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<title>CUCC Expo Rigging Handbook</title>
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<h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expo Rigging Handbook</h2>
<h1>Rigging and Bolting Handbook</h1>
<p>As the <a href="intro.html">Rigging chat</a> emphasises, it's not the same as Yorkshire !
While much of the material will be familiar to those with extensive SRT
experience in the UK, there are factors unique to
expedition work, and techniques are very rarely seen at home...</p>
<li><a href="sherry-mayo.html">SRT and how to do it</a> - Sherry Mayo's SRT Guide - with diagrams</li>
<li><a href="intro.html">Rigging chat</a> - Why expo rigging is different</li>
<li><a href="newpitch.html">New pitch chat</a> - Your first new pitch</li>
<li><a href="drillbolts.html">Power drilling and placing Raumer Hang Fix Bolts</a></li>
<li><a href="boltin.html">Hand Drilling and placing Raumer Taps / Spits</a></li>
<li><a href="../../years/1990/drill.htm">Drill Report</a> - Cambridge Underground 1991 </li>
<li><a href="exporig.html">Expo rigs chat</a> - Expo-specific tricks</li>
<li><a href="boltplace.html">Expo bolts chat</a> - More thoughts on placing bolts </li>
<li><a href="ropecare.html">Rope care</a> - leaving a cave rigged - 2019</li>
<li><a href="rope_history.html">Rope history</a> - current age of ropes</li>
<li><a href="../../documents/rope-age-agm-2019.pdf">The retirement age of caving ropes</a> - 2019 </li>
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<p>We do recommend you look at Sherry Mayo's <a
href="sherry-mayo.html">Rigging for alpine SRT
</a>. This is aimed at users in Australia, but is based on York
and Oxford (OUCC) practices in the Picos de Europa (N.Spain), which is in many
ways similar to Austria. </p>
<h3>Writing up your cave rigging guide</h3>
<p>At the same same as - or before - you draw up your survey notes for a new cave, you must sketch a rigging guide.
<p>It is essential that rigging
guides are drawn for any new rigging or rerigging each year so that we can add rigging
guides to the online cave descriptions.
<p>This write-up should be done by the person who did the rigging at the first available moment: usually this will be in the top-camp logbook.
<p>See the <a href="../survey/newrig.html">New Rigging Guide</a> part of the survey preparation process for where and when to do the initial and the final rigging guides for a new cave you have discovered.
Instructions for the first, immediate rigging guide are in the <a href="../logbooks.html">Logbook write-up</a> part of the survey handbook.
<p>It's also essential for future years to
record any gear left <span lang="la">in situ</span>, so that we can keep the <a
href="../../fixaid.htm">Fixed Aids</a> list up to date.</p>
<h3>Rope care</h3>
2021-12-02 21:42:54 +00:00
<p>Rope should be chained only when it is washed and checked. Dirty or unchecked rope may be coiled. Rope should be washed, checked and measured at the end of each expo. See the <a href="/expofiles/documents/notice_generale_cordes_courant_downloaded_22_07_16.pdf">Courant rope care notice</a>.
<p>Rope should be labeled at both ends with "CUCC", the year of first use and the rope length. Where the manufacturer specifies the maximum end of life date, this may also be specified, eg CUCC 2016-25. The maximum end of life date may be determined by cutting of a section of rope and finding the plastic strip that should contain the manufacturer and date of manufacture.
<p>The rope retirement policy is under annual review. See the above links dated 2019.
<p>In 2016, the retirement policy was:<br>
"Ropes should be retired, when they have received a fall with a factor of greater than 0.5, when there any defects detected or are older than 5 years without a maximum end of life date."</em>
which was revised in the 2019 <a href="../../documents/rope-age-agm-2019.pdf">retirement age of caving ropes</a> (2019) report.
<a href="../i/rope-damage.jpg" style="margin: 40px; text-indent:20%">
<img src="../i/rope-damage-small.jpg" /
alt="Rope damage photos"
style="outline: 1px solid blue; outline-offset: 0px">
<figcaption>Rope damage examples</figcaption>
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<p>See the <a href="../survey/newrig.html">making a rigging guide</a> - part of the new cave recording process.
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