<non_public>True</non_public><!-- 'False' or 'True'. True if the cave should only be visible to logged-in users. Caves are normally public, so enter 'False' unless you know otherwise. -->
<official_name>Großes Loserloch</official_name><!-- Name of the cave (normally in German) Use ü for u+Umlaut and ö for o+umlaut eg Höhle for Hohle and Glück for Gluck-->
code used in the Austrian kataster e.g '1/S +' - https://expo/.survex.com/katast.htm
T Trockenhöhlen (Dry caves)
W Wasserhöhlen (Caves with water)
(W) Zeitweilig aktiv Wasserhöhlen (Caves with seasonal water)
E Eishohlen (Caves with ice formations)
S Schachthöhlen (Caves with pitches)
H Halbhöhlen (Rock shelters ?)
- unerforscht (unexplored)
= befahren (visited)
× teilweise vermessen (partly surveyed)
+ erforscht (exploration considered complete)
<kataster_number>8</kataster_number><!-- (Either this or unofficial_number is required). Official number in Austrian kataster if one has been allocated -->
<unofficial_number></unofficial_number><!-- (This is any name. Either this or kataster_number is required). Initial temporary cave ID used until kataster number is allocated e.g. '2012-DD-01'-->
<entranceslug>1623-8</entranceslug><!-- Internal ID to refer to each entrance instance in the entrance files (typically the same as that filename (e.g. 1623-161c). Matches the 'slug' field in the entrance file -->
<letter></letter><!--Leave blank for single-entrance cave. If there is more than one entrace then the letter needs to be given. Generally matches the entranceslug ID. -->
<explorers></p><ul><li>First recorded in 1774</li><li>Explored since 1931</li><li>J Völlenkle of L.V.H.Linz, 1:250, 1972</li></ul><p></explorers><!-- 'CUCC Expo' and year(s) of exploration. To distinguish from caves explored by foreign groups. Individual names can be given too if it was a small cave. -->
<survex_file></survex_file><!-- Name of top-level survey file for this cave. Relative to the 'loser' survex repository. So for most caves that's "caves-162x/cavenum/cavnum.svx". (e.g. caves-1623/204/204.svx -->
<underground_description>The round 8m wide by 10m high entrance leads into an upper level, the Hauptgang, leading north then northeast to Regenhalle, a sizeable chamber apparently formed on a significant SW-NE joint. Immediately right at the start of the chamber, a boulder slope leads up into Teilungshalle, from where a wider slope drops left back into Regenhalle about halfway along. At the highest point of Teilungshalle, a SE-going passage quickly chokes with boulders, but appears to be heading directly for the end of Kleines Loserloch, perhaps 10m away.</p><p>Keeping to the right (SW) wall entering Teilungshalle, a rift leads SW. A passage left after 5m quickly ends too tight. A traverse to the left hand side bypasses a 5m shaft in the floor. 15m beyond, another lead on the left leads up into a small chamber, Kapelle. The continuing rift, Südwest-Kluft, gets narrower for c 25m until deemed impassable.</p><p>Back in Regenhalle, a narrow section along the joint between the two ways to Teilungshalle, gives access to a lower series via a sharp turn to the right, due south. This wide passage, Südwest-gang, passes under Teilungshalle, and turns SW directly under Südwest-Kluft. A narrow rift on the left parallels the main passage for some way. The main way develops into Gr. Dom, 12m wide, with a boulder slope up until the passage chokes comprehensively on a broad front, almost exactly below the cliff outside.</p><p>At the far (NE) end of Regenhalle, stright on enters a draughting boulder choke, but two ways up to the right lead into Stufengang, with a complex of little rifts and an extension NE to a low choked area. </underground_description><!-- Underground description. (description of approach and entrance goes in entrance file). For a small cave this will be the entire description. For larger caves it will be the front page of the description, or a short intro, containing links to other pages with the cave description in, or even nothing but a link. -->
<equipment></equipment><!-- For a small cave, summary of gear needed to descend. For longer caves it could be blank, a table, or just refer to the description/topos. Leave blank if this info is in the description. -->
<references></references><!-- References to documentation. Could be Journal articles or Logbook entries. Can be links if the docs are online. -->
<survey>A4 survey in Mitt. der Sektion Ausseerland 18(4), Oct. 1980, facing p 87: a plan by J Völlenkle of L.V.H.Linz, 1:250, 1972. As printed, this looks like about a 4th generation photocopy. Also includes <ahref="9.htm">Kat. 9</a></survey><!-- Drawn-up surveys. Scans of paper surveys or images/PDFs of electronic surveys. Should include HTML to display current plan and elevation, with links to larger versions (See section on URLs and files). Could list links to multiple years of survey, or even a separate survey page if it's complicated enough. -->