with me, tied a
rebelay, and went down to the ground. I grabbed the bags from where we had left them tied to a handy spike and abseiled down to join him.
The next day, we returned to the lead (with a 10mm drill bit) and I set to work rerigging the pitch to avoid the worst of the rope rub and spare the rope being
tied directly around any rocks (opting for slings instead).
After warming Rad back up with some noodles, we started to survey our way up the pitch. We tandem-prussicked, with Rad on Book and Instruments and me as the
Dog - handing precariously on my sky hooks to paint survey stations on handy rock points.
Once at the top, we took some splays of the chamber and decided to follow one of the streamways up. This involved yet more of Rad lead climbing and then
anchoring me up. At last, we came to a section to steep and drippy for Radost to comfortably climb and we resorted to bolt climbing, discovering (as have many
before us) that setting Hiltis one handed while standing in a sling through a sky hook is no mean feat.
After two bolts, we made it over the lip of the climb and into yet another aven. The streamway showed no signs of constricting as it went up but we were both
ratther cold, damp, and tired. We decided there to head out and back to camp.
And that was the end of my Expo this year, I hope to come back to this lead in 2020, and hopefully to push it to the top (and ideally to a new entrance to
1623/264-Balkonhoehle). I'm afraid I didn't have a camera with me on these pushing trips else I would have posted some pictures. Instead, here are some that