<p>First you need to set up <ahref="../computing/keyexchange.html">keys</a> so that you can use ssh.
Until you can do that there is no point in doing anything else. This is <i>particularly difficult</i>
on Windows which requires <ahref="https://rperki.blogspot.com/2015/06/install-puttypageant-on-win-10.html">extra software to be installed and configured</a>.
Allow an afternoon at least to get this bit to work as it is poorly documented.
To get the keys set up on the server you will have to wait for an already-authenticated nerd to do it for you so this is not a quick job.
Just use the defaults for key type and key length. After you have pressed the "Generate" button and generated your key, write your own name and date in the box
labelled "Key comment" instead of the default value (which will be something like "rsa-key-20220614"), e.g. "2022-06-14 gussie finknottle"
<p>Then press the "Save private key" button and save the .ppk file somewhere safe that you can find it again, and back it up somewhere safe too.
You will need it when you configure pageant.
<p><em>pageaent</em> is installed along with PuTTy and is what you need to keep your Windows machine talking nicely to the expo server.
See <ahref="https://rperki.blogspot.com/2015/06/install-puttypageant-on-win-10.html">pagengt config</a> for how to do this.
<p><p>Online documentation is on <ahref="https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.77/htmldoc/Chapter9.html#pageant-start">putty/0.77/htmldoc/Chapter9.html</a>.
<p>On a Windows 10 machine, sometimes pageant forgets your key. It continuously runs in the background so you need to bring it into view (click on the
icon in the system tray) and "Add key" again.
<p>Now return to the <ahref="../computing/keyexchange.html">key-pair setup instructions</a> for how to configure the key you generated on the expo server.
<p>You have now made sure that your computer will be happy to log on to the server once you have the keys set up (be sure to use the Windows instructions for this, not the Linux of Windows WSL instructions).
<p>There is a recent alternative: use OpenSSH which is now part of Windows 10. See <ahref="../computing/winlaptop.html">WinLaptop config</a>. But you need to read that anyway.