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2001-08-15 20:29:27 +02:00
<center><table border=0 width=100%>
<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>55 a-q</font></th>
<th align=center lang="de"><font size=+2>Raucherkarh&ouml;hle</font></th>
<th align=right><font size=+2>4/T/S/E x</font></th></tr>
<p>More information on this cave, by those exploring it, can be found on the
<b lang="de-at">Landesverein f&uuml;r H&ouml;hlenkunde in Oberosterreich</b>
site, with text available in both
<a href="http://alpha.aec.at/cave/cave.html">English</a> and
<a href="http://alpha.aec.at/cave/index.html" lang="de-at">German</a> and
with a number of excellent photos.
<p><b>Altitude</b>:<blockquote lang="de">
55 a Durchgang Fensterhalle 1532 &amp; 1539m<br>
55 b B&auml;renh&ouml;hle 1547m<br>
55 c Neuer Eingang 1563m<br>
55 d Grundloch (&quot;Brunnen&quot;) 1544m<br>
55 e Schacht I 1570m<br>
55 f Schacht II 1547m<br>
55 g Schacht III 1560m<br>
55 h Schneegrube 1540m<br>
55 i Schacht IV (Pilzlingschacht) 1560m<br>
55 k Obere Himmelspforte 1630m<br>
55 l Untere Himmelspforte 1593m<br>
55 m Durchgang Feistor 1540m<br>
55 n Einstieg Altausseergang 1553m<br>
55 o Planer-Eish&ouml;hle 1470m<br>
55 p Humuspforte 1635m<br>
55 q Gigantenkluft 1518m</blockquote>
<p><b>Location</b>: NE of Hinterer Raucher
<p>There are seventeen entrances, of which the highest is at 1635m. This
gives the cave a vertical range of -718m, +7m, total 725m.
<p>The cave had been surveyed to 6000m long and -216m by 1965. An Austrian
National expedition in 1965 reached -530m. A sump in the
<span lang="de">Hinterland</span> at -538m was reached in 1966, when the
length was over 10.3 km. In 1970, <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;en
Rundgange</span> and <span lang="de">Ischler Esteiler</span> brought the
length up to 16.3 km. In October 1973, the <span lang="de">Dunkler
Grund</span> area led to -718m, (-723m in some sources) at which time the
length was 18km. In 1975 the system was connected to the nearby
<span lang="de">Planer-Eish&ouml;hle.</span> The length in January 1976 was
19052m and in December 1977, 20155.5m. <span lang="de">Sektion
Ausseerland</span> journal gave 23900 m in July 1980.
<span lang="fr-be">Sp&eacute;leo Flash</span> number 128 gives 16 entrances
and a length over 30km. <span lang="de">Die H&ouml;hle</span> 1986(3) gives
747m, 40km, which is about the same as LVHK <span lang="de">Steiermark</span>
Journal for 1984, which states length 40.2km, depth 746m as at the end of
1984. The World Deep/Long caves list (end 1995) from Bob Gulden of the NSS
Geo&sup2; Long and Deep caves committee gives 70km and 725m, quoting BCRA
Caves &amp; Caving number 44, p 47 as its source (Summer 89).
<p>The labyrinthine system contains several levels of development, mostly
southwards towards <a href="5.htm"><span lang="de">Nagelstegh&ouml;hle</a>
(the probable resurgence at 850m). The current deepest point (a sump) has
been reached by systematically traversing over pitches of 40 to 90m.
<p><b>Exploration</b>: Under the aegis of LVHK
<span lang="de">Ober&ouml;sterreich,</span> 1961-present,<br>
Austrian National expedition took place in 1965,<br>
Both LVHK <span lang="de">Ober&ouml;sterreich</span> and LVHK
<span lang="de">Steiermark</span> worked together in 1973.
<p><b>References :</b>
<dt>78.2012<dd><cite>(GSAB) <span lang="fr">Sp&eacute;alp</span> 1
(June 1977) pp 33-49</cite>,
<b>Totes Gebirge : <span lang="fr">Description des principaux gouffres de la
zone ouest du massif</span></b>,
<span lang="fr">Jean Claude Hans &amp; Etienne Degrave</span><br>
<a href="../../others/gsab/en/782012.htm#55">English Translation</a><br>
<a href="../../others/gsab/fr/782012.htm#55" lang="fr">En Fran&ccedil;ais</a>
The above description is translated mainly from reference 78.2012 by Andy
Waddington and Jill Gates, with additional info on dates/lengths as cited.
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