<p><spanstyle="color:red">[This page currently being restructured and edited to make it more appropriate to the task. Many fragments have been moved here but not yet properly edited together. Also there are no links to other pages which will be needed.]
<h2><aid="manual">Expo data maintenance manual</a></h2>
<li><ahref="newyear.html">Manual: Creating a new 'year' in the system</a></li>
<li><ahref="">Manual: Expo survey data maintenance manual</a></li>
<li><ahref="manual.html#update">Manual: Updating the cave guidebook descriptions</a></li>
<h2><aid="update">Updating the online systems - overview</a></h2>
<h3id="troggle">Troggle - what it is</a></h3>
<p>Troggle runs the expo cave survey data management, presents the data on the website and manages the Expo Handbook. See the <ahref="../troggle/trogintro.html">troggle intro</a>.
<h3id="git">Version control system</a></h3>
<p>We use a distributed revision control system (<ahref="https://git-scm.com/about/distributed">git</a>, and formerly mercurial) for all the important data. (Note that we just use git: not GitHub, not GitLab, just <ahref="https://git-scm.com/about/distributed">git</a>.)
This means that many people can edit and merge their changes with the expo
<h3><aid="usernamepassword">Getting a username, password and key</a></h3>
<p>You don't need a password to view most things, but you will need one to change them.</p>
<p>Use these credentials for access to the troggle site. The user is 'expo',
with a cavey:beery password. Ask someone if this isn't enough clue for you.
<b>This password is important for security</b>. The whole site <strong>will</strong> get hacked by spammers or worse if you are not careful with it. Use a secure method for passing it on to others that need to know (i.e not unencrypted email), don't publish it anywhere, don't check it in to the data management system by accident. A lot of people use it and changing it is a pain for everyone so do take a bit of care.
<p>This password is all you need to log in to troggle and to use the troggle control panel (very few people need to do this). But if you want to update webpages (a much more common requirement) or to edit the software itself (very rare), then
you will also need to get a login (register a key with the server). See <ahref="keyexchange.html">key-pair setup</a> for details.
<p>Pushing cave data to the :loser: and :drawings: repositories also needs a key. So cavers entering their cave survey data have to use a machine on which this already set up. These machines are
<li><ahref="/repositories/home/expo/loser/graph/">loser</a> - the survex cave survey data (hg)</li>
<li><ahref="/cgit/drawings/.git/log">drawings</a> - the tunnel and therion cave data and drawings (git)</li>
<li><ahref="/repositories/home/expo/expoweb/graph">expoweb</a> - the website pages, handbook, generation scripts (hg)</li>
<li><ahref="/cgit/troggle/.git/log">troggle</a> - the database/software part of the survey data management system - see <ahref="../troggle/trogintro.html">notes on troggle</a> for further explanation (git)</li>
are named <area>-<cavenumber>.html (where area is 1623 or 1626).
Read the survey handbook section on <ahref="../survey/caveentry.html">creating a new cave</a> in the system for instructions on how to name caves and the files you use to recoird them.
<p>Cave names do not have leading zeros
They are stored by number/ID in the dataset, not by name.
<p>Caves with a provisional number consisting of a year and a serial number
should be hyphenated, thus 2002-04 not 2002_04 or any of the various other
caves</tt> in /expofiles/troggle/ to update the site/database after
editing these files.
Use <tt>python databaseReset.py
</tt> on its own to get a list of command options and brief explanations.</p>
<p>Clicking on 'New cave' (at the bottom of the cave index) lets you enter a new cave. <ahref="caveentry.html">Info on how to enter new caves has been split into its own page</a>.</p>
<p>(If you remember something about CAVETAB2.CSV for editing caves, that was
superseded in 2012).</p>
<p>This may be a useful reminder of what is in a survex file <ahref="../survey/how_to_make_a_survex_file.pdf">how to create a survex file</a>.
<h3><aid="updatingyears">Updating expo year pages</a></h3>
<p>Each year's expo is recorded in the folder</p>
<p>which contains a number of files used to manage and record that year's expo. Have a look at
expoweb/years/2018/ for a recent well-documented expo (the weather was good).
Files are added and edited using the version control system for the expoweb repository.</p>
<p>To create a new 'year' for next year's expo see <ahref="newyear.html">adding a new year</a>.
<h3><aid="surveystatus">Maintaining the survey status table</a></h3>
<p>See the <ahref="../survey/onlinewallet.html">documentation</a> on updating the online surveyscans folders using the lever-arch file of plastic wallets.
<h3><aid="menu">Cave pages and handbook menu design</a></h3>
<p>See the <ahref="menudesign.html">menu design history and proposals</a>
page on where we are and what we might do to improveand fix menus.